God’s origin



My proof (previous webpage):
            that it is infinitely improbable
            for a random selection of Possible I.F.s
            to form a complex
also means:
      that it is infinitely improbable
            for a random selection of Possible I.F.s
            to form a complex



            So, it is infinitely probable that God began
            as a single, randomly moved, I.F.  
            called: will move even more Possible I.F.s into existence
or: the Creator.



We see, from the universe,
that God is not only creative
but also constructive:
            he not only brings materials into existence
            he is also constructive with those materials.

            So God must have built himself up, evolved:
decreasingly randomly, increasingly deliberately,
            choosing indivisible factors.




God knew that he was about to make structures 
that would not become entirely constructive
like himself.
In those days God was entirely constructive.
These days he is destructive as well as constructive.

            So he made an inanimate environment, around himself,
            called Heaven (I also call it the First Dimension).

            Then, in Heaven, he made angels.



            Then God made the Second Dimension.

            Then, inside the Second Dimension,
            God made the material universe.

            Then, out of parts of the material universe,
            God made us.





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Making the universe.