More reading tips




Every webpage of this site
is shown on (i.e. is directly accessible from)
the Home page.


Pale pastel background is the site proper.


Dark green backgrounds are better sites than this one.

Other dark colour backgrounds are about the site proper.

White backgrounds are printable leaflets.


If you want to speed-read the site proper
perhaps don’t bother watching all the YouTube videos.


But, when reading A better site than this one,
it’s all about the YouTubes.




Reading the pastel colour background pages
could strain your eyes
(like white Wikipedia pages).

So you may want to turn
the brightness & contrast down
to match the brightness & contrast
of whatever’s behind & around your display.


I designed this site to be read on a large screen PC
rather than on a smartphone or laptop.


I did this because this site contains:
        Some long sequences of logic.
        Some long lists of points.
        Some concepts that are spread out
        over several webpages.


        And these are best viewed
        in several, large, browser windows







In this site, to aid comprehension,
each new concept is built on previous concepts:


        Hence, so that you don’t lose track,
        this site’s webpages are best read 
        in the order they’re presented.


        Likewise, if you use links that go to other sites,
        or to other parts of this site,
        try to keep those visits brief
        so that you don’t lose track.


Some parts of this site are mere common knowledge.
But they are there because:


    o   I’ve tried to make this site
        as comprehensive as I can
        which sometimes means
        including what’s commonly known.


    o   Sometimes a piece of common knowledge
        is a step
        in a long train of thought.


Some of my statements have no explanation.


But, hopefully, like me, you’ll think:
        “That statement doesn’t need an explanation,
          it’s obvious.”


The content of this site varies from the abstract
to the simple & straightforward.

So, for the sake of communication,
I vary the grammatical style.




Two common tips for reading the Bible are:

        Who exactly is being addressed?
        You?  Gentiles?  Jews?  Jews & gentiles?
        What is the context of the verse(s)?
        Does the context affect the meaning?

To these two tips I add:

        Is Jesus speaking to a crowd?
        If so, are they friends, or enemies,
        or a mixture of both?
        Is the composition of the crowd
        changing as Jesus is speaking?

        The Bible text rarely tells you such things.
        But that doesn’t stop you from having a go
        at inferring it.

        Most Christians assume that those who
        cried “Hosanna” when Jesus entered
        were the same people who later cried “Crucify”.
        But that’s an assumption, and, in the light of
        today’s world of protests and counter-protests,
        an improbable one.

Perhaps also see the earlier cell:

One helpful feature of the King James Bible.,,,







On a dark colour background
(e.g. this webpage you’re reading):


        white  . . . . . normal,


        pale green . . to be repeated later,


        pale blue . . . repeated from earlier.


On a pastel blue or yellow background:


            black . . . . . . normal


            dull green . . to be repeated later,


            blue . . . . . . . repeated from earlier,


            brown . . . . . inspired by,
                                 or literally is (though not word for word),
                                 Andrew Wommack’s material.


                                 (Where brown text is repeated
                                 I colour only the first word or few letters
                                 in dull green or blue.)







Link colours:


        red/pink: these are internal links,
                       they go elsewhere in this site


        dark/pale blue: these are external links,
                               they go to other sites.


If you ever want the links that you’ve used
to revert back to their original colours
then delete your (recent) internet history.



I made links at the very bottom of each webpage,
(links that open the next webpage)
open in the same tab.


But most other internal links
open up:
        in the same window
        but in a new tab:

        In which case, if you:
                 narrow the window,
                 move it to the left,
                 drag the right tab off of the window
                 making it two windows,
                 the left window could be the ‘main read’
                 and the right window would continue to show
                 the targets of the links in the ‘main read’.

                 It’s as if the two browser windows remember
                 that they were once joined together.


You may also find it useful
to open up a third browser window
        (but use the desktop icon,
        not the icon at the bottom of your display),
and, in it,
Google your way to a page in this site
(say, the
Site map)
and leave that open, all of the time, for reference.

This third window won’t be linked, in any way,
to the other two windows.




        Hold  Alt
  key (with left thumb)
        and tap the 
Tab key,  (with left middle-finger).


        This toggles through the windows
        while leaving your right hand free for the mouse.


ou can copy & paste web addresses
        from one browser window to another:


            Highlight web address you want to copy.


            Hold  Ctrl key   and tap C               (copy).
            Click mouse in the address bar
            of the other browser.
            Hold  Ctrl key   and tap 
V                   (paste).

            Or you can use both buttons of the mouse.


            Once you’ve pasted it into the other address bar
            press the  Enter key.




To scroll slowly . . . . .  Press ‘up arrow key’
                                 or ‘down arrow key’.
                                 Or click on the buttons
                                 at either end of the scroll bar.



To scroll quickly . . . . . Press the  Page Up key
Page Down key.


                                 Or click on the pale grey part
                                 of scroll-bar, above or below
                                 the slider.



To go to top/bottom . . Hold left  Ctrl key (left little finger).

                                 Then tap
Home key, or  End key,
                                 (with right middle finger).




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