Christian healing leaflet

From  by David Porter, © 2025

Jesus suffering & dying, in our place, was God’s way of putting all of us right with himself:
of forgiving all of us, for all our wrongs against him, past present and future.
               Whatever you are guilty of before people
               you are no longer guilty of before God.
               We each have two accounts: one with God, one with the world.
               Jesus has forever cleared all our debts to God.
               Only your earthly account remains.

If your heart: believes, and renews your mind accordingly
               (every room of your mind, every area of your life,
               so that you become entirely good, like Jesus)
then, not only your heart, but also your whole mind, is a home for God’s Holy Spirit.

God’s Holy Spirit is God’s Power, God’s muscle, how he himself does things.
So, when you say to a pain or illness “In Jesus’ name, pain get out, back be healed, etc”,
it’s not only you saying it; it’s God’s Holy Spirit, in you, saying it as well.
So the pain gets out, the back gets healed.

(Jesus also made his Father your Father too.  Hence you can ask him for things.
But asking the Father for healing is not really the way the Bible teaches it.)

If your demon gives you your illness back (though probably just the symptoms)
reject it, immediately.  Re-command the healing.  Do nothing – and he’ll put it all back.
(N..B. Even Jesus had a demon following him around.   Matt c4 v1-11   Luke c4 v13.)

God loved everyone through Jesus, forgave everyone through Jesus.
You renewing your mind will make you that way too.  Matt c5 v38-48   Luke c6 v27-36.

But realise that God has given, to those who legally harm you,
the right to exist, and therefore the freedom to harm you.

But also realise that God has given no such rights & freedoms to: sickness, injury,
premature death, poverty, even demons.  (Anything bad that’s not another human.)

And, if your heart believes, and has renewed your mind,
realise that God’s powerful Holy Spirit lives in you
and that Jesus has told us what to do:
               Matt c10 v8:
               Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils:
               freely ye have received, freely give
.   KJV