The two realms.




If we see into the spiritual realm:
            it’s not with our normal eyes,
            it’s with the eyes of faith, the eyes of the heart.
            2 Cor c4 v18    (2 Cor c5 v7):
      while we look not at the things which are seen,
            but at the things which are not seen:
                  for the things which are seen are temporal;
            but the things which are not seen are eternal.   KJV


Few people see into the spiritual realm.

Of those few:

            Most see only up to the edge of our Second Dimension.

                       2 Kings c6 v17:
                        And Elisha prayed, and said,
                             LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see.
                       And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man;
                       and he saw:
                             and, behold, the mountain was full of horses
                             and chariots of fire round about Elisha.

            Some see beyond the edge of our Second Dimension,
            see into the First Dimension.

Acts c7 v54-60:
                       Stephen saw into Heaven,
                       saw God the Father and God the Son
.   my abbn





The carnal realm is:
            this material universe
            and the space in & around it.

We see into the carnal realm
with our temporary material eyes
that form a part of it.



In Paul’s epistles, in the KJV Bible,
the word carnal means:
Of the five senses of the body.

However, the body is a tool of the soul.
And many a soul has immoral aspects.
Perhaps see later section: FLESH IS PART OF YOUR SOUL.

            Hence the word carnal has come to mean:
                        usually: sexually immoral.




Throughout this site I use this
old-fashioned, KJV, meaning
of the word carnal:
Of the five senses of the body.





I reckon the real Adam(s) & Eve(s)
were a specie of ape
that, six million years ago,
God made, along with their descendants, to be eternal.
Perhaps see later section: THIS INCLUDES ALL DESCENDANTS.

            Our eternal quality then caused
            an exponential increase
            in our applied-intelligence:

                       I.E. Caused changes in behaviour
                       and, simultaneously,
                       a corresponding rearranging & enlarging of the brain.

                       Our enlarging brain and changing behaviour
                       then gradually changed the rest of our anatomy.


You are temporary, a fleshly body, that’s all, nothing more.

However, you are eternal:

            Your material is temporary.
            But your structure is eternal.

            Hence you are in both:
            the carnal realm
            and the spiritual realm.


            On rare occasions, as part of a healing miracle,
            God will replace some of the material of your body
            with eternal material:
            material that cannot be detected by carnal eyes or devices.

,         ,         See:
,         ,         Healing Journeys: Episode: 8 —
,         ,         Massive Stroke Healed - Alan Moore.



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