Sorrow and Repentance

There are two kinds of sorrow:
            constructive sorrow
            & destructive sorrow.

Constructive sorrow
is better than destructive sorrow.
2 Cor c7 v5-11,,
            Constructive sorrow is:
o    repentance (morally turning 180 degrees),
o    fruitful,
o    self-constructive and others-constructive,
o    of Heaven.

            Destructive sorrow is:
o    regret, (emotional, but staying as you are),
o    fruitless,
o    self-destructive and others-constructive,
o    of the Earth, hence of the world.



You cannot go backwards in time.

            So there are some past wrongs
            that even constructive sorrow cannot fix.



But we all go slowly to the future:

            So constructive sorrow causes you to do
            less wrong in the future.

            As right is the opposite of wrong
            so constructive sorrow causes you to do
            more right in the future.







In the previous section I wrote that:

            there are two kinds of sorrow:
                       constructive sorrow
                       & destructive sorrow,

            and only constructive sorrow leads to repentance.


I now show that there are also
two kinds of repentance:

            Judgment repentance:
                       humbly doing good & not bad
                       us to go to Heaven

                       our actions    prompt    God.

            Forgiveness repentance:
                       gratitude for our new eternal life
                       us to humbly do good & not bad

            God’s actions    prompt    us.





For something less technical & more practical
on Forgiveness repentance,
YouTube: – Repentance, it's simple... -Dan Mohler.,,,,,


I once heard David Holden preach,
about thirty years ago, at a New Frontiers meeting,
saying that:
,,        ,,        [While the phrase repent & be baptized, Acts c2 v38,,,,
,,        ,,        has implied, to many/most Christians,
,,        ,,        that you only repent once, at the beginning of your Christian life,
,,        ,,        that in fact]
,,        ,,        there’s nothing stopping repentance being continuous.
,,        ,,        Or rather, a useful, even vital, thing to do
,,        ,,        on an as needs basis.


I don’t also include a link to Andrew Wommack’s material here
because it’s so thorough & lengthy.
Ideally, go to:
A better site than this one
and from there to Andrew’s site.



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Judgment & Forgiveness:
the contradictions