A better site than this one






If you want to learn how Christianity works
then read through
the, long list of webpages
on the home page

But, if you want to learn how to do Christianity,
then choose one or more of the dozen or so
biblical teacher-healers on this webpage
(that’s what I call them anyway).

The teacher I recommend the most is Andrew Wommack
(first on this webpage).

Andrew’s two sites, & his YouTubes & books,
teach you how to miraculously heal yourself & others.

A close second is Mark Hemans,,,
extending from: a third, to half way down, this webpage.

        I’ve also made two overflow webpages
        of my paraphrased notes of some of his preaching
        because, in my opinion,
        Mark’s more of a talker than a writer
        (like Smith Wigglesworth).

        Also, my notes are, I hope,
        a tempting morsel to watch the video.

If you are ill now, especially terminally ill,
then consider going to one of Mark Hemans’ meetings:
        He tours globally (though some countries
        are more restrictive than others).
        Or go to one of his online Zoom meetings.

        As Andrew says, the purpose of
        ministries like Mark’s, whether Zoom or live,
        is that you may be near death
        and so not have time to learn to heal yourself.

If you’re not ill, or if your healing is not urgent,
then you’d do well to learn Andrew’s teachings:

        For example, see Andrew’s all-in-one teaching:
YouTube: – Andrew Wommack
,,                 If You Need Healing You watch this video
,,                 it will help-you
. ,,,

Andrew’s my personal favourite mainly because:
        He teaches by subject.
        This led him to write articles & books by subject.

        All of which make Andrew’s teachings
        particularly compatible with this site, my work,
        and easier to learn if you just want to be healed
        or want to heal others.



I reckon that the differences between
Andrew Wommack and Mark Hemans
are as follows.

Andrew Wommack (& Dan Mohler, & other ‘Bapticostals’),
technically, have the right concept:

        Jesus, on the Cross,
        took all human sins: past present & future.
        So sins do not exist any more.
[Though our wrongs, towards each other, still exist.]

                 Perhaps see:

        Hence we believers stop doing wrong:
            Out of gratitude.
            Out of the gospel activating our hearts
            and our hearts then renewing our minds
            to be like Jesus’ mind.

Whereas Mark Hemans, & other Pentecostals,
technically, have the wrong concept:

        God made all of us right with himself,
        got rid of all our sins, past present & future,
        by his Son suffering in our place.                (True)
,,        ,,        (But do you believe it?  And do you want it?)

        Yet we can still sin (not wrong but sin),
        can still make ourselves (temporarily?)
        not right with God.                                    (False)

        Also see my notes in:
YouTube – Spiritual sight and praying for the sick. ,,, 

Andrew Wommack (& Dan Mohler, & other ‘Bapticostals’)
have a complex modus operandi:

        One should have belief:
                 faith = belief acting,
        but should not have unbelief:
                 no doubts, in the mind, 
                 due to medical knowledge etc.

Mark Hemans (& other Pentecostals)
have a simpler modus operandi:

        God always knows more than we do
        and always knows best.
        So, however knowledgeable you are,
        even in the things of God,
        simply listen to God’s Spirit and obey him.






Over the years Andrew Wommack established two sites
(Andrew’s sites work better on a PC than on a smartphone).

His first site is  Andrew Wommack Ministries (awmi).

His second site is  Andrew Wommack Ministries Europe (awme).



His first site includes:

        Teaching Articles: ,,        ,,        (all subjects: written, condensed). 

        Audio Teachings: ,,         ,,        (all subjects: audio). 

        Healing Testimonies: ,,         (some subjects: videos, very encouraging,
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        works best/only on PC or laptop).

        Event Video Archives: ,,     (some subjects: videos).

        Bible Commentaries: ,,         (mostly New Testament: written).

        All TV Archives: ,,     ,,        ,,        (all subjects: easy watching, videos).



Andrew has put many of his audio teachings
into book and e-book form:

        I particularly recommend his book:
                 A better way to pray.

        I also recommend his books:
                 Insights into faith.
                 God wants you well.
                 You’ve already got it.
                 The believer’s authority.

His, relatively brief, Teaching Articles ,,,
are a good way to see, generally,
what he’s about.

It’s also a good way to see
Audio Teachings (all free)
you might like to listen to
or which books to buy.

(I’ve probably listened to all of his audio teachings.)



Andrew teaches how to command a healing, in Jesus’ name,
so as to heal yourself and others.

You may say:
kingdom of Heaven is built on love,
        not selfishness.
        So you healing yourself is wrong.

I say:
        God’s kingdom is built on:
                 God’s love for us.
                 Not our love for each other.

                 So: you healing yourself
                 (it’s actually: God’s Spirit, in you, healing you)
                 is right.




I do not agree with absolutely everything Andrew says . .

    1) I disagree with Andrew, and many other Christians,
        on the subject of homosexuality:

                 Hear Andrew’s view on homosexuality in:
AW's Audio Teachings /
,,                           Christian Philosophy /
,,                           Homosexuality

                 Perhaps read my view on homosexuality etc
                 down to:
                 Also use the links within those nine sections.
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,
        This link does not open up a new tab.

    2) Andrew is right as to who Jesus is
        (only begotten Son of God)
        but wrong as to what Jesus is
        (he says Jesus was created).
. ,,,

        And he made a similar error
        regarding the origin of humans.

Unlike Andrew Wommack, and indeed many Christians,
        I do not think that all non-Christians go to Hell.

        I wrote the webpage:
        The two ways God sorts us:
             Judgment & Forgiveness
, , ,
        and the ten webpages after it
        to address this matter.

    4) I disagree with Andrew in:
,,             AS TO WHY JESUS GROANED
. ,,,

        Mind you, I’d have nothing to write
        if he hadn’t introduced me
        to this, rarely taught, subject.

    5) I disagree with Andrew, though only technically, in:
Why I sometimes use the word ‘Punishment’
,,            instead of ‘crucifixion’
. ,,,

        When Andrew says that our healing is in the past
        he is wrong from a technical point of view
        but right from a practical point of view.

    6) Jesus said, regarding his parable of the soils:
Matt c13 v3-8  &  v19-23,,,
Mark c4 v3-8  &  v14-20,,,
Luke c8 v4-15,,,
        that if you can’t understand this parable,
        you won’t understand any parable.  
Mark c4 v13

        Andrew concluded that Jesus must have said this
        because it is a fundamental parable.

                 See Andrew’s two, written (& audio), teachings:
It Begins with a Sure Foundation,,,
God’s Word – The Seed Of His Blessing,,,

        But I reckon that Jesus said this
        because it’s a straightforward parable
        (hence, if you can’t grasp it, you won’t progress).

    7) Andrew is subjective regarding our spirit, soul & body
        whereas I am more objective, even diagrammatic.

. . but, so strongly do I approve of
the rest of Andrew’s teaching
that I have zero passion for disagreeing with him.


Conversely, Andrew, and indeed many Christians,
may have grave misgivings about my thinking
(see the long list of links on the home page):

        o   I do not think
            that only Christians go to Heaven.
            Perhaps see point 2), previous cell.

        o   I am not only biblical.
            I am also logical, even scientific.
            Perhaps see: MY ATTITUDE TO THE BIBLE. ,,,

Whereas all the Christians on this webpage
are purely biblical.




Within dispensationalism (Wiki Dispensationalism)
is the doctrine of c
essationism (Wiki Cessationism).

Cessationism is a giant doctrine
‘supported’ by only two verses:
1 Cor c13  v8  &  v10.
N.B. These two verses
were written by Paul, not spoken by Jesus.
part 2) of: MY ATTITUDE TO THE BIBLE. ,,,

        ‘but when perfection comes’
        and ‘When I was a child’
        and ‘glass, darkly,
        don’t say that gifts of healing etc
        will cease in this life,
        but do say that they will cease
        in the next life
[because they won’t be needed].

Hence cessationism is probably due to observation:
        We don’t see miracles today
        so God must have banned himself from doing them,
which is on the same level as saying:
        We don’t see God
        so he doesn’t exist.

2 Cor c5 v1-7 see v7.

        Also see:

A complete, or even partial, belief in cessationism:
        Not only leaves people sick etc.
        It also leads to Christians who don’t heal
        accusing Christians who do heal
        of demonic work.

Matt c24  v24    (Mark c13  v22):
        For there shall arise
        false Christs, and false prophets,
        and shall shew great signs and wonders;
        insomuch that, if
it were possible,
        they shall deceive the very elect
.   KJV

        The irony is that the accusing Christians
        may well:
o   be living such a clean life,
o   have renewed their minds to be like Jesus’ mind
                 (love their enemies,
                 have forgiven all who’ve hurt them),
        that they could fully host God’s Spirit 
John c7 v38-39,,,
        and certainly do miracles 
John c14 v12-17,,,
        if only they believed what Jesus said on the matter.

I too believe the above warning, about false Christs:
        See third cell (starting
Using their own imagination)

But, I also believe Jesus
when he said that we, in his name,
can do miracles.
‘Do’ is the verb used in the KJV.  (Though see Acts c3 v12 & v16.)

        and the links within it.
,,        ,,        This link does not open up a new tab.

        See: TRICKS & MIRACLES.
        and the links within it.
,,        ,,        This link does not open up a new tab.

        See: Gospel leaflet  and  Christian healing leaflet.,,,,,


Some people ‘accuse’ Andrew of being a word of faith man.

        I.E. If you say it, with faith, & no unbelief,
        and it’s in accordance with the Bible,
        then God will do what you say.

And he is, indeed, ‘guilty’ of this (as am I).

However, Andrew (& I, & many)
also believe in:
o   God’s overall leadership.
o   His guidance – overruling any carnal thinking
        that we may still have
        or that may arise.
o   His kingship.
And that changes everything:
        Changes ‘word of faith’
        from a vice to a virtue.

Jesus told his disciples to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers,
raise the dead, cast out devils. 
Matt c10 v8,,,,,
His disciples (& later, as apostles) did as he told them
(and when they failed, asked him for correction).
        God: on top.
        Disciples / apostles / other believers: in the middle.
        Sickness / death / demons: at the bottom.
That’s the power structure.

Remove the top layer and you are indeed
as proud and conceited as Satan & demons.

Christians who do miracles need to say, more regularly,
        that it’s not their own power or holiness that did it,
        but Jesus’ name
        and faith in that name,
Acts c3 v12 & v16.

Indeed, it’s not their own power or holiness at all
but only Jesus’ name & faith in that name.

It’s only the Cross, safely locked in the past:
        that made Jesus’ Father our Father too,
        and earned us his Holy Spirit.




My material
(see the long list of links on the home page)
is stuff you can merely know, in your mind.

But knowledge, on its own, is inadequate:    

        Paul (though he was an intellectual himself
Acts c26 v24)
        wrote that we need more than intellect & knowledge:
1 Cor c8 v1    and    1 Cor c13:
            Any moral quality, without love,
            equals nothing
.   my abbreviation
,,        ,,        ,,        Charity is the old English word for love.

        Peter, too, wrote that we need more than knowledge:
            2 Pet c1 v5-8:
            Make every effort to have faith, goodness,
            knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness,
            brotherly kindness, and love.  my abbreviation

        And, finally, Paul wrote:
            1 Cor c2 v5:
            ctd your faith should not stand
                     in the wisdom of men,
                     but in the power of God.   KJV

As for the activity of thinking:

        It usually takes too long, and is unnecessary,
        for you to compute a situation to know what to do.
        It’s quicker, simpler, and more reliable,
        to listen to, and to obey, God’s Spirit.

        Just believe, and renew your mind.

Mind you, thinking can be of value after the event:
        for analysis of the event
        and for studying Christianity generally.

        Perhaps see: STUDYING AND DOING.

        Perhaps see: THINKING TOOLS THAT I USED. ,,, ,,,





Andrew (and indeed everyone else on this webpage)
is a biblical teacher-healer,
as compared to a biblical preacher-healer.

        A biblical preacher-healer:
                 preaches & heals
        rather than:
                 preaches & teaches & heals

        (My uses of the words ‘preach’ and ‘teach’ are biblical.)

                 Perhaps see:
What’s the Difference Between
,,     ,      ,      ,      Preaching and Teaching?
,,     ,      ,      ,      By Andrew Wilson | Monday 13 May 2013
. . . .

Andrew has read little else other than the Bible.

Hence he, and most/all others on this webpage,
have little scientific knowledge.
This works to their advantage.

        Scientific knowledge (e.g. medical knowledge):
                 in the mind, next to the mind’s belief,
                 given significance alongside the mind’s belief,
                 so that it counteracts the mind’s belief,
and unbelief hinders the miraculous.

        Perhaps see: UNBELIEF and its subsections.

However, if, like me, it’s too late for you,
if, like me, you already have much scientific knowledge,
then add, to that knowledge, belief:
        Belief that the Creator is also the Constructor.
        Hence he must build, fix, love.
        And indeed, has loved,
        has loved us,
        by way of his Son having suffered in our place,
        putting us right with his Father
        so that we can have his powerful Holy Spirit.

Andrew is neither a grace teacher nor a faith teacher.
He is a grace through faith teacher.


        Eph c2 v8:
        For by grace are ye saved through faith;
        and that not of yourselves:
it is the gift of God:   KJV


        Perhaps see Andrew’s short written article
Living in the balance of grace & faith.

Andrew describes himself as a Bapticostal.
I think it’s a good description.

He seems to have cherry-picked:
    the rigid biblical & lifestyle disciplines of the Baptists
    (the denomination he was brought up with
    who lack miraculous healing)
    the expectation of miracles of the Pentecostals
    (who experience miraculous healing
    but sometimes lack in personal discipline & biblical study).

Andrew’s style is:


    o   Thorough.  Comprehensive.
        But sometimes slow.
        Even repetitive if he feels he’s not got his point across.
        Hence you may prefer his books & written teachings
        to his speaking.


    o   Logical rather than emotional,
        passion hidden (so, more British?).

Andrew lacks political correctness and earthly theatre.
So he tells what’s wrong in our lives, and how to fix it,
even if he offends.




As well as Andrew Wommack I’ve got a dozen or so other
biblical teacher-healers on this webpage.

As I wrote earlier, I recommend:
        Andrew Wommack’s teachings the most
        and Mark Hemans’ a close second
        (find Mark a
quarter the way down this webpage)
        and Dan Mohler third.

Dan Mohler is a popular speaker
but he prefers to speak to small, attentive, audiences.


He doesn’t record many of his teachings
so his website,
Neck Ministries, is pretty bare.
But his audiences put up lots of YouTube videos
of him teaching, and he’s fine with that.


(Last I heard he didn’t even have a mobile phone.
Yet he’s one of the most switched-on people I’ve seen.)


In the following list
I include some of Todd White’s miracles.
(Dan led Todd to the Lord
and they taught together for a while.)

I include God doing miracles through Todd
but not Todd’s teaching.  He’s more passionate than
intelligent – which distracts from the, otherwise,
probably good, points he’s making.

My comments under the links.


        YouTube: – The Gospel, straight up, no additives 
        Teaching & testimonies.  Vital.


        YouTube: – Best description of the Gospel - Dan Mohler 
        Teaching & testimonies.  Vital.


        YouTube: – Dan Mohler - How to Pray 
        Teaching & testimonies.  Vital.


         YouTube: – What believing the gospel 
,,                 really means - Dan Mohler
        Teaching & testimonies (half an hour).  Vital.


        YouTube: – The Sinful Nature - Dan Mohler
        Teaching & testimonies.  Vital.


        YouTube: – Dan Mohler - Free from Guilt, Shame,
,,                 and Condemnation

        Teaching & testimonies.  For you – perhaps vital.


        YouTube: – Healing, the bible’s way…legit… - Dan Mohler
        Teaching & testimonies.  For you
perhaps vital.


        YouTube: – Why Didn't it Work - Dan Mohler
        Teaching & testimonies.


        YouTube: – Why do only some get healed?
        Teaching & testimonies. 
        God’s Spirit answered this question for Dan, with:
                 “Be a steward, have integrity,
                 have true faithfulness to the New Covenant,
                 because this gospel is for the sold-out,
                 the surrendered, the completely dead
[this refers to the healer, not to the patient].”


        YouTube: – Dan Mohler - How to Resist the Devil
        Teaching & testimonies.


        YouTube: – Meeting God - Dan Mohler
        Teaching & testimonies.


          YouTube: – Tips of the Trade - Dan Mohler
        Teaching & testimonies.


          YouTube: – Dan Mohler - how to put off the old man
,,                 & put on the new man

        Teaching & testimonies (half an hour).


          YouTube: – Dan Mohler - getting rid of selfcentred thinking
        Teaching & testimonies.  Good stuff.


        YouTube: – Dan Mohler on Fear
        Teaching & testimonies.


          YouTube: – Dan Mohler & Todd White -
,,             Is God in control of everything?

        Teaching & testimonies.


          YouTube: – Satan’s Strategy Dan Mohler  


          YouTube: – Dan Mohler - Why does it seem harder
,,             to receive healing for myself than others?

        Teaching & testimonies.


          YouTube: – Dan Mohler - Impartation. Is it scriptural?
        Teaching & testimonies.


          YouTube: – Dan Mohler - Dating and marriage
        Teaching & testimonies.


          YouTube: – Dan Mohler - Manifestation.
,,             Some have a lot. Some have none. Why?

        Teaching & testimonies.


          YouTube: – Dan Mohler and Todd White -
,,             Praying with the Right Heart & Thinking

        Teaching & testimonies.


          YouTube: – Excuses and Contending- Dan Mohler
        Teaching & testimonies.


          YouTube: – Repentance, it's simple... -Dan Mohler
        Teaching & testimonies.


          YouTube: – Dan Mohler - first demonic experience
        Teaching & testimonies.  Very educational.


         YouTube: – Knowing Your Authority
,,             & Staying in Faith by Dan Mohler

        Teaching & testimonies.


         YouTube: – Strongholds and Deliverance Dan Mohler
        Teaching & testimonies.


        YouTube: – Todd White – Reading their Mail


        YouTube: – Todd White – Healing on the Streets


        YouTube: – Todd White – More Healing on the Streets


        YouTube: – Todd White – Radical Healing of Ears
,,             in Jesus’ Name



        YouTube: – Todd White – He was in unbelief of healing ..
,,             Watch as Jesus shows up!



        YouTube: – Powerful Miracle at Fire16 


        YouTube: – Todd White’s story
        Todd’s testimony & background.

Here are three of Dan’s longer teachings:


        YouTube: – Dan Mohler - HC - Faith is a perspective -
,,             1 January 2016
        Teaching & testimonies. 
YouTube: – Dan Mohler - HC - Faith is a perspective -
,,             2 January 2016
        Teaching & testimonies.


          And, if you want more:
        YouTube: – OUTSTANDING MESSAGE!!!
,,             WOW WOW WOW!! TRANSFORMING!
        Teaching & testimonies.


And, a shorter teaching, repeated from earlier:


         YouTube: – What believing the gospel
,,             really means - Dan Mohler
        Teaching & testimonies (half an hour).  Vital.

The above four teachings
propose a new, fourth, phase to Christianity.
A phase that, actually, is a return to
the original phase:


    1) Original phase:    I am a servant:
                                         I, and God’s Spirit in me,
                                         do natural & miraculous good.
Matt c13 v44-46


    2) Oldish phase:      I am a servant:
                                         I do natural good.


    3) Recent phase:     I am a consumer:
                                         God does miraculous good
                                         to me, & for me.


    4) New phase:         I am a servant:
                                         I, and God’s Spirit in me,
                                         do natural & miraculous good.
                                         Matt c13 v44-46  

Andrew Wommack, too, teaches this fourth, new, phase:
        in ch13 & ch14 of his book A Better Way To Pray
        and elsewhere.


Likewise Bill Johnson teaches that God has given much
to believers, but as tools:
        tools to serve,
        tools to do miraculus good to others.

YouTube: – Bringing Heaven to Earth.   


My conclusion:
        God does indeed bless believers.   
John c10 v7-10 
        But he also gives believers power
        to naturally, and miraculously, serve others. 

Here are some more of Dan’s long, but good, teachings:


        YouTube: – Dan Mohler - Knowing the Father
        Teaching & testimonies. 
        He addresses much that’s wrong
        with most Christians’ lives:
        gives a picture of how it should be.


        YouTube: – Dan Mohler – The Power of Fasting
        Teaching & testimonies. 
        Some good, practical, stuff, later on, in this teaching.


        YouTube: – Dan Mohler 2016 The Power of Love
,,             WOW WOW WOW!!!

        Teaching & testimonies. 
        Getting free from yourself, free to love.
        (This was at Andrew Wommack’s
Charis Bible College.)

Here are Dan’s & Todd’s websites:


        Lifestyle Christianity (Todd White’s website)
        Perhaps click on the Events tab or Power & Love tabs.


        Lifestyle Christianity Church
        Teaching & testimonies.


        Neck Ministries: Dan Mohler’s website
        Teaching & testimonies.

        I listened to all the teachings on Dan’s website.
        Unfortunately Dan seems to have had a clearout
        including the 19 I recommend.

        However, they can still be found at:


            New Covenant NEW CREATION New Life
,,                    Dan Mohler - Older teachings - Mix

            To play the file:
                 click anywhere on the bar.
            To download the file:
                 click on the black
symbol at the end of the bar.


            My comments (or Dan’s) in white.


            FFH 7-28-2009 - The Truth that sets you free
            Encouraging testimonies peppered with teaching.


            Establish Your Heart
            Snapping our chains that stop answered prayers.


            Faith Revealed
            Practical, educational, breakdown of how faith works.


            Intimacy With God - 3-2008 (Part 1 of 2)
            Practical teaching – ends with educational testimony.


            Intimacy With God - 3-2008 (Part 2 of 2)
            Happy Dan - encouraging us to get alone with God.


            It's Relationship, Not a Method - 4-10-2008 (Part 1 of 2)
            Relationship or method, faith or medicines: consider.


            It's Relationship, Not a Method - 4-10-2008 (Part 2 of 2)
            Relationship or method, faith or medicines: consider.


            LCF - 3-12-2009
            Visit the healer, or know God and become a healer.


            LCF - 4-2-2009  (Particularly 29m 28s – 38m 20s)
            Five mins chatter, then it’s: belief & love, not effort.


            LCF - 4-3-2008  (Particularly 41m 0s – 1h 2m 40s.)
            Spiritual manifestations without the loony-ness.


            LCF - 7-17-2008
            Commanding healing, much teaching.


            LCF on return from Miss - 1-2009
            Love is the only motive, great testimonies.


            Lords and Ladies
            How religion stops people being miraculously healed.


            Loving Them Back To God 2-2008
            How to deal with marital betrayal & suchlike.


            Mulliken's - 6-19-2008 Baptism
            Remain an open channel for God,  
            also, why water baptism is vital.


            Our Created Value
            God, not  me/problem/fear  centred life, and praying.


            Straight Shooting  (Gets going 10mins in.)
            Stay in God’s hand, or stay in fear.
            Your righteousness is proportional to
            God’s Lordship in your life.


            The Fence
            Come boldly to God for his help;
            so it’s confidence, not pride.


            Your relationship with God
            renews your mind.

Dan taught:
        As God led him.
        And, therefore, according to the needs of his audience.
Hence Dan’s teachings are pretty subject-less.


Andrew, too, taught as God led him.
But, though he had been a pastor in the past,
he recorded his teachings in a studio.

Hence he had no audience.

Hence he was able to record his teachings by subject.


This, later, lent itself to him writing books on each subject.

This, in turn, lent itself to:
        me repeating his concepts (brown text)
        as I wrote a section (partly) about that same subject.

Dan’s style is:
o   Sharp & fast.
o   Passion shown.


Andrew’s style is:


    o   Thorough.  Comprehensive.
        But sometimes slow.
        Even repetitive if he feels he’s not got his point across.
        Hence you may prefer his books & written teachings
        to his speaking.


    o   Logical rather than emotional,
        passion hidden (so, more British?).



Mark Hemans, Australian.


I like Australians.
Unlike other cultures, even many non-Christian Australians
tend to be WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get).
I.E. They don’t have a side.
They also dislike unnecessary sophistication
(something many of the rest of us like to hide behind).


o   The laying on of the foot
        (like the laying on of hands).
o   Having the prayer helpers wear workman’s hi-vis vests
        with ONLY BELIVE printed on the back.
o   Anointing his prayer helpers   John c7 v37-39,,,,,
        so that they can do whatever he does.
o   Blowing the anointing through the microphone.
o   Etc.
are rather Australian I reckon
(thoughtlessly practical,
unselfconsciously cultureless).


Mark is a good biblical teacher-healer.
As far as I can tell, he uses the NKJV
so I’ve made all links to his Bible references NKJV.


I discovered Mark in August 2021, relatively recently.


    o   Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Pentecostal,
        was the first biblical teacher-healer I discovered.
        (I went to his first ever
UK meeting in 2008).
o   I discovered Andrew Wommack next,
        just months later.  Bapticostal is what Andrew
        calls himself (good description I reckon).
o   Dan Mohler & many others next.
o   Mark Hemans next.
o   Apostle Kathryn Krick last (I’ve just read her book,
        The Secret of the Anointing, and, in my opinion,
        it’s pretty much all excellent stuff).


        God’s Spirit told Mark to minister the way he does.
        Mark says that people should likewise
        listen for the Holy Spirit’s instructions, for them,
        and never simply copy
        another minister’s methods & manner.
        See 7m 33s into:
,,             authority & power, divine order, the Blood of Jesus

        [I add: God is constructive, so he loves variety.]

Mark is (or became) a people person.
He is also int
elligent and keeps himself unworldly & humble.
In my opinion he shows how Pentecostalism should be done.


When he anoints prayer helpers,   John c7 v37-39,,,,,
so that the anointing flows through them too,
I assume (perhaps wrongly)
that it’s merely a temporary anointing.
Like the anointing Jesus gave his disciples
in the gospels (as compared to in Acts).


Mark insists that people declare
that Jesus healed them,
and not him, not Mark.

        The verb, ‘to do’, and phrasing, that’s used in the KJV
        shows that the Christian actually does the miracle
        (God ‘merely’ empowers it).
        But Mark’s insistence is more practical:
        it ensures that people do not see him, Mark,
        as the answer; they, instead, go away and seek God
        to the degree that they feel they lack anything.

        Technically: we Christians can do miracles
        only because Jesus crucifixion:
                 Made his Father our Father too
                 (i.e. earned us: his Father’s Forgiveness, & more).
                 Earned us his Holy Spirit.
        Hence any Christian does miracles, e.g. healing,
        only in Jesus’ name, often declaring as such.


        So, while Mark is wrong technically,
        he is right practically.

There’s no Wikipedia for Mark, yet, 
so I’ve written the following:


        Mark has two degrees in theology
        though, with hindsight, he does not value them
        (dispensationalism, because it includes cessationism,
        nullifies faith for the miraculous to happen).

        He was a pastor for a while 
        before/after he was a missionary in


        Mark started his first run of mission trips in 2004
        (as shown in his old website, now gone).

        In 2011 he stopped his mission trips because he lost
        his health, indeed lost everything
[demonic attack?]:
,,             The REAL YOU in Christ
,,             is more important than appearances
, ,
at 30s – 1m 50s,
        Mark’s powerful testimony:

            over STAGE 4 MELANOMA.

            How faith and repentance brought healing. ,,,,,


,,        ,,        (You may also find the following two minute video useful.
,,        ,,        It explains the the difference between prophesy and words of knowledge.
,,        ,,        YouTube: – Prophetic Word vs. Word of Knowledge
,,,,           // Katia Adams // Vineyard Insights
.) ,,,,,


        In 2016 Mark made a new website,
Jesus Encounter Ministries,,,,,,
        by building it on top of, but not linked to,
        his old website.  He started his mission trips again
        but this time posting videos of them on YouTube.


        He now holds a pair of mission trip meetings each week
        (Friday & Saturday) in any church, or medium sized
        meeting hall, he’s invited to.
        E.G. Over 3 weeks he does 3 towns/cities in one country
        then moves to the next country, and so on;
        then back to Australia
        to do some zoom meetings online.

        Yes.  Miracles still happen even through Zoom!
        I reckon this is another Australian example
        of not overthinking something, just doing it.
,,        ,,        I’d have instantly dismissed the idea as impossible.
,,        ,,        Though, having said that, I now see that the American, Kathryn Krick,
,,        ,,        is miraculously healing & delivering through Zoom too.

For more about Mark Hemans see:

Jesus Encounter Ministries / About.,,,,,


Mark’s YouTube channel is:
    YouTube: – Mark Hemans ,,,,,
and, as I mentioned earlier, his website is:
        Jesus Encounter Ministries. ,,,,,



,     ,     cartilage & muscles GROW, years of pain GONE
,     ,     in JESUS NAME
        Short, 10m, video of a fast progressing miracle
        (ignore the woman laughing)

        YouTube: – DELIVERANCE: organised crime,
,     ,     drug trafficking & addiction, serious assault, & prison
Deliverance, healing, repentance, & testimony.

        Miraculous healing & testimony. 

        YouTube: – The FIRE of the HOLY SPIRIT comes down:
,     ,     Peterborough UK revival meetings
        I suspect that all the burning was build up, or somesuch,
        to the ‘demon wrapped around the head’ deliverance
        at 8m 38s.
        At 10m 56s, ‘That your joy might be full’ lesson
        makes sense to me.
John c14 v1-11   John c16 v23-24   1 John c1 v1-4,,,


,     ,     12 years osteoarthritis healed. No longer uses crutches
        Deliverance, healing, testimony, & good instruction. 


            Neck problems, brain lesions, grinding teeth, migraines.
ulous healing & testimony.


        YouTube: – GIRL'S BACK OF THE HEAD GREW 15 mm,

            jaws and ears realigned!.
ulous healing and testimony.


        YouTube: – I PHYSICALLY SAW DEMONS around me.
,     ,     “It all went away when Jesus delivered me"
        Powerful deliverance, & testimony.  Very educational. 


        YouTube: – A MIRACLE! Delivered, healed
,     ,     and WALKS by the power of Jesus
        Powerful deliverance & healing, & testimony. 

        YouTube: – AUTISTIC BOY HEALED!

            While asleep sees Jesus & golden castle in heaven.
        Miraculous healing & testimony.


,     ,     unable to toilet or dress by himself,
,     ,     or show affection. A MIRACLE!
        Miraculous healing & testimony.


        YouTube: – Teenager demonized by using an occult game.
        Words of knowledge and casting out demons.


        YouTube: – Baby Abigail BORN DEAF
,     ,     CAN HEAR in Jesus name
        Moving & powerful healing, & testimony. 

        YouTube: – UNABLE TO FUNCTION with ADD all her life.

            1 year later shares her incredible testimony.
        Testimony of a miraculous healing.


        YouTube: – Snake spirit manifests in meeting.
,     ,     Cause of severe anger & marriage disunity
        Disturbing, but educational, deliverance.
        It saves their marriage.
        Also healing


        YouTube: – SURPRISE! Day after prayer she weighs less.
        Word of knowledge, miraculous healing, & testimony.


        YouTube: – Girl sees Jesus
,     ,     and smells the heavenly flowers, set free of fear
        A delightful miracle, and very educational.


        YouTube: – A MIRACLE: brain damage,
,     ,     suicidal, slurred speech
        Miraculous deliverance, healing, and testimony.


        YouTube: – DEMONS causing schizophrenia & depression. 
        1st person: Powerful, educational, deliverance & healing.
        Anointing a prayer helper so that she can properly help.
        2nd person: Deliverance, & powerful healing of the mind.
        All very educational

YouTube: – IMPOSSIBLE!! No ear drum DEAF 83 years
,     ,     SHE HEARS in Jesus name!
        Healing & progressive healing.
        Also an elderly Christian lady’s lack of fear of death,
        indeed her optimism


        Brilliant video.
At  2m 30s  Mark compares casting out a demon
        to loading & firing a gun.


        YouTube: – Doctor: 'SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR KIDS'.

            Gina had a badly perforated stomach.
        Testimony of a healing of multiple illnesses.


        YouTube: – SEVERE STUTTERING
        Deliverance, healing, instant radical change. 

,     ,     of a changed life
        The implication is that homosexuality is a sin.
        This video includes a fascinating instance
        of God's Spirit working through a photo!
        [Perhaps also see my section,
        and its two subsections.]


        YouTube: – 13 year old GIRL BLIND
,     ,     IN LEFT EYE can read! Jesus still heals the blind.

        Miraculous healing & testimony;

        includes lessons on waiting on the Lord, and on faith.


        YouTube: – Badly curved back
,     ,     by the power of God. SHE GROWS TALLER!!
        Testimony of healing from an earlier meeting.
        Then physical healing
        and God's fascinating use of a prayer helper

        YouTube: – SHOCKING! BLIND,
,     ,     STABBED in the EYE with a fork.

            Perfect vision in Jesus Name.
        Miraculous healing & testimony.

        Deliverance, and healing of various physical problems.
        The cause of it all was a generational curse

        YouTube: – Spiritually blind from a demon in the eyes.
        Casting out a demon and a testimony.

        YouTube: – CAN'T FIND THE METAL in his fused back.

            IMPOSSIBLE TO BEND OVER!! Bends over in Jesus Name.
        Miraculous healing & testimony.


        YouTube: – HOW DEMONS CAN STOP


            damaging family & marriage relationships.
        Miraculous healing & testimony;
        Mark gets someone to help him
        by way of that person casting out their own demon!


,     ,     from demon: drugs, hatred, sex addiciton
        Miraculous healing, prophesy, and testimony.


,     ,     mission to the persecuted church
        Miraculous healing, prophesy, and testimony,

        YouTube: – For 28 years could not read a book.
            Felt the nerves in his brain heal: autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia.
        Miraculous healing & testimony. 


        YouTube: – PROPHECY REVEALS:
        Extremely interesting video.
,     ,     of abuse, violence, witchcraft
        Another extremely interesting video.


            N.B. When on Earth, Jesus,
    as well as miraculously healing people,
            would have had to have counselled people,
            just like Mark Hemans did in the above two videos,
            if it was needed, to prevent relapses etc.

            E.G. John c5 v5-14.

        There are more videos like these on YouTube.

You may ask: “Why do so many Christians, of all people,
have demons that need to be cast out of them?”

I suspect that people, who have a demon in them,
believers & unbelievers, sense there’s something wrong:
something doctors don’t detect or diagnose satisfactorily.
So they intuitively go to church, perhaps becoming believers,
or perhaps having been believers for years.

Indeed, I reckon that most/all people have a demon:
        but only near them,
        hanging around them,
        waiting to encourage them in any wrongdoing.
Also that, whenever someone responds positively
to the demon’s encouragements:
        they are inadvertently encouraging the demon
        to continue to hang around & speak.
        It’s the converse of
Jam c4 v7.,,,,,


Also that, those who do this a lot
are unwittingly allowing the demon
into their lives even more,
to influence them even more,
‘into’ their minds even more.

As Mark demonstrates:
demons manifest (do something obvious) 
only when they see someone about to cast them out.
It’s a last ditch effort to make the minister fearful,
for even a little fear constitutes unbelief (doubt, in the mind),
and unbelief counteracts belief (in the heart & mind).
Perhaps see:

Indeed, one distinct thing about Pentecostal practices
is that God’s work is visible, therefore clearer to follow:
o   When God’s Spirit is in you,
            healing you, physically or mentally,
            you may: feel God’s Spirit in you,
            you may shake, fall,
            laugh with joy, feel hot: 
Matt c3 v11  Luke c3 v16.
Mark c5 v24-34 v31,
                 the people would not have been so confused
                 had they been falling over
                 when touching him.)
o   It takes time to cast out a demon
            (though no more than minutes)
            and the person feels it.
o   There may be demonic poison vomited out at the end
            (perhaps that’s an attempt at:
            ‘if I can’t have him/her then no-one can’).
o   (Some of the) people actually see:
                the glory cloud,
o   Etc.


        None of these events needs to be visible.
        But God allowing/making them to be visible
        is, in my opinion, edifying and useful.

        (Christians who have only ever seen the natural
        may well disagree with that.
        They may well not be able to discern between:
                 God’s supernatural
                 and demons’ supernatural,
        and so would be suspicious of anything supernatural,
        even not be able to tell if a supernatural healing
        was from God or demons.

        Perhaps again see: TRICKS & MIRACLES.
        and the links within it.
,,        ,,        This link does not open up a new tab.)

With non-Pentecostals
(Andrew Wommack, Dan Mohler, etc):
        The same things happen
        but you don’t usually see it or feel it.
        (Though sometimes you do,
          YouTube: – Dan Mohler - first demonic experience.)

One key difference, is that, with non-Pentecostal ways:
        The healer, who does have a renewed, God-like, mind,
        largely directs God’s healing,
        largely decides what happens,
        with the exception of a few words of knowledge.
But with Pentecostal ways:
        God directs the healing; indeed directs everything.

Andrew Wommack has a joke that,
in case his students think/say:
        “I won’t pray for, or command healings for, people
          unless I feel led
[to do so],”
he gives them each a lump of lead,
to keep in their pocket
for just such an occasion.
Andrew then explains:
        “It’s true we are led some of the time.
        But don’t restrict yourself
        to doing nothing
until you are led.”

A quirky offshoot of Pentecostal healing
is mass healing.
See two cells starting:
Some Christians heal.,,,,,

As I mentioned earlier,
Andrew’s teachings and Mark’s ministry
complement each other.

As Andrew sometimes says:


        o   I teach you to miraculously heal yourself
            and others of course.


        o   The purpose of
            ministries like Mark’s, whether Zoom or live,
            is that you may be near death
            and so not have time to learn to heal yourself.



        YouTube: – Holland Revival Miracle Meetings
            powerful anointing, demons manifest,

            miracles, God's fire, drugs.
               Very impactful ministry.  Watch all of it.
               At 39m 50s  Mark says that he used to think that, somehow,

               he’d have to press-in to come into God's presence,

               but that, one day, the Lord showed him that the way is open

               because of the Cross.  Also – many great miracles.


        YouTube: – Sunshine Coast Highlights:
            Bulimia, visually impaired, fibromyalgia,

            walking sticks, demons cast out
               At  21m 05s  Mark speaks of his missionary days
Paraguay, about sowing in faith.
               From:  32m 50s  to  35m 09s  Mark tells us to
               not be afraid of failure, and then expands on that. 
               At  38m 16s  Mark explains, using 
John c5 v1-9,
               his practice of locating people,
               or rather, the Spirit locating people.
               At  42m 00s  Mark explains why he
               blows onto the microphone.
               From then on a load of amazing miracles.

            have you EVER SEEN a meeting like it?

            joy, miracles, deliverance, fire baptism!.

               The preaching & teaching starts well
gets even better.
               At  35m 20s  to  39m 40s,  there is the unusual miracle
               of someone's soul being given strength:
               being changed, to do God's work.
               At  44m 44s  Mark tells a man to obey the Holy Spirit,
               even the little instructions,
               because they may be vital steps
               on the way to big events, to miracles.
               From   1hr 15m 10s   to   1hr 16m 44s
               Mark explains why his services are the way they are.

        I’ve put more videos of Mark’s preaching & teaching,
        followed by miracles & testimonies,
        in the ‘overflow’ webpage:
More Mark Hemans’ teaching & ministry.,,,,,




            There is victory over sin.
               An extraordinarily enlightening teaching.
               Part of it (10m 39s   to   11m 44s)
               is Mark explaining how he does what he does:
                      Mark says that the fear of God
                      is the basis for obeying him.

[Personally, I see the New Testament as more important
                      than the Old Testament, not equally important.
                      Hence, for me, it’s the fear of God’s absence
                      rather than the fear of God’s presence
                      that is my basis for obeying him.]

                      Mark loves Jesus, doesn’t sin, stays holy,
                      and doesn’t bother with the world.
                      Hence the Holy Spirit lives in him  [
because of Jesus]
                      fully and continuously 
[because of Mark].
                      So Mark then merely says or does
                      whatever the Holy Spirit tells him to say or do:
                      no more, no less: simple.
[Australians are already uncomplicated people I reckon.]

        YouTube: – Walking in the Spirit
            is to surrender to Jesus in our daily decisions
               Vital teaching.
               At 3m 22s Mark asks us if we’d ever done something
               that seemed right to us, at the time,
               but it turned out a total failure?


               Mark then adds that it was because we needed
               the principle shown, in the book of Acts.   
Acts c15 v28.   
               The principle that, when some action/proposal seems good to you,
               that you should ask the Lord if it seems good to him too.

               Mark adds the warning to be careful of filtering his voice
               through your own fleshly desires: what you’d like to see happen.

               At 14m Mark recounts how a pastor once asked his advice
               about pastoring a church.
               Mark replied “Don't please people.  Please God.”

               At 14m 40s Mark insists that, if you're really sick, say with cancer:
                      Have some backbone.
                      Stand up to all the unbelievers in your family
                      who are expecting you to drop dead,
                      who are planning your funeral.
                      Believe the word of God.

               He finishes this point by saying that he’s speaking
               from personal experience.

               Likewise, at 15m 9s, Mark advises young unmarried believers,
               whose girlfriend/boyfriend wants them to have sex,
               to be strong and say: “No”.
               To please God, and wait until you’re married.

               Continuing on the subject of intimate control,
               at 21m, Mark says to beware of ‘prophetic manipulation’:
                      people wanting you to do
                      what they want you to do
                      but they put it in the form of “God spoke to me”.

                      Consider what their motive(s) might be.

               Bottom line:
                      Don't let other people make your decisions for you.
                      Be directed by the Holy Spirit.

               At 25m 21s Mark says that God’s not going to act, in your life:
               in a way that feels nice, all the time.

                      The Son of man had nowhere to lay his head,
                      and got tired & thirsty,
                      even though he was doing his Father’s will.

                      Likewise, while you are doing God’s will,
                      you too could find life hard
                      and be persecuted. 
[John c15 v20],,,,,

        I’ve put more videos of Mark’s preaching & teaching,
        where he didn’t include miracles & testimonies,
        in the ‘overflow’ webpage:
More Mark Hemans’ teaching.,,,,,



        YouTube: – PRAISE & WORSHIP:
            Jesus Encounter Ministries (JEM)

            worship team. Meeting 8.


        There are more such videos on YouTube.


Apostle Kathryn Krick, American.

I’m seen her seventeen videos,
YouTube: – The Secret of the Anointing, ,,
and read her book of the same name,
and it’s pretty much all excellent stuff.

She reminds me a lot of Smith Wigglesworth
(the next biblical teacher-healer in this list).

Unlike Mark Hemans (previous cells):
        Kathryn has no qualifications in theology
        (not that Mark values his).
        Nor decades of experience in pastoring,
        preaching, teaching, and being anointed.

Kathryn was born about 1994,
became a pastor & apostle about 2017,
and anointed & doing miracles since beginning of 2021 approx.
‘Do’ is the verb used in the KJV.  Though, obviously, we can do miracles only because
Jesus’ Crucifixion earned us: God’s Fatherhood, and the Holy Spirit. 
Acts c3 v12 & v16,,,

Seeing her minister makes me think of
1 Cor c12 v28, 
and I then find it hard not to call her an apostle:
o    what with the miracles,
o   her Godly passion for people to be saved and healed,
o   her leadership.
Hence I think of her as, not a trainee apostle
(that’s too ‘only half-way there’),
but an apostle who’s still learning.

She’s learning by experience,
and is keen to convey her discoveries to us,
which is excellent.

For example:
YouTube: – Maintaining the Anointing: Keeping Jesus First, ,,
contains a lot of very good material, new to me.
(35m 43s – 38m 04s  was just waiting
for an anointed woman to come along and say it).

Just as a good, efficient, unbelieving woman
is all about:
o   Teamwork.
o   Encouraging others.
o   Honouring others
        (instead of manly competitiveness).
o   Attracting & inspiring other women
        as she does,
so also Kathryn, a believing & anointed woman,
is all about:
o   Miraculous teamwork:
        the congregation takes anointing home.
o   Encouraging others to minister.
o   Honouring believers who lead
        (instead of taking them for granted
        because it was their life choice).
o   Attracting & inspiring other believers,
        especially women, to do as she does.

Hence her ministry is refreshingly different
from men’s ministries.  Complimentary.


I’m only a philosopher, not a minister, nor pastor,
and I’ve
only done a few small miracles so far.
But Kathryn’s prompted many thoughts in me,
as follows.

Kathryn’s named her church “
Five-Fold Church
from the verse
Eph c4 v11. ,,

Eph c4 v11 implies that one person
        cannot have more than one of these
        five offices.

1 Cor c12 v28-30 gives an order of importance
                 to these five offices.)

        But Paul, who wrote
Eph c4 v11, was himself:
                 an apostle
                 and an evangelist
                 and a pastor
                 and a teacher.

        Also, regarding
1 Cor c12, note v29, ,,,
        Kathryn Krick is:
                 an apostle
                 and a worker of miracles.

        So, regarding
Eph c4 and 1 Cor c12,
        my theory is that the writer, Paul, was trying to teach:
                 Church unity:
                         unity that requires
                         spiritual maturity,
                 to blokeishly competitive Christians.

        But in order to teach Church unity
        Paul chose to compare:
                 the individuals concerned
                 the gifts of the Spirit (
1 Cor c12 v4  &  v7-11)
                 or with:
                 the human body’s limbs etc (
1 Cor c12 v12-27)
                 or with:
                 the offices of the Church (
1 Cor c12 v28-29
Eph c4 v11).

        And, in order to make those comparisons,
        Paul first had to imply:
                that all the limbs/gifts/offices are separate
                 so that they can then come together
                 so that they can then co-operate.

        And that that’s the reason why Paul implied
        that one person can’t have two or more offices/gifts:
                 he was teaching Church unity, teamwork, 
                 to macho Christians.

        However, Kathryn, on page 104-106
        of her book THE SECRET OF THE ANOINTING,
        gives a much better explanation.

        She says that apostles
        (e.g. the eleven who had been the disciples)
        each had all five gifts.

        And that that was because an apostle:

                 Goes to where there are no Christians,
                 so as to preach to them, to make Christians,
                 who will then have no spiritual gifts
                 go to where there are already Christians
                 but who have no spiritual gifts.

                 Then the apostle will demonstrate all five gifts
                 and miraculously anoint some of the Christians
,,        ,,      ,,      ,,      [or those Christians will ask God directly  Luke c11 v11-13]

                 so that they too have all five gifts.
                 Though only one gift each.

                 Then, having planted a church,
                 having empowered an existing church,
                 the apostle goes elsewhere
                 and repeats the process.

My own theory (previous cell) may also be true, or it may not.
But Kathryn’s point is biblical (lots of refs), logical, & practical.

I also bow to the fact that she’s actually doing it.
I just think about it.


Perhaps see:
Inspiredwords.org The Difference Between
a Bishop, Deacon and the Five Fold Ministry
. ,,,,

The words: prophet, pastor, and teacher
are in the Old Testament as well as the New.
But apostle and evangelist are in only the New Testament.
(As are bishop and deacon, but, unlike the others,
they can be man-ordained, the others must be God-ordained.)

But, whatever the origins of these names of offices of the church
(and origins of names of gifts of the Spirit:  1 Cor c12  v4  &  v7-11)
It seems, to me, that believers simply observed
the structure, the needs, the functioning, etc,
of the Church, as God miraculously formed it,
then intuitively gave appropriate names to the offices & gifts that he formed.

Now, it could be argued that New Testament prophets:

        Used to give the early Church leaders
        reliable spoken messages from God.
        But that prophets are not vital now
        because we can, instead,
        use the Bible, alone, as a guide.

        But I’d have thought that,
        as long as everything the prophets say:
                 is consistent with the Bible
                 and turns out to be of God,
        that they could be of use today.

        (Of course: all the big-event prophesies
        have already been made, – in the Bible.
        So there’s need only for,
        indeed can only be,
        small-event prophesies.)

Likewise, it could be argued that:

        It’s not vital anymore to have travelling apostles
        (they used to lead & oversee)
        because we now have bishops & missionaries.

        And no-one even need travel to preach
        because we now have printed & digital Bibles.

        However, that people travel great distances,
        to meetings such as Kathryn’s & Mark Hemans’,
        to be healed &/or delivered &/or empowered,
        shows that that argument is weak.

        Also, it wasn’t only the  eleven + Paul = 12
        who were, in the Bible, called apostles.
Were Others, Apart from the Twelve, Called Apostles? ,,,

Conversely, the internet is flooded with:
o   Teachings of all religions.
o   Christian teachings, good and bad.

        Hence this is the both: real life AND internet age
        of us relying on:
o   God’s Spirit speaking
o   all of us discerning. 
Gone are the days of
trying to keep people safe,
of nation-state churches imposing a national pattern,
of relying on spiritual fathers:

, Jesus said that we should not have
spiritual fathers
[or mothers], Matt c23 v8-12. ,,,

        However (as Kathryn rightly points out,
YouTube: – Are Spiritual Fathers & Mothers Biblical?)
        the context of the above verse is that
        we should not have those (kind of) wicked Pharisees
        as spiritual fathers.
        See all of:
Matt c23. ,,,

        Kathryn also points out that Paul
        was Timothy’s spiritual father,
2 Tim c1 v6. 

        However, I add that that would only last
        for a while,
1 Cor c1 v11-13.

        I also add that, Paul,
        having received his anointing from Ananias,
Acts c9 v17, 
        did not go back to Ananias
        to be taught by him, to feed of him in any way.

                 Perhaps also jump ahead,
                 to the cell starting
As Kathryn says, ,,
                 about Smith Wigglesworth
                 and his spiritual mother.

        I also reckon that:
        believers who remain ever fathered/mothered
        would remain weaker than they could be.

                 For it’s God who is the strongest man
Matt c12 v22-29 and Mark c3 v22-27. ,

        Hence I reckon it’s because:
o   All this is new to Kathryn
                 (not that I have any experience in it).
o   She’s young, and therefore less experienced
                 in life generally.
o   She’s a woman and her anointer was a man
                 (we men are genetically programmed
                 to give the impression we know what we’re doing).
o   And/or some other reason(s).
        that Kathryn believes she would
        lose her anointing
        (and therefore it would be exactly as if
        she had lost her anointing)
        were she to ever leave, disconnect from,
        prophet GeorDavie who anointed her.
YouTube: – Why I Could Never Leave My Spiritual Father.

        Mind you, like I said earlier: I only think about it,
        Kathryn’s actually doing it (so what do I know).

The first quarter of an hour of:
YouTube: – How to receive Impartation ,,
is a good introduction to Kathryn’s ministry.

Perhaps also see:
Apostle Kathryn Krick / about, her story. ,,
In my opinion:
o   Kathryn’s sermons/preaches
        are well prepared and/or God inspired.
        But, for Baptists etc, she could do with more scriptures
        to back up more of her statements (Google helps). 

o   I realise she needs money to do ministry.
        But us giving money in order for God to help us
        is usually, & generally, wrong. 
Matt c10 v7-8 ,,
        (see 1hr 17m 36s 
*YouTube: – A Heart That God Searches For).

        Mind you,
YouTube: – Young Boy Delivered etc, ,
        shows how, for some people,
        sowing may be vital:
                 Not to aid God.
                 But to stop you aiding demons.
                 See 10m 30s.
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,
        Also see three cells starting: So, there are occasions. ,,

                 Also see top of page 169 of her book.
                 (Her book is excellent in my opinion;
                 see beginning of earlier video

        Conclusion: I wouldn’t call sowing a law,
        something that always applies.  See 11m.

,,        ,,        Kathryn Krick asks people what is owed to the demon,
,,        ,,        and what they might have done to get the demon in,
,,        ,,        and to renounce it all.
,,        ,,        They do so, then the demons leave, have to leave.

,,        ,,        I reckon that the owing is orientated around the human
,,        ,,        rather than the demon.  That the demon has no say, no authority.
,,        ,,        But that the people involved realise, indeed believe, that they owe.

,,        ,,        It’s another way of saying repent.

,,        ,,        (Mark Hemans hears, from God, the reasons why the demon’s in the person.
,,        ,,        And (waiting til) after it’s cast out, he tells the person: to repent
,,        ,,        and what else to do / not do
,,        ,,        to keep it out and to never get another one.)

o   Kathryn says Western Christians
        don’t honour their leaders.
        I think we do, but, like everything else, quietly:
        it’s merely a cultural difference, not a spiritual one.

        Conversely, I reckon Kathryn should correct
        any adulation for her.
        For adulation is not honour:
                 a) adulation is born of (spiritual) immaturity,
                 b) honour is born of (spiritual) maturity.

        Mind you, viewers who are themselves immature
        in some way, would see b) as a),
        would see everyone as adulators.
        Whereas I’m sure many in a congregation are mature,
        and those who aren’t will be
        if they soak up the preaching & teaching.

        Perhaps see about Paul, Apollos, and Cephas (Peter),
        and (spiritual) immaturity, in the Corinthian church.
1 Cor c1 v4 – c3 v23,,,,,

        As well as soaking up Kathryn’s excellent preaching
        I reckon seeing turbocharged prayer helpers
        would increase maturity.

        Turbocharged prayer helpers may prevent/solve
        problems that shouldn’t be there
        and that critics spot.
YouTube: – I Went to a Kathryn Krick Event
,,        ,,        (Revival Now, Denver) and Here's What Happened
. ,,

        Mark Hemans anoints (temporarily?) his prayer helpers
        such that they’re turbocharged:

                 Search for prayer helpers in:
                         this webpage
                         and in
More Mark Hemans’ teaching & ministry 
                         and in
More Mark Hemans’ teaching. 

        I suppose Kathryn does indeed
        impart the anointing to people.
        But they then go home/elsewhere to minister.

o   Kathryn’s preaching seems to be mostly about:
                 the Holy Spirit
                 and people’s needs,
        missing out on:
                 the Cross and repentance
                 Billy Graham style.

        I reckon this is because, with Pentecostals etc,
        the Cross, and repentance, are a given.

        But there’ll always be someone watching on YouTube
        who needs to hear it.
        Certainly it’ll annoy the Baptists etc less.

As far as I can tell: the anointing,
or, to be clear,
the miraculous anointing (there are other anointings),
is God’s Holy Spirit manifesting power.

        All Christians contain God’s Holy Spirit (
Rom c8 v9) ,,
        so as to guide them, generally &/or specifically.
        (Not continuously of course, we’re not robots.)
        But not all Christians are miraculously anointed.
        Not currently anyway.

I reckon that:
iraculous anointings in Old Testament times
        are different from
        miraculous anointings in these New Testament times.

        God’s Holy Spirit is the same
        so the power is the same.
        But the human is different
        so the integration of the Holy Spirit with the human
        is different.

            The Old Testament miraculous anointing
had miraculous power.
            But it was power to do bad as well as do good:
,,        ,,        ,,        Perhaps see: The good & bad that God does. , , , , ,

                 o   to mould (& preserve) the Jewish people,
                     even at the expense of the Jewish people,
                     even at the expense of other peoples.

            Whereas the New Testament miraculous anointing
            has miraculous power.
            But it is power to do only good:
,,        ,,        ,,        Perhaps again see: The good & bad that God does. , , , , ,

                 o   to prove that all that Jesus said is true,
o   to prove
Jesus’ Punishment in place of all of us
                     is true,
                 o   to bless people:
                         God’s heart’s expression,
                         God’s Spirit’s self-expression
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        See: IN JESUS, THE FATHER REVEALS HIS HEART TO US. ,

*Hence the Old Testament miraculous anointing:
                     was only on them
                     and was only temporary.
            But the New Testament miraculous anointing:
                     is in you
                     and is permanent.)

,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        By New Testament I mean post-Pentecost.
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        See part 4) of:
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        GOD DOES NOT CHANGE BUT HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH US CHANGES. ,

So I reckon Kathryn should not model:
        New Testament (e.g. today) examples of
        miraculous anointing & impartation
        Old Testament examples of
        miraculous anointing & impartation
        (e.g. Elijah & Elisha)..

As Kathryn says, there are two ways to receive
the miraculous anointing:

        Directly from God:
                 Old Testament: 
Judg c3 v10   Judg c6 v34   etc.
                 New Testament: 
Acts c2 v2-6   (Luke c11 v5-13). ,

        Indirectly from God:
        impartation from an anointed human
        to an un-anointed human:
                 Old Testament: 
1 Kings c19 v16. ,
                 New Testament: 
Acts c9 v17   2 Tim c1 v6. .,

She says that most examples, in the Bible & in life,
are by impartation: one human to another.

I thought: “Nah, Jesus said ‘Just ask God’.”  
Luke c11 v5-13 .,

But I researched and found that even Smith Wigglesworth
received his anointing, by impartation,
from a woman, Mary Boddy.

Mind you, he did not then think of her as his spiritual mother.
Nor sought her teaching in particular.
        Smith was tough as old boots
        (well, tough on the outside anyway),
        and really spiritually thirsty.
        He logically barged his way through Christendom
        to find God wherever he could be found.

        Obviously any anointer would have
        some insight, of infinite value.
        But if you, the anointee,
        by definition, now also have that insight,
        then you may do well to glean truth from others,
        or let God himself teach you.

        An ideal example of what I mean
        would be to be anointed by a child, or a teenager,
        or someone of simple soul even though anointed.
Perhaps see:
Biography Mary Boddy. ,,

International Christian Women's
,,        ,,        History Project & Hall of Fame
. ,,
Go to  Lesson 4  and click on  WATCH.
        This will take you to:
YouTube: – Lesson 4: Searching the Source of the River: ,,
                 Where, at  18m 36s,
                 Pastor Thomas Ball Barratt anointed Mary Boddy.
                 Then, at  21m 36s,
                 Mary Boddy anointed Smith Wigglesworth.

        All this makes me wonder who was/were
        the first to be anointed, directly, by God,
        roughly 200 years ago.
        (The anointing doesn’t seem to have existed
        between Bible times and roughly 200 years ago.)

Perhaps also see:
Smith Wigglesworth, his site.
on: His Life
then: Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Kathryn’s excellent teaching,
YouTube: – The Three Indwellings of the Holy Spirit, ,,
is not part of the Secrets Of The Anointing series.

But it does usefully identify 3 successive indwellings
of the Holy Spirit:
    1  Becoming a believer,                                 8m 30s 
        believing Jesus died for your sins,
        God’s Spirit lives inside of you.
    2  Receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit,       20m 45s
        the Holy Spirit comes upon you, with fire,
        and you speak in tongues,
        you have power to do miracles.
    3  Receiving the anointing                              38m
        (which God only gives when he sees
        that he can trust you with it)
        so that you walk in miracles,
John c7 v38-39,,,,,,
        miracles that are frequent, not occasional;
        you become a representative, of God, to people.

This teaching was produced ‘only’ by her practical experiences.
But it makes sense to me
and it fits in with 
Acts c8 v14-17  &  Acts c5 v12-16.,,,,,



Smith Wigglesworth, 1859-1947, Pentecostal.
Smith seems to have been only a preacher,
not a teacher.
        Perhaps again see:
What’s the Difference Between Preaching and Teaching?
,,             By Andrew Wilson | Monday 13 May 2013


However, if you read (or listen to) Smith’s preaching:
        not in an earthly frame of mind
        but in a Godly frame of mind,
you realise that, actually, he taught much.


        Perhaps see my deductions
        in last four cells
This is how Smith Wigglesworth lived)
        of section:


        YouTube: – God's Generals Series - Smith Wigglesworth.
        Teaching & testimonies.


        YouTube: – Kenneth Copeland retells
,,             Smith Wigglesworth raising a man from the dead

,,        ,,        I don’t include, in this list, Kenneth Copeland himself
,,        ,,        for reasons I give later, on this webpage.
,,        ,,        But this testimony is very interesting.


        YouTube: – Ultimate Documentary On Smith Wigglesworth
        Valuable teaching: from 33m to 46m.


        YouTube: – Insider view of Smith Wigglesworth
        Interview with Smith’s great grand-daughter, a believer.


        AZ Quotes of Smith Wigglesworth
        Some revealing, powerful, tips.

        Smith Wigglesworth (link repeated from earlier). ,,
His site.

        Wikipedia: Smith Wigglesworth. ,,

        Regarding the origin of his anointing:
        see cell before last,
As Kathryn says.,,,,,

        The two books of Smith Wigglesworth’s
        excellent sermons, from one-hundred years ago:
            Ever Increasing Faith
            Faith That Prevails
        are, in my opinion, vital reading for any Christian.

        Or perhaps listen to the YouTube version:
YouTube: – Smith Wigglesworth Ever Increasing Faith.,,

            Smith Wigglesworth: Apostle of Faith.
            by Stanley Howard Frodsham
        is extremely encouraging.


        Abbreviated combination of the above three books:
            Wigglesworth – The Complete Story.
by Julian Wilson (currently out of print),
        is also extremely encouraging.


,,        ,,        Perhaps get the above four books from a Christian site.
,,        ,,        I bought one copy from Amazon and it was wrongly assembled!


Bethel Church, Redding, California.
Miracles & teaching. 

        Biblical, emotional, and logical.
        But (in parts) a spiritually immature church
        still having a thirst for evidence of God.

        That New Age is in some of the leaders’ pasts
        seems to have left them with a desire to:
                 Identify God’s methods.
                 Then use those methods
                 so as to be on top of things
                 doing needed miracles.

        When it should be a desire to:
                 Be used by God.
                 Be at the bottom of things.
                 So that, when he uses you
                 so that he is on top of things,
                 it looks like you are on top of things
                 doing needed miracles.

        Bill Johnson is the senior pastor at Bethel.


        YouTube: – Bill Johnson || DECEMBER 11, 2017 -
               What Jesus Accomplished Now || Teaching Truth
,,        ,,
        37m 15s   to   47m 30s   are particularly pithy.

        Good teaching – ‘Jesus redefined what a king is’.

,,        ,,        YouTube: – Bill Johnson -
,,        ,,        Creative Miracles At Bethel - Part 1


        YouTube: – Bill Johnson -
               Creative Miracles At Bethel - Part 2


        YouTube: – Bringing Heaven to Earth,,,
        God gives us much
        so that we can do good:
        naturally & miraculously.

Bethel, Hillsong, Elevation Church, etc,
have things of God, things that are valuable,
and have flaws.

        The easy way to spot such flaws
        is to search for YouTube videos
        critical of those churches.

        But also measure the critic (motive, ability, etc).
        Some criticisms are based on, not good theology,
        but on a mere bias of denomination.
                 See earlier three cells,
Within dispensationalism,
                 and the links within them.
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        This link does not open up a new tab.

I notice that many young American Christians
are more interested in:

o   The tangible:
                 God’s gifts, healing, manifestations,
                 feelings, signs & wonders, etc.

o   Rather than the abstract:
                 God, love, virtues, etc.

Even more so if they are ex-New Agers.

        I once checked out all European philosophers
        and all American philosophers.
        Roughly speaking:
                 The European ones were all abstract.
                 The American ones were all practical.

        I reckon the reasons are, historically:
                 plus political freedom,
                 plus the many resources of a large country.

        Whatever the reasons
        I can only suppose they affect
        most Americans and most Europeans,
        in most areas of life & thought, including religion.

        This may be why young American Christians
        tend to be more interested in the tangible
        than the abstract.


Heidi Baker, Mozambican (though originally American).


        YouTube: – Nov 16, 2017 Women on the Frontlines
,,             HEIDI BAKER — Being FULLY FILLED With GOD's GLORY!

        Vital teaching & testimonies. The Bible reading
        and the preaching start at 30m 40s.


        YouTube: – "Knowing The Ways Of God" - Heidi Baker
        Vital teaching & testimonies.


        YouTube: – Heidi Baker: Intimacy for Miracles - CBN.com
        Teaching & testimonies,  2008.


        YouTube: – 700 Club Interactive:
,,             Follow Your Dreams - March 20, 2014

        Teaching & testimonies.


        YouTube: – Heidi Baker on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! |
,,             Reckless Devotion

        Teaching & testimonies.


        YouTube: – Heidi Baker - Intimacy with God
        Teaching & testimonies.


        YouTube: – Heidi Baker's Testimony
        Teaching & testimonies.


        YouTube: – Heidi Baker( Nov 11, 2017) -
,,             Being Closer To Jesus And Knowing Him

        Teaching & testimonies.


        YouTube: – Heidi Baker( Nov 16, 2017) We Are Anointed
        Teaching & testimonies.


        There’s more of Heidi on YouTube.


Heidi’s website is:
    Heidi Baker  ( IRIS )
        Teaching & testimonies.


Isabel Chapman, Scottish.


        God's Word To Women: Testimony of  Isabel Chapman
        Testimony & teaching.


        The above is the only internet presence
        that I can find of Isabel.
        But I recommend her excellent book:
Arise & Reap,
        (out of print – though I reckon it shouldn’t be;
        it would make a great film).


        Don’t underestimate women biblical teacher-healers.
        Of all the biblical teacher-healers on this webpage
        God told only: Isabel Chapman, Heidi Baker,
        & Mark Hemans, to do missionary work
        in particularly dangerous places.


        God told Isabel to go to the Philippines,
        to its inaccessible jungle areas,
        to preach to, & to miraculously heal,
        the head-hunting tribes there.
        But she didn’t yet know how to miraculously heal.


        So, when she arrived, in Manila,
        a young Kenneth Copeland was having a big
        healing meeting there.
        She attended, not because she was ill, but to learn.


        Many people were healed & saved at Kenneth’s meeting.
        But it was Isabel, not Kenneth, whom God had told
        to carry on travelling – to the head-hunters.

        (Their initiation into manhood was to bring back
        the head of a member of another tribe.
        They also worshipped idols & used black magic.)


John Mellor, Australian.


        YouTube: – Severely disabled boy miraculously healed
,,             'Today Tonight' National News - John Mellor Miracles



        YouTube: – Child in wheelchair suffering from painful
,,             Köhler disease healed & runs - John Mellor Miracles



        YouTube: – Disabled woman in wheelchair
,,             with cerebellum brain injury
,,             healed & walks - John Mellor Healing



        YouTube: – Blind, disabled man in wheelchair healed
,,             'Today Tonight' National News - John Mellor Miracles



        YouTube: – Keratoconus blindness miracle healing
,,             John Mellor Australian Healing Ministry



        YouTube: – Autistic child totally healed -
,,             John Mellor Healing in Jesus' Name



        YouTube: – Child born blind miraculously healed
,,             & vision restored after prayer - John Mellor Healing Ministry



        YouTube: – John Mellor - ‘Position Yourself
,,             To Receive a Miracle’ Part 1



        YouTube: – John Mellor - ‘Position Yourself
,,             To Receive a Miracle’ Part 2



        YouTube: – Healing teaching and demonstration -
,,             John Mellor Ministries

        Miracle & teaching.


        YouTube: – John Mellor teaches on faith -
,,             'Don't stop believing'



        YouTube: – John Mellor teaching on healing -
,,             what voices are you listening to?



        YouTube: – John Mellor teaching on
,,             persistent faith - never give up!



        YouTube: – Some of the blockages to being healed -
,,             John Mellor Ministries



        YouTube: – Teaching about healing prayer -
,,             John Mellor Healing Evangelist

        Miracle & teaching.


        YouTube: – Healing seminar teaching with demonstration
,,             healing of painful spine - John Mellor Miracles

        Miracle & teaching.


There are more  ‘John Mellor teaching’ videos on YouTube.


Pastor (Doctor) Kay Ijisesan, American I assume.


        YouTube: – Kingsword Everywhere ,,,
        Worship, testimonies, preaching & teaching, miracles. 
        Watch from 2hr 20m onwards
        for preaching & teaching, then miracles.


        There’s more of Dr Kay on YouTube.


        Kingsword is the group of churches
        that Pastor Kay established.


Tom Fischer, American I assume.


        YouTube: – Tom Fischer:
,,             The Uncensored Street Healing Movie

        Miracles & teaching.


        YouTube: – Wonderful encounter on a NJ boardwalk
        Miracles & teaching.


        There’s more of Tom on YouTube.


        Thomas Fischer - Living the Miraculous
        All about the man and his ministry.


        Cardboard Box Church, Tom’s YouTube channel. ,,,


Pete Cabrera Jr, American I assume.


        YouTube: – Get up and walk out of that wheel chair
,,             in Jesus name



        YouTube: – Dead arm comes to life in Jesus Name


        YouTube: – Busted ankle restored


        YouTube: – Streets of Frankfurt Germany with Pete Cabrera Jr


        YouTube: – Dorthie get up and walk WOW!


        YouTube: – What no Doctor could do JESUS!!


        YouTube: – 16 rods in her back


        YouTube: – How to start living in the Spirit made simple


        There’s more of Pete on YouTube.


        Pete Cabrera Jr’s YouTube channel.,,,,,


Tom Loud, American I assume.


        Pete Cabrera Jr (see previous cell)
        has inspired a pastor called Tom Loud:


        YouTube: – The day I learned NOTHING from Pete Cabrera Jr !


        YouTube: – Pain level 10, Doctors couldn't heal her,
,,             so Jesus Did!!!!



        YouTube: – Breast Cancer Tumor Vanishes in Jesus Name !
,,             - Tom Loud



        YouTube: – Wrist with metal rod healed; soul saved;
,,             Jesus Glorified ! -Tom Loud



        There’s more of Tom on YouTube.


        Tom’s church:
Shoreline Full Gospel Fellowship. ,,,,


Nathan Morris, British.


Nathan Morris is an inspiring biblical preacher-healer
(I say preacher-healer because I haven’t found
any teaching yet.  But there may be some somewhere):


        YouTube: – Face to Face with Nathan Morris
        Life story, testimony, & more.


        YouTube: – Nathan Morris/Blind girl begins to see
,,             @ Bay Revival, Ohio



        YouTube: – Woman Gets Healed
,,             After Being Paralyzed For 23 Years

YouTube: – Delia Knox Testimony
,,             at Bay of the Spirit Revival Pt 1
YouTube: – Delia Knox Testimony Part 2.


        YouTube: – Deaf Woman Healed in Creative Miracle
,,             @ Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival



        YouTube: – Blind boy healed
,,             at Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival



        YouTube: – Baby Boy healed in Lake Charles.mov


        YouTube: – Deaf baby healed at Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival


        YouTube: – Mother & daughter both healed @ Bay Revival


        YouTube: – Young boy with cancer touched @ Bay Revival


        YouTube: – Young deaf boy healed @ Bay Revival


        YouTube: – Young girl with heart arrhythmia
,,             & on a feeding tube
,,             healed @ Bay Revival, Ohio

        Also see:


        YouTube: – Woman who had 5 strokes
,,             is healed @ Bay Revival



        YouTube: – Alanna's Story from the Bay Revival


        There’s more of Nathan on YouTube.


        Nathan Morris - Shake The Nations Ministries, 
,,             his YouTube channel
. ,,,


This cell is an assortment of various
biblical preacher/teacher-healers.
Some I’m familiar with, some not so familiar.

        Pastor Chris Oyakhilome PhD:
,,             his TV channel’s site (Loveworld UK)

        Miracles & teaching. 
            In 2008 I went to his first ever UK meeting,
                 in London, and saw miracles.
                 (I’d only seen them on TV before.)
            I liked his books: Praying The Right Way
                 and None Of These Diseases,
                 which were the start of my
                 understanding of the miraculous.
        Pastor Chris has since divorced which is unfortunate.
        (Parts of the culture of many a nation
        is often counter to Christian culture,
        and Nigerian culture is no exception.)
        Also try YouTube.


        Evangelist Rambabu -Rambo - Home | Facebook  
        Also try YouTube.


        Wisdom Ministries (Nasir Siddiki)  
        Entirely biblical, but also logical (rather than emotional).
        Also try YouTube.


        New Creation Church (Joseph Prince)  
        Click ‘video messages’.
        Entirely biblical, yet also logical.
        Also try YouTube.


        Prophetic Vision (David Hathaway)  
        Miracles & teaching.
                Also try YouTube.


        John & Carol Arnott.  American I assume.
                YouTube: – John & Carol Arnott LIVE with Sid Roth
        Teaching & testimonies.


                YouTube: – AIMG TV - Miracles & Healing Night -
,,                           april 14, 2018 with John Arnott

        Teaching, miracles, & testimonies.


        Christ for all nations: Reinhard Bonnke & Daniel Kolenda
        Reinhard: German, 1940-2019.  Daniel: Zimbabwean.
        Simple but effective, big-meeting evangelists/preachers.


                YouTube: – Blind Woman Healed
,,                           in front of 200,000 People!  (Daniel Kolenda)



                YouTube: – Watch This Miracle! Regina Atta.
                           (Reinhard Bonnke)



And here’s some historical material:

YouTube: – God's Generals,
,,             Why they Succeeded and Why Others Failed

        Historical teaching & testimonies
        compiled by Roberts Liardon.
                 A five-hour video of historical
                 biblical teacher-healers:

                 Starting with: Smith Wigglesworth
                 (video repeated from earlier).
                 Kathryn Kuhlman.   A. A. Allen.   Jack Coe.
                 Evan Roberts.   John Alexander Dowie.
                 John G. Lake.   Maria Woodworth Etter.
                 Oral Roberts.   William Branham.
                 William J. Seymour.   Charles F. Parham.

        Or, if you want to see all the above
        but broken down into individual programmes
        then see the videos in:
YouTube: – Roberts Liardon God's generals.

                 Perhaps also see:
YouTube: – Kathryn Kuhlman
,,                           How to Be Filled and Controlled By the Holy Spirit


YouTube: – Aimee Semple McPherson  
                 Historical teaching & testimonies
                 compiled by Roberts Liardon.

Wikipedia: Aimee Semple McPherson. ,,,

YouTube: – Azusa Street Revival
,,             Eyewitness Accounts-Pentecostal History

        An 18 minute interview with people who were there.

I’m sure there are many other biblical teacher-healers,
with or without a media presence, that I haven’t mentioned.


I don’t include Kenneth Copeland or Benny Hinn
because they love money, which is just plain wrong.
They are much richer than many of the people
who give to them.
1 Tim c6 v6-12,,,Acts c2 v38-47,,,1 Cor c9,,,Phili c4 v4-13,,,

        1 John c2 v15-17:
        Love not the world,
        neither the things that are in the world.
        If any man love the world,
        the love of the Father is not in him.
        For all that is in the world,
            the lust of the flesh,
            and the lust of the eyes,
            and the pride of life,
        is not of the Father, but is of the world.
        And the world passeth away,
        and the lust thereof:
        but he that doeth the will of God
        abideth for ever.  


A much more extreme case
of anointed ministers going wrong
is that of the late TB Joshua.
TB Joshua: Megachurch leader
raped and tortured worshippers, BBC finds
. ,,,

I can’t see any reason why his accusers would lie.

Also consider:
YouTube: – Trending NOW: Prophet T.B. Joshua’s Accusers Cry Out For Help … .,,,
N.B. The man defending the late prophet TB Joshua speaks with threats,
speaks like a: gentile version of an Old Covenant (therefore Jewish) prophet.
Whereas Jesus told all Christians that they must forgive those who persecute them.
Matt c5 v38-48    Luke c6 v27-36,,,

        How can such ministers preach the gospel
        miraculously heal, to back up the gospel,
        shortly beforehand/afterwards commit crimes?

I think that a Christian,
who is indeed anointed,
YouTube: – Disgusting Neck/ Back Ulcer Healed
After TB Joshua Prayer
but who sins, indeed commits crimes,
is like someone who wins the lottery
then finds that winning has ruined their life:
        God’s gift, of you doing many miracles,
        would cause:
                 adulation (it shouldn’t be so, but it happens),
                 and great trust,
        from people.

        These would give you new opportunities
        to be vain/greedy/lustful and get away with it.
        Opportunities that you may not have prepared for.
        Opportunities that demons will encourage.

        Demons look even harder
        for a crack in the armour
        of an anointed Christian.
        If they find it, they’ll:
                 Speak to you.
                 Speak to other people’s demons
                 who will speak to them.

                 Traps require co-ordination.  
2 Cor c10 v3-5,,,

                 See cell starting:
Regarding everyone having.,,,

                 See cell starting: A demon will keep. ,,,

God never takes back
what he has promised or given.
(It’s a time-travel thing I reckon.)


So, if God has given, or has promised he will give,
a miraculous anointing,
and the person has accepted it,
then God will never take it away.

However, by committing crime you force the Holy Spirit
out of all the rooms of your mind, all the areas of your life.
But he’ll remain in the hallway, where God first put him.
He won’t leave entirely.

But the Holy Spirit needs to be in:
        every room of your mind,
        every area of your life,
for a miracle producing ministry.
Hence, over time, a sinning minister would:
    o   Increasingly rely on the faith of:
                 the congregation
                 &/or the individual being healed or delivered.

o   Increasingly need to:
                 slowly jolt him/herself out of the world
                 before a healing service.
o   May eventually need to:
                 fake miracles,
                 or quit the ministry.

I notice that TB Joshua didn’t use black magic to do miracles
(you can’t do so).  He used God’s Spirit to do miracles.

He used black magic to do wrong.
(See:  36m 40s  to  39m 30s  of the second BBC programme.)

Likewise he used God’s Spirit (therefore he had God’s Spirit)
to cast out demons – even towards the end of his life.

You cannot cast out demons using demons. 
Matt c12 v22-29,,,

Demons are more likely
to target potent believers than unbelievers.
Like soldiers are more likely
to target enemy combatants
before they get shot themselves.
Target the active fit first
then the sluggish wounded.

Target you with inner temptations (so have no weaknesses)
& encourage your persecution (so be prepared for trouble).

All to make you less effective
and more entertaining.

All this is something for demons to do.

Indeed, it’s the only sort of thing they can do:
        always the spanner
        never the works.

In factories, early in the industrial revolution,
spanners had to be kept near open machinery for maintenance purposes.

But, ironically, that made it easy to ‘accidentally’ drop a spanner into the machine
thus destroying it completely (think: increased automation takes jobs).



Many churches use secular methods to advertise the gospel:
        social events,
        novelty guest speakers,

But Jesus used healing miracles
and miraculous signs & wonders.

Paul’s modus operandi, on his first missionary journey,
was to:
        go into a town,
        do a miracle to attract a crowd,
        preach the gospel (& do more miracles),
        then, after a while, there’d be a backlash
        so he’d be chased out of town,
        then he’d go to the next town
        and do the same thing all over again,
        repeating the process from town to town.

On his second missionary journey:
        he revisited each town,
        found that the dust had settled
        and that churches had formed in his absence.

My point is that:
        Paul started, each time, with a miracle,
        just like Peter did, in Acts c3.
        And that we should do likewise.

    Eph c1 v19-23    and    1 Cor c12 – c14   combined:
        Jesus is now the head
        and you, the church, are now the body.
        Hence you, like Jesus,
        have been given the Spirit
        so that you too can have the gifts of the Spirit
        including doing miracles
.   my abbn

        Perhaps see: CONTINUING THE SON’S WORK.,,,

        Though also see





Some Christians on this webpage do miraculous healing.
But they do it in odd ways, in ways that Jesus did not do.

And we must keep a look out for the demonic.
        Perhaps again see: TRICKS & MIRACLES.
        and the links within it.
,,        ,,        This link does not open up a new tab.

However, if you are not doing miracles, at all,
‘Do’ is the verb used in the KJV.  (Though see Acts c3 v12 & v16.)

then be careful not to throw out the baby
with the bathwater.



In a Christian – the gospel produces three kinds of fruit:
Stop doing bad   1 Cor c15 v9  
        (needless to say, this includes stopping doing supernatural bad   Acts c8 v5-13).,,
    b) Do natural good.   Acts c2 v45  
    c) Do miraculous good.   Acts c3 v1-8   

Hence there are six possible combinations:
    a)  Stop
doing bad.   

    b)  Do natural good. 

    c)  Do miraculous good.

    a)  &  b)  Stop doing bad.  Do natural good. 

    a)  &  c)  Stop doing bad.  Do miraculous good.

    a)  &  b)  &  c)  Stop doing bad.  Do natural good.  Do miraculous good.

    Perhaps again see:

    Hence a Baptist Christian
    might complain about a Pentecostal meeting 
    where repentance (stopping doing bad) wasn’t preached.

    For example:
YouTube: – Street Preacher Confronts
,,     John Kilpatrick & Nathan Morris at Bay of the Holy Spirit!

    But a Pentecostal Christian might reply
    that their congregation had stopped doing bad long ago
    and had now started doing miraculous good.

    Indeed, to do miraculous good,
    you need to have stopped doing bad.

            See Mark Hemans’ (a Pentecostal)
            really good teaching on stopping doing bad:
YouTube: – Living for the glory of God, etc,,,,,
            at top of overflow webpage:
More Mark Hemans’ teaching.
,,        ,,        ,,        This link does not open up a new tab.




    Baptists (& others) are focussed on:
            Stopping doing bad.
    And so also on:
            Doing good.

    Hence they are used to:
            Doing natural tasks.
    Are not used to:
            Stopping doing natural tasks.

    Hence they don’t stop doing miraculous tasks either.
    If someone’s prematurely terminally sick they’ll:
            have many people praying,
            work hard at praying,
            not let go of the problem
            in order that God can take it.

            They have the mustard seed of faith
            but they also have very much unbelief.

            They know God’s love and power are true
            but they also know all about the sickness.

            and the links within it.
,,        ,,        ,,        This link does not open up a new tab.






Biblical teacher-healer’s teaching
is usually corrective.

    You may ask:
            “What is there to correct?”

    I say:
            “Much Church of England liturgy, prayers, & hymns
            repeatedly ask God to
                     forgive us,
                     come to us,
                     heal us,
                     give to us,
                     help us,

            But God cannot do these things
            because he has already done them,
            all of them, for all of us,
            by way of Jesus being crucified in our place
            so that we can have God’s Holy Spirit.

            But do you believe it
            and do you believe it applies to you?


            Repeatedly asking
            shows that we don’t believe.

            Indeed, repeatedly asking
            reinforces that we don’t believe.






The gospel is the good news
Jesus was Punished in place of all of us:

        His Punishment made all our sins (before God) vanish
        even though all our wrongs (before each other) remain.

        Perhaps see:


You become a Christian:
        not when you only know the gospel, in your mind,
        but when you also believe the gospel, in your
Rom c10 v10   

        On believing – your heart becomes grateful
        and so renews your mind:
            1) Duplicates its belief into your mind
                 so that even your mind believes.
            2) Establishes the pattern of that belief,
                 the pattern of the gospel, agape love,
                 throughout your mind,

                 your heart
                 & your mind
                 & God’s Spirit inside you
        become alike,

        then all three of you can live & work together
        without getting in each other’s way.






1) Jesus’ crucifixion put all humans right with his Father.
    Hence his Father gave his Spirit to all humans.

    Mind you, even though God gave his Spirit to everyone:

            Only those who’ve accepted Jesus’ sayings:
                     “forgive all who’ve hurt you”,
                     “love your (personal) enemies”,
            will accept help to do those things,
            namely from God’s Spirit.

            Only those who’ve accepted the Son
            also accept the Spirit.

            The Spirit makes no sense to unbelievers.

    John c14 v16-17:
            And I will pray the Father,
            and he shall give you another Comforter,
he may abide with you for ever;
    even the Spirit of truth;
            whom the world cannot receive,
    because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him:
    but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you,
            and shall be in you.

        Perhaps read the whole of John c14.

2) You can pray for
miracles healings & blessings:  Matt c7 v7-11
            By believing, in your heart,
            that Jesus made everyone right with his Father.
            And by your heart then
            renewing your mind accordingly,
            so that your mind also believes
            though without doubting
            So that all of you, heart and mind,
            contains God’s Spirit
            and has faith in Jesus’ name. 
Acts c3 v16
    and your prayers will
    immediately/soon be answered

3) You can command
miracles healings & blessings:
            By believing, in your heart,
            that Jesus made everyone right with his Father.
            And by your heart then
            renewing your mind accordingly,
            so that your mind also believes
            though without doubting
            So that all of you, heart and mind
            contains God’s Spirit
            and has faith in Jesus’ name.
   Acts c3 v16
    and what you’ve commanded will
    immediately/soon happens

Perhaps see: WHY GOD’S WORDS HAVE POWER. , , ,


All this assumes that you have:
        renewed your mind,
        think like God thinks.
        You act out of an agape love towards everyone.
        You obey God’s Spirit whenever he speaks to you.




*#Christians often use the word doubt.
But unbelief is the technically correct word:
        You can have doubts about all sorts of matters
        but unbelief is specific to you doubting about God:

        Only believers can have unbelief.
                 (Only believers can doubt in their mind
                 what they believe in their heart.)

        Unbelievers cannot have unbelief.
                 (Unbelievers cannot doubt in their mind
                 what they believe in their heart
                 because they don’t believe in their heart
                 in the first place.)

Perhaps see: UNBELIEF. ,,,






Believing that the Son was crucified in our place
is good, indeed vital.

But believing is not you paying-your-way.

Hence Jesus’ act of God’s love towards us, his crucifixion,
and the good results of it,
are, from our point of view, unconditional.

        Luke c15 v11-32:   my abbreviation
        God is like a father who loved his two sons.
        One son asked for his inheritance in advance
        but then wasted it all on wild, immoral, living.
        Hungry, he returned home to apologise deeply.
        But his father’s very warm welcome
        drowned out his apologising.
        The other son, though his inheritance was still intact,
        was angry at his father’s welcome for his brother.
        His father tried to reassure him:
        told him that he loved them both, equally, unconditionally.
        But the son wouldn’t have it, didn’t understand such love,
        saw only that he should be loved, not his brother.
        His isolation from his father & brother
        had become vivid.
   my abbreviation


You may complain:

        “But other parts of the Bible
        say that God’s love is

1 Cor c6 v9-10   Gal c5 v19-21   Eph c5 v5   Col c3 v5 


        Heb c13 v4   Rev c21 v8   combined,  my abbreviation:
        The following won’t go to Heaven
ornicators, idolaters, adulterers, effeminate,
            abusers of themselves with mankind,
            thieves, the covetous, drunkards, revilers,
            extortioners.  Those who practice, or who have:
            sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality,
            idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy,
            fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions,
            divisions, envy, orgies.
            Whoremongers, the (morally) unclean.
            Those having: inordinate affection,
            evil concupiscence, anger, wrath, malice.
            Those having: blasphemy and filthy
            communication come out of their mouths.
            The abominable, murderers, liars.
   my abbreviation”

I reply:

        “Much of the Bible stars, and is even written by,
        people who had actually committed
        some of those crimes.

        Admittedly they repented, became good.
        But they’d still done those crimes in the past.”

,,                           THE OPPOSITE OF THE HEART/SPIRIT
. ,,,




God, in this Church Age, 33ad to now:
        is not just,
        but loving:

        Hence the word justice is:
                 29 times – in the Old Testament
                 0 times – in the New Testament.

        And (last time I looked at
Smith’s site*)
        Smith Wigglesworth’s sermons contained:
                 277 times – the word love
                 0 times – the word justice.

,,        ,,        ,,        ,         * Smith’s sermons are rotated by the site owner.


If God being absolutely loving,
and the Cross being unconditional,
make you say:
        “Then what’s to stop us sinning?”
it shows you haven’t yet believed
so that you don’t have gratitude:

        To only know, in your mind,
        that God takes no note of sins,
        without also believing it, in your heart & mind,
        would indeed make you sin more.

        Rom c6 v1-2     Rom c6 v15     1 Cor c6 v12-20


        &     Gal c2 v16-21:
        Did God Forgive us
        so that we can sin (more) freely?
        Absolutely not
.   my abbreviation


        But if you do believe, in your heart,
        and if your heart has renewed your mind accordingly:

                 1) Duplicated its belief into your mind
                     (so that even your mind believes).

                 2) Established the pattern of that belief
                     the pattern of the gospel, agape love, 
                     throughout your mind.

        then you would think and act
        like God currently thinks and acts:
        completely constructively.

        That includes personally forgiving
who’ve hurt you, however great the hurt
        (though legal justice should still be done).




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