What it’s all about.




The Son said:
            John c9 v5:
As long as I am in the world,
            I am the light of the world
.   KJV
            John c8 v12:
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying,
                 I am the light of the world:
                 he that followeth me
                 shall not walk in darkness,
                 but shall have the light of life
.   KJV


But later, Jesus would suffer, die, & rise from the dead,
so that the Holy Spirit could come into us
so that we could continue his work.
Hence he also said:

            Matt c5 v14:
Ye are the light of the world.
            A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid
.   KJV

            Matt c5 v16:
Let your light so shine before men,
            that they may see your good works,
            and glorify your Father which is in heaven
.   KJV
,,        ,,        The word glorify implies that the good works are miracles.


            Mark c11 v22-24    (Matt c21 v21-22):
Jesus answering saith unto them,
                 Have faith in God.
                 For verily I say unto you,
                  That whosoever shall say unto this mountain,
                        Be thou removed,
                       and be thou cast into the sea;
                  and shall not doubt in his heart,
                  but shall believe that those things which he saith
                 shall come to pass;
                  he shall have
                 whatsoever he saith.
            Therefore I say unto you,
                 What things soever ye desire,
                 when ye pray, believe that ye receive
                 and ye shall have
them.   KJV

            Mark c13 v34:
For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey,
            who left his house, and gave authority to his servants,
            and to every man his work,
ctd   KJV

            1 John c4 v17:
            Herein is our love made perfect,
            that we may have boldness in the day of judgment:
                 as he is,
                 so are we in this world
.   KJV


You are definitely included in this
(note reddened text in the following scripture):

            Matt c28 v18-20:
And Jesus came and spake unto them [the disciples], saying,
                 All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Go ye therefore, and teach
all nations,
                 baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
                 and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things
                 whatsoever I have commanded you:

                 and, lo, I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the world. Amen.   KJV




In order for us believers to take over from the Son
we need:
      1)  Power.
      2)  Agape love (God’s kind of love: self-giving, self-sacrificial).
      3)  Authority (i.e. Jesus’ promises).


1)  Power – is in God’s Spirit, whom God puts into every believer:

                 Acts c1 v4-5:
            And, being assembled together with them,
                  commanded them that they should
                 not depart from Jerusalem,
                  but wait for the promise of the Father,
                  which, saith he, ye have heard of me.
                  For John truly baptized with water;
                  but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost
                  not many days hence.   KJV

Acts c2 v1-12:
                  God’s Spirit first went into Christians
            at Jerusalem, at the time of Pentecost.   my abbn

                 Eph c1 v19-23   &   1 Cor c12 – c14   combined:
                 Jesus is now the head.
                 And you, the church, are now the body.
                 Hence you, like Jesus,
                 have been given the Spirit
                 so that you too can have the gifts of the Spirit
                 including doing miracles
.   my abbn

                 Col c2 v9-10:
                 For in him dwelleth
                 all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
                 And ye are complete in him,
                 which is the head of all principality and power
:   KJV

                 Eph c3 v20:
                 Now unto him that is able to do
                 exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,
                 according to
power that worketh in us,   KJV

                 Also see Bible scriptures
                 in later section:

,,        ,,        ,,        Perhaps see second cell
,,        ,,        ,,        of earlier section: GOD THE SON 
,,        ,,        ,,        and third cell
,,        ,,        ,,        of earlier section: GOD THE SPIRIT 
,,        ,,        ,,        and
,,        ,,        ,,        last paragraph (starting Mind you, even though)
,,        ,,        ,,        of earlier section: GOD THE SPIRIT.


2)  Agape love – the motive of a renewed mind:

                 Your heart’s/
spirit’s gratitude to God
,         ,         ,         gratitude – because God has put all of us right with himself

                 causes your heart/spirit to renew your mind . .

,         ,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: YOU MUST RENEW YOUR MIND
,         ,         ,         and
,         ,         ,         earlier section: WHAT IS A RENEWED MIND?
,         ,         ,         and
,         ,         ,         and immediately after it: DOING MIRACLES
,         ,         ,         and
,         ,         ,         immediately after that: WHAT IS A RENEWED MIND: SOME DETAILS
,         ,         ,         and
,         ,         ,         later section: HOW TO RENEW YOUR MIND
,         ,         ,         and
,         ,         ,         immediately after it: HOW TO RENEW YOUR MIND: SOME DETAILS.

                 . . so that your soul,
                 as well as your heart/
                 loves with an agape love.

Agape love is also the motive of God’s Spirit, who lives inside you.


3)  Authority – Jesus’ promises:

                 Matt c7 v7-11    (
Luke c11 v9-13):
[Continuously] ask, and it shall be given you;
[Continuously] seek, and ye shall find;
[Continuously] knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
                 For every one that
[continuously] asketh receiveth;
                 and he that
[continuously] seeketh findeth;
                 and to him that
[continuously] knocketh it shall be opened.
                  Or what man is there of you,
            whom if his son ask bread,
                  will he give him a stone?
                  Or if he ask a fish,
            will he give him a serpent?
                  If ye then, being evil,
                  know how to give good gifts unto your children,
                  how much more shall your Father which is in heaven
                  give good things to them that ask him?   KJV

,         ,         ,         The original Greek verbs: ask; seek; knock;
,         ,         ,         are in the present imperative tense.

                  Matt c18 v19:
                  Again I say unto you,
                        That if two of you shall agree on earth
                        as touching any thing that they shall ask,
                        it shall be done for them
                       of my Father which is in heaven.  

                 Mark c11 v22-24    (Matt c21 v21-22):
Jesus answering saith unto them,
                       Have faith in God.
                       For verily I say unto you,
                       That whosoever shall say unto this mountain,
                              Be thou removed,
                             and be thou cast into the sea;
                        and shall not doubt in his heart,
                        but shall believe that those things which he saith
                       shall come to pass;
                        he shall have
                       whatsoever he saith.
                  Therefore I say unto you,
                        What things soever ye desire,
                        when ye pray, believe that ye receive
                        and ye shall have them.   KJV

                 John c14 v12-14:
                 Verily, verily, I say unto you,
                       He that believeth on me,
                       the works that I do
                       shall he do also;
                       and greater
works than these shall he do;
                        because I go unto my Father
,         ,         ,         ,         [i.e. I die – so that he can send you the Holy Spirit, permanently.]

                       And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name,
                       that will I do,
                       that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
                       If ye shall ask any thing in my name,
                       I will do
it.   KJV

John c16 v23-24:
                  ctd Verily, verily, I say unto you,
                        Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name,
                        he will give
it you.
                        Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name:
                        ask, and ye shall receive,
                        that your joy may be full.   KJV




,         ,         ,         Perhaps see earlier sections:
,         ,         ,         WHY GOD’S WORDS HAVE POWER,,,,,
,         ,         ,         and:
,         ,         ,         GODLY SELF-CONFIDENCE. ,,,,,







Believers barely need bother asking God for natural needs:

            Matt c6 v7-8:
But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions,
            as the heathen
            for they think that they shall be heard
            for their much speaking.
            Be not ye therefore like unto them:
            for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of,
            before ye ask him.   KJV

            Matt c7 v9-11:
Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread,
            will he give him a stone?
            Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
            If ye then, being evil,
            know how to give good gifts unto your children,
            how much more shall your Father which is in heaven
            give good things to them that ask him?   KJV

If you want to manifest the kingdom of God
(which is inside every believer)

Luke c17 v21: ctd the kingdom of God is within you.   KJV

then it’s only logical that God gives you everything you need:

            Matt c6 v33:
But seek ye first the kingdom of God,
      and his righteousness;
all these things [material necessities]
shall be added unto you.   KJV


            If you’ve not yet renewed your mind
            then don’t even bother praying for, or commanding,
            the desires of your soul
            (your mind is in, & is part of, your soul).

            Only pray for, or command,
            the desires of your heart/
            You’ll get those things.

            (An un-renewed mind may ask for right things.
            But, if your mind is completely renewed,
            it will definitely ask for right things
            and so get them.)

,,        ,,        Perhaps also see fifth cell (starting  2) The second reason the Father )
,,        ,,        of earlier section: WHAT’S WRONG WITH A VISIBLE SOLUTION?.




Pray/command/act/speak according to:
The Bible; principally Jesus’ words.
,         ,         ,
         Perhaps see earlier section: GOD’S WORDS ON SIN
,         ,         ,         and the links within it.
,         ,         ,         (This link does not open a new tab.)

            2)  Godly deduction from 1).
            3)  Telepathic words from God.
,         ,         ,         E.G. Words of knowledge & words of wisdom.   1 Cor c12 v8.


            These three, if genuine, will agree with each other.


Whether you should:
            pray to the Father
            or command in Jesus’ name,
is usually obvious:

In Acts (which shows how it should be done):

            Believers usually prayed generally:
                       as preparation for commanding healings
                       and as thanks for everything.
            Believers did not pray:
                       when healing,
                       to cause the healing,
            as Christians do today.

            In Acts, there are many instances where believers:
                       commanded a healing (up close),
                       miraculously changing someone’s condition.

Acts c3 v1-10:
                       Peter healed a man who’d been born lame.   my abbn

            But only one instance where believers:
                       prayed to the Father (from a distance),
                       miraculously changing someone’s situation.

Acts c12:
                       Believers pray for Peter
                       to be freed from prison
.   my abbreviation


When praying:
            look up . . . . . to the solution.

When commanding:
            look down . . . at the problem . . . you are the solution.

When praying:
            Your mind is now like Jesus’ mind
            so you know what to ask God for.
            And God is now your heavenly dad
            so you ask expectantly

When commanding:
            You’re commanding in Jesus’ name
            Hence you speak to the problem boldly.




The Son  (always)
and the Spirit  (in these New Testament times)
each have a tolerance & a patience
that the Father, on his own, lacks.
See earlier section: SON & SPIRIT.

Hence, before this Church Age,
the Father (with his angels & his Spirit doing his bidding)
did bad as well as good:

            His attitude, to our bad ways, used to be:
            ‘Destroy the whole batch & start again’.
  Exo c32 v1-14,,,

            But, during this Church Age:
                       Father &/or Christian, using the Spirit,
                       and angels,
            do only good.

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier webpage:
,         ,         The good & bad that God does.,,,,,

                       So, if you want to ask the Father to give you
                       a good thing (e.g. a blessing):
                                   you pray, to the Father, in Jesus’ name. 
Matt c7 v7-12    John c14 v12-14   

                       But, if you want to ask the Father
                       to take away from you
                       a bad thing (e.g. a sickness, or a demon):
                                   you don’t,
                                   you command it out, in Jesus’ name.

,         ,         ,         ,         This is an observed rule (like the second law of thermodynamics)
,         ,         ,         ,         not an imposed rule (like gravity).
,         ,         ,         ,         Hence there can be exceptions.




A gift from God is often also a tool, to help you do his will:
            a tool he is glad to give
            and you are glad to receive.

            Hence God gave:
o    To Samson – great strength.    Judges c13 – c17
o    To Moses – the gift of being able to fast of food
                       and water, for forty days & nights.   
Exo c34 v28
o    To Elijah – the gift of being able to
                       outrun a chariot.   
1 Kings c18 v44-46.
o    Etc.

A gift/tool from God can be asked for:
            E.G. Solomon asked for wisdom
            so that he could rule
Israel wisely.    1 Kings c3 v9
,         ,         God was so pleased with Solomon’s selfless request
,         ,         that he gave him riches as well.    1 Kings c3 v10-14.

            Logically, if God thinks what you’re asking for is a bad idea,
            he won’t give it to you.
            If you then persist in asking God for it
            beware of demons entering into the conversation
            and pretending to be God.


In this Church Age, God has revealed
that he has a heart of love.


,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: IN JESUS, THE FATHER REVEALS HIS HEART TO US
,         ,         and
,         ,         earlier section: GOD DOES NOT CHANGE BUT HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH US CHANGES.

               1 John c4 v16    (& v8):
ctd God is love [i.e. agape love] ctd   KJV
,         ,         Any kind of human love is less than God’s kind of love: agape love.
,         ,         I suppose that’s why it’s:  God is love  and not:  love is God.

Hence New Testament gifts/tools
differ from
Old Testament gifts/tools:
            Old Testament gifts/tools:
                       are for doing what’s right-&-good  
            or :
                       for doing what’s right-&-bad.
,         ,         ,         ,         E.G. God gave Samson the strength to kill many.   Judges c14 – c16 

            New Testament gifts/tools are for doing:
                       what’s right-&-good.
,         ,         ,         ,         E.G. God gave believers his Spirit to do only miraculous good.

Perhaps see first cell of earlier section:
and the links within it.
(This link does not open a new tab.)


Perhaps also see last cell (starting Within Christianity)
of earlier section:





In  1 Cor c12  Paul implied that believers
should each have only one gift of the Spirit.

            Perhaps Paul wrote this because
            having many gifts could lead to pride.

            In which case:
                       You’d not have been offered the gifts
                       in the first place.
                       For you’d quickly lose them
                       and demons would offer you fake versions instead.
,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: TRICKS & MIRACLES.

            Conversely, it seems that Paul himself
            had all/most of the gifts of the Spirit, or spiritual gifts,
            but was humble & wise enough to handle that.



            This is like when Paul wrote
            against intellectualism,
1 Cor c8 v1,
            whilst still being an intellectual himself.  
Acts c26 v24 .

            Though I suppose he was writing against:
                       proud intellectualism,
                       intellectualism without God.
            Whereas he himself had:
                       humble intellectualism, 
                       intellectualism with God.  
Acts c26 v24  

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: KNOWLEDGE: SO WHAT, , .






      John c6 v28-29:
      Then said they unto him,
            What shall we do,
            that we might work
            the works of God?
      Jesus answered and said unto them,
            This is the work of God,
                 that ye believe
                 on him whom he hath sent.

      This was Jesus’ entire answer.
      Believe is all we need to do
      (if you can call believing doing).


Your belief, without unbelief,
shows itself by what you say:

            To believe you are about to do a miracle
            yet refrain from declaring it,
            shows that, actually,
            you have both belief and unbelief.

,         ,         ‘Do’ is the verb used in the KJV.


So, assuming you have no unbelief:

            Saying what you believe makes you get what you say.

            Believe it – say it – get it.

            Believing it –
causes – saying it – causes – getting it.


So, it seems as if you saying it
causes it:


,         ,         Mark c11 v23:
,         ,         For verily I say unto you,
,         ,         ,         That whosoever shall say unto this mountain,
,         ,         ,         ,         Be thou removed,
,         ,         ,         ,         and be thou cast into the sea;
,         ,         ,         and shall not doubt in his heart,
,         ,         ,         but shall believe that those things which he saith
,         ,         ,         shall come to pass;
,         ,         ,         he shall have
,         ,         ,         whatsoever he saith.   KJV

,         ,         Matt c21 v21:
,         ,         Jesus answered and said unto them,
,         ,         Verily I say unto you,
,         ,         ,         If ye have faith, and doubt not,
,         ,         ,         ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree,
,         ,         ,         but also if ye shall say unto this mountain,
,         ,         ,         ,         Be thou removed,
,         ,         ,         ,         and be thou cast into the sea;
,         ,         ,         it shall be done.   KJV

But it only seems as if you saying it causes it.

It’s your belief that causes both your words and the miracle.


This concept is a development of
the first six cells

Also see later section:

. ,,,,,






God wants to bless us materially:

      John c10 v10:
      The thief cometh not, but for to
      steal, and to kill, and to destroy:
      I am come that they might have life,
      and that they might have
it more abundantly.   KJV

Deut c8 v18     1 Kings c3 v5-14     Mark c10 v29-30     Luke c6 v38.
2 Cor c8 v9     1 Cor c9 v1-12a  &  v13-14:
      God wants to bless us materially.   my abbreviation




Roughly speaking, there are three stages
to growing as a Christian.


The first stage is when circumstances
force us to go to God.

The stick.


,                            “I’ll die one day.”  or  I’m dying now.”
,                            and  “I want to go to Heaven, not Hell, when I die.”


,         ,         ,         Luke c15 v11-32: 
,         ,         ,         God is like a father who loved his two sons.
,         ,         ,         One son asked for his inheritance in advance
,         ,         ,         but then wasted it all on wild, immoral, living.
,         ,         ,         Hungry, he returned home to apologise deeply.   my abbreviation


The second stage
is when our hearts/
start to renew our minds.

The carrot.

            We believe, in heart/
spirit and in mind,
            Jesus’ promises of:
                       Miracles, from God, blessing us.
                       Material benefits, from people, blessing us.

,         ,         Mark c11 v22-24    (Matt c21 v21-22):
,         ,         And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
,         ,         For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain,
,         ,         ,         Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea;
,         ,         and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe
,         ,         that those things which he saith
,         ,         shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
,         ,         Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire,
,         ,         when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.   KJV

,         ,         Mark c10 v29-30    (Luke c18 v29-30):
,         ,         And Jesus answered and said Verily I say unto you,
,         ,         There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother,
,         ,         or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,
,         ,         but he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time,
,         ,         houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands,
,         ,         with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.   KJV


The third and final stage of growing as a Christian
is when our hearts/
finish renewing our minds.

So that we become both:

      opposite to demons

,         ,         ,         John c10 v10:
,         ,         ,         The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:
,         ,         ,         I am come that they might have life,
,         ,         ,         and that they might have it more abundantly.   KJV

                 therefore doing miracles & materially blessed


      opposite to the world

,         ,         ,         1 John c2 v15-17:
,         ,         ,         Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
,         ,         ,         If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
,         ,         ,         For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes,
,         ,         ,         and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
,         ,         ,         And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof:
,         ,         ,         but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.   KJV
,         ,         ,         John c12 v25:
,         ,         ,         He that loveth his life shall lose it;
,         ,         ,         and he that hateth his life in this world
,         ,         ,         shall keep it unto life eternal.   KJV

                 therefore serving, not selfish.

                 Matt c18 v1-4     Matt c20 v25-27     Matt c23 v11-12     Mark c9 v35.
Mark c10 v42-44     Luke c9 v46-48     Luke c22 v24-27.
,         ,         ,         The greatest in the kingdom of Heaven is the ‘least’,
,         ,         ,         is the one who serves others the most.   my abbreviation

,         ,         ,         Perhaps see first & second cells
,         ,         ,         of earlier section:

N.B. Church history echoes these three stages.
Perhaps see third cell (starting
Here are three of Dan’s)
of earlier section:




If you’ve renewed your mind:
            then you’ll want to serve people
            by healing
& blessing them, miraculously,
            like Jesus did.
               Perhaps see earlier section: CONTINUING THE SON’S WORK. , , , ,

If you’ve renewed your mind and possess any ability & wealth:
            then you’ll also want to serve people
            and give to those who need it.
,         ,         Acts c2 v44-45     Gal c2 v10     Luke c6 v38     Luke c14 v12-14.

,         ,         The Christian meaning of serving:
,         ,         ,         is not: –  do whatever people tell you to do,
,                            ,                  give them whatever they want,
,         ,         ,         but:       do what’s right for them (hopefully good-&-right),
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         miraculously if not naturally.

,         ,         Or, to put it another way: never serve people, serve only God.
,         ,         That’s how to serve people.

So it’s just as well that
God wants to bless us materially.



In order to naturally and miraculously serve others
God will need to keep you alive, healthy, sheltered, fed, etc:

            Matt c6 v33:
            But seek ye first the kingdom of God,
            and his righteousness;
            and all these things
[all material necessities]
            shall be added unto you
.   KJV



To conclude:

            to: . . . . . . health & prosperity

            and: . . . . .serving

            add: . . . .  conveying God’s Forgiveness
                             in a legalistic world
                             attracts persecution

            to get: . .  the Christian life is one of:
o    God-given loving miraculous power.
o    God-given health & prosperity.
o    Serving.
o    Persecution.




            most of the time – a believer does good-&-right

            some of the time – a believer has to do bad-yet-right.

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier sections: GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG  
,         ,         and:


            a believer does only good-&-right.

            A Christian soldier,
            on a clearly right side, fighting a clearly wrong enemy,
            may do natural bad-yet-right.


,         ,         Perhaps see sixth cell (starting You may say)
,         ,         of earlier section: LOVE YOUR ENEMIES.

            But if he commanded, in Jesus’ name,
            his gun to be miraculously more deadly,
            that would be a:
                       right command,
                       but a bad command.

            Hence it would not work.

,         ,         Indeed, God’s Spirit would have already been telling him
,         ,         not to make such a command, that he was acting like an unbeliever.

            But a Christian soldier can
            successfully command or pray for:

,         ,         Perhaps with other believers  Matt c18 v20.


                 o    miraculous healings,    Acts c28 v1-9

                 o    miraculous escapes,    Acts c12 v3-17

                 o    miraculous resurrections,    Acts c20 v7-12

                 o    his enemies weapons to fail    2 Kings c6 v18

                       though not so as to then
                       attack.   2 Kings c6 v22    Isa c2 v4    Mic c4 v3,,,,,

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier webpage:
,         ,         The good & bad that God does.
,         ,         Perhaps again see earlier section:



Even though the act of serving (be it miraculous or natural) 
must be constructive,
the emotions behind those acts
need not be constructive:

      2 Cor c7 v11:
            For behold this selfsame thing,
            that ye sorrowed after a Godly sort,
                 what carefulness it wrought in you,
what clearing of yourselves,
what indignation,
what fear,
what vehement desire,
what zeal,
what revenge!
            In all
things ye have approved yourselves
            to be clear in this matter
.   KJV

,         ,         Perhaps see the context (behaviour amongst Christians) 2 Cor c3 – c6  
,         ,         which leads up to   2 Cor c7.

For example: your renewed mind should contain anger & hatred.

Though it would be a Godly anger, a Godly hatred:

                  sinful ways, sickness, death, lack, demons:
            all that will be Judged as wicked,

            not towards:
people, however wrong they are:
                       all that may be Judged as wicked.



The word wrath means great anger.

Paul often used the word wrath to mean God’s great anger:
                   Rom c1 v18       Rom c2 v5       Rom c4 v15       Rom c5 v9       Rom c9 v22       Rom c12 v19,  
Rom c13 v4       Rom c13 v5       Eph c2 v3       Eph c5 v6       Col c3 v6       1 Thess c1 v10,  
1 Thess c2 v16       1 Thess c5 v9       Heb c3 v11       Heb c4 v3,    
But Paul also often used the word wrath to mean our great anger:
                 Rom c2 v8       2 Cor c12 v20       Gal c5 v20       Eph c4 v26       Eph c4 v31       Eph c6 v4, 
                 Col c3 v8       1 Tim c2 v8       Heb c11 v27,  

            The Bible reference in the second batch, above
                             Eph c4 v26:
      26 Be ye angry, and sin not:
                             let not the sun go down upon your wrath   KJV
            seems to say:
                             “You, be an angry person, all the time.”

            But the verse’s context is:
                  Eph c4 v25-28:
                              25 Wherefore putting away lying,
                  speak every man truth with his neighbour:
                              for we are members one of another.
                              26 Be ye angry, and sin not:
                  let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
                              27 neither give place to the devil.
                  28 Let him that stole steal no more:
                              but rather let him labour,
                              working with his hands the thing which is good,
                              that he may have to give to him that needeth.   KJV

            which shows Paul was actually saying:
Maintain your Godly anger
                             towards your own sinful ways & weaknesses.”


            A Christian healer needs such anger:
                       Towards demons.
                       Towards sickness, sinful ways, lack, etc,
                       (their own & others’).

                       Especially if the patient has:
                       not only belief – in the heart/
                       but also unbelief/doubt – in the mind.
,         ,         ,         ,
         Perhaps see later sections: UNBELIEF IS A BREAK IN THE CIRCUIT.  


,         ,         ,         ,         See eighth cell (starting Mark Hemans)
,         ,         ,         ,         of earlier section: ABOUT BIBLICAL TEACHER-HEALERS GENERALLY,
,         ,         ,         ,         and some of Mark’s many YouTube links that follow that.
,         ,         ,         ,         (This link does not open a new tab.)

            Unbelief in you, or in your patient,
            encouraged by the world & by demons,
            needs destroying.

                       Smith Wigglesworth,
                       when miraculously healing people,
                       was loving, but also angry:
                       he seemed to hit his patients.

                       When someone asked Smith
                       why he hit people when he healed them,
                       he replied that he hit the illness,
                       or that he hit the demon behind the illness
                       that was encouraging the illness:
                             that discouraged the patient from believing
                             that God would heal them,
                             and even encouraged the patient
                             to accept the illness.

                       That he wasn’t hitting the person,
                       the person just got in the way.

,         ,         ,         ,         See last four cells  (starting: So, there are occasions)
,         ,         ,         ,         of earlier section: HOW DEMONS ARE ABLE TO DO THINGS.


                       Virtually none of Smith’s patients complained.

            Jesus & the apostles
            did not hit people when they healed them.
            But they were still angry inside:

                       Angry towards:
                                   absence of the gospel,
                                   absence of belief of the gospel,
                                   wrong doctrine,
      people’s sinful ways that kept them trapped,
      sickness, lack, demonic oppression,

                       An anger that God also has.

                       An anger that is a symptom of:
                                   agape love towards everyone
                                   and a renewed mind.

                       An anger that is not deterred
                       by persecution or martyrdom.

                       Not the usual, selfish, anger.



            Jesus & the apostles
            did not hit people when they healed them.

            But that does not mean that such methods are demonic.

            They may be part of a passing phase that the church is in,
            an inferior, passing, phase.

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: GOD’S METHODS., , , ,



Emotions are merely tools, tools of the mind.

            Your old, un-renewed, mind, influenced by the world,
            used to produce various emotions, to various degrees,
            none of which caused miracles.
,         ,
         Perhaps see later section: WILL.

            But when your mind is renewed
            it produces, in you:
                       the same emotions that are in God
                       and to the same degree.

                       You feel as God feels,
                       and this includes anger towards:
                                    absence of the gospel,
                        absence of belief of the gospel,
                       wrong doctrine,
                                   people’s sinful ways that kept them trapped,
                                   sickness, lack, demonic oppression,

As for what actions this should lead to:

            You can, of course, pray or command, in Jesus’ name.
            Matt c10 v8:
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead,
cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give
.   KJV

            You can, in Jesus’ name, curse:
                       people’s wrong actions & wrong words
                       (though not the people themselves).
,         ,         ,         ,
         Acts c13 v6-11: Paul halted Elymas the sorcerer’s work.   my abbn

            And you can, in Jesus’ name, curse:
                       illnesses, bad conditions, bad thought patterns,
                       bad predicaments, bad soil, bad plants,
                       (relatively) bad bacteria & viruses,
                       pests, parasites, etc.

,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG. 

            I reckon Jesus cursed a fig tree
                       because it was like the ‘religious’ leaders
                       that he knew he was about to meet.
Matt c21 v19-20     Mark c11 v12-14   &   v20

                       It was all leaves.  They were all show.
                       It had no fruit.  They had nothing good to offer.
Matt c21 v21 – c23 v36     Mark c11 v27 – c12 v40 , , .

            But you cannot curse demons
            because they are already cursed to the max:
                       they ever want to bite the hand
                       that ever wants to feed them.

            All you can do is cast them out, in Jesus’ name.
,         ,
         Perhaps see earlier section: SHOULD WE LOVE DEMONS?





the Christian life is one of:
o    God-given loving miraculous power.
o    God-given health & prosperity.
o    Serving.
o    Persecution.
finally add:
            o    Glorifying God.

John c11 v33-44:
            When Jesus therefore saw her weeping,
            and the Jews also weeping which came with her,
            he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled,
            and said,
                 Where have ye laid him?
            They said unto him,
                 Lord, come and see.
            Jesus wept.
            Then said the Jews,
                 Behold how he loved him!
            And some of them said,
                 Could not this man, which opened the eyes of the blind,
                 have caused that even this man should not have died?
            Jesus therefore again groaning in himself
            cometh to the grave.
            It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it.
            Jesus said,
                 Take ye away the stone.
            Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him,
                 Lord, by this time he stinketh:
                 for he hath been
dead four days.
      Jesus saith unto her,
                  Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe,
                  thou shouldest see the glory of God?
            Then they took away the stone
            from the place where the dead was laid.
            And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said,
                  Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.
                  And I knew that thou hearest me always:
                  but because of the people which stand by I said it,
                  that they may believe that thou hast sent me.
            And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice,
                  Lazarus, come forth.
            And he that was dead came forth,
            bound hand and foot with graveclothes:
            and his face was bound about with a napkin.
            Jesus saith unto them,
                  Loose him, and let him go.   KJV

      John c12 v9-11:
            After Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead
            the chief priests planned to kill them both
.   my abbreviation


            The chief priests soon had Jesus killed.
            So they may soon have had Lazarus killed too.

            If we assume that they did soon kill Lazarus
            then an un-renewed mind, with its carnal logic, would say:
                       “That was pointless: raising Lazarus,
                       knowing that he’d be targeted.”
            But that same person’s heart/
spirit would say:
            “That was worth it, God was glorified.”

            However, in a believer, who has renewed their mind,
            both heart/
spirit and mind would say:
                  “That was worth it, God was glorified.”


            It’s good when God is glorified,
            shown to be as glorious as he actually is,
            far more glorious than the world.

            For then we get a true perspective of God
            so that we can have a relationship with him,
            understand him, talk with him,
            and change to become like him.




To conclude:

The Christian life is one of:
o    God-given loving miraculous power.
o    God-given health & prosperity.
o    Serving.
o    Persecution.
o    Glorifying God.






Supernatural tricks do not lead us to God.
So, if they glorify anyone, it’s not God.

Perhaps see earlier section:


But, if you:
            are a believer, & so have God’s Spirit in your heart/
            and your heart/
spirit has renewed your mind accordingly,
            and so you do a miracle,
then excess glory,
            glory that could never glorify
            anyone but God,
gets splattered on you while you do God’s work
like paint on a decorator.

2 Cor c3 v1 – c4 v7:
            The Old Covenant had glory.
            But the New Covenant’s glory eclipses it.
                 God has put himself
                 and our freedom
                 inside us.
                 We see this in the mirror.
                 And it is seen by others.
   my abbreviation







A being is an eternal, self-teaching, structure.
A relationship is i
nteractions between two beings. 
            Beings are better than robots.
            Relationships are better than solitude.

                       many beings
                       relating to each other
            have more structure:
                       than one being
                       owning many things.

            Hence God made us.

,         ,         See earlier sections:
,         ,         THE FIRST WAR
,         ,         and:
,         ,         GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG,
,         ,         &, immediately after it,
,         ,         EXAMPLES.,,,,,


            God continually increases
            the complexity of relationships:
                       between himself & beings
                       and between beings & beings.

            But, as the complexity of a relationship
            cannot be forever increased:
                       he endlessly makes beings.




Hence this place is merely temporary.

            A breeding ground:
            Gen c1 v28: ctd and God said unto them,
            Be fruitful, and multiply ctd   KJV

            Matt c22 v30    Mark c12 v25    Luke c20 v27-36:
            We won’t breed in the next life.   my abbn

            And a testing ground:
o    To see whether you do good or do bad
                       and why you do it                                       
,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         REGARDING JUDGMENT: GOD ALSO CONSIDERS MOTIVES.

o    To see whether you want the righteousness
                       that Jesus’ crucifixion gave to all of us    
                       whether you want to keep
                       your own righteousness.


            Hence, one day,
            God will have to sort us all
            for Heaven or Hell.
,         ,         See earlier webpage:
,         ,         The two ways God sorts us: Judgment & Forgiveness.

            Hence, before he’d even made us,
            we, in effect, forced God to make this place:
o    temporary
o    a breeding ground
o    a testing ground (see previous cell).
            Hence, even though, biblically:
                       it was Adam & Eve
                       who caused the hardships of this life
,         ,         ,         ,         (not that you or I would have performed any better).
,         ,         ,         ,         See earlier section: THE IMPORTANCE OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN.

            & technically:
                       it was God, our Designer & Maker,
                       who caused the hardships of this life
,         ,         ,         ,         See earlier section: TREAT THE BIBLICAL ADAM & EVE AS REAL.

            nevertheless, in effect:
                       we caused God
                       to cause
                       the hardships of this life
,         ,         ,         ,         See earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         IT’S BECAUSE OF US THAT GOD IS THREE PERSONS. , , , , ,




Hence also, God,
during this Church Age (Pentecost to Judgment Day):

            expresses only his heart,
,         ,         See earlier section:

            does only good,
naturally and miraculously:
,         ,         ,See earlier section:
,         ,         ,GOD DOES NOT CHANGE

o    by his angels,
o    miraculously, by himself (i.e. by his Spirit),
o    miraculously, through humans who have his Spirit
                 (i.e. through believers,
Rom c8 v9).
,         ,         ,         See first section of this webpage:
,         ,         ,         CONTINUING THE SON’S WORK.

,         ,         ,         To understand  the significance
,         ,         ,         of New Testament miracles being only good, being only constructive:
,         ,         ,         see earlier webpage:
,         ,         ,         Proof of God’s existence
,         ,         ,         and, immediately after it:
,         ,         ,         God’s origin. , , , , ,




All this makes sense
only if you can see
that God does not run this place

,         ,         See sixth cell
,         ,         (starting All this makes sense only if)
,         ,         of later section: GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY,
,         ,         and the links within it.
,         ,         (This link does not open a new tab.)




The existing arrangement (Heaven, Hell, & here)
is the most constructive arrangement.

To us – it does not seem like
the most constructive arrangement.
But it needed to meet the requirement that:
            the universe needed to seem like an accident
            so that faith is needed regarding God’s existence.

Looking at everything from only our point of view,
excluding God & logic from the equation:
            many of us would have designed everything
            better than this.

            The deficiencies of this universe
,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section:
,         ,         THE UNIVERSE IS SECOND CLASS,,,,,
,         ,         and the two sections after it.
            and the possibilty of Hell:
                       are a cost we have to pay,
                       are a loss we have have to endure,
                       are a bad thing we have to suffer
            all due to God’s designs
            (even if we are the cause of those designs).

            So I reckon that that’s why
            God designed everything so that:
                       he had to pay a cost too, for us,
                       he had to endure a loss too, for us,
                       he had to suffer a bad thing too, for us.
            For that is what Jesus’ crucifixion was.




God makes his own resources.
Hence his resources are as big as he wants them to be.

However, there is only one of him,
and he wants to relate to all of us personally.
So I suspect that there are, somehow, limits to his resources.

In which case:
            so as to maximise the rate of making us beings
            and maximise the complexity of each relationship
he has managed those resources:

managed resources, hence:
                       I sometimes use the phrase  scientifically elegant.

,         ,         ,         ,         See earlier sections:
,         ,         ,         ,         EVOLUTIION: THE SCIENTIFICALLY ELEGANT SOLUTION
,         ,         ,         ,         and: 
,         ,         ,         ,         EVOLUTION OF PLANTS & ANIMALS.

managed resources, hence:
o    We are organic, made by the seed method,
                             not the all-at-once factory method.
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         See first row of cells of earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         SOME TECHNICAL DEFINITIONS.

                       o    Our situation is a rescue.
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps again see sixth & seventh cell
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         (starting All this only makes sense if)
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         of later section: GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY.

                       o    We gain an add-on memory capacity.

,         ,         ,         ,         ,         See row of cells (starting Any being)
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         of earlier section: SOME TECHNICAL DEFINITIONS.

managed resources, hence:
                       On Judgment Day
                       God doesn’t actually need to see
                       what we did with the inconsequential
                       material of the universe.
                       He only actually needs to see
                       what we’ve eventually become.

,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         MORALLY MATURING BY OURSELVES.

managed resources, hence:

                             of Forgiveness Day 33ad
                             of Judgment Day in the future.

,         ,         ,         ,         See earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         HOWEVER, ON JUDGMENT DAY, OUR HEARTS/SPIRITS
                                       WILL CHANGE US QUICKLY
& its two subsections,
,         ,         ,         ,         and earlier webpage:
,         ,         ,         ,         We choose where we go,
,         ,         ,         ,         and earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         THE DESIGN OF THE UNIVERSE PLUS ‘LOVE’ OF LAWS
,         ,         ,         ,         IS A TRAP

            managed resources, hence:
                       God became a Trinity.
,         ,         ,         ,         See earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         IT’S BECAUSE OF US
                                       THAT GOD IS THREE PERSONS
. ,,,,,




You may say:
            “If the universe becomes Hell for those who stay here
,         ,         Perhaps see earlier webpage: Hell does not exist yet. ,,,,,

            then, especially if it’s cyclic
            (bang collapse bang collapse),
            the universe will eventually be filled to capacity
            with spirits(ghosts).”

But I say:
            “Neither spirits(
ghosts) nor demons have bodies,
            i.e. bodies of the same material as their surroundings.

            Hence they cannot physically interact with each other
            or their surroundings.
            They pass through each other
            and their surroundings.
            Hence many demons can fit into one human.
                       Mark c5 v1-13     Luke c8 v26-33:
                       A legion of demons fit into one man.   my abbn

            Whereas an angel, in this dimension & this realm,
            would bump into a human if he tried that.




The following seems to be an exception
to God increasing the complexity of relationships,
seems to be a simplifying of relationships:

      Paul writes that, when someone becomes a Christian,
      their heart/
spirit blends with God’s Spirit.
1 Cor c6 v17:
                  But he that is joined unto the Lord
                  is one spirit
.   KJV

But I say:
                 “It only feels that way, only seems that way

                  When you hide in Jesus  
Rom c8 v1  2 Cor c5 v17
                             because he is righteous & you are not,
                 when you hide in Jesus
                             even to the extent of using his name,  
Acts c3 v16
                 when God’s Spirit hides in you  
Col c1 v27  2 Cor c1 v22
                             so that he acts but people can’t see him,
                  then it would indeed seem as if
                  your heart/
spirit and God’s Spirit
                 had become one spirit.


      Technically speaking:

                  God’s Spirit is dynamic.
,         ,         ,         ,         ,
         John c3 v8:
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         The wind bloweth where it listeth,
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         and thou hearest the sound thereof,
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth:
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         so is every one that is born of the Spirit.   KJV

                  But a human heart/spirit is a structure.

                 So God’s Spirit and a human heart/spirit
                 are structurally incompatible with each other.

            So their relationship is not:

                  So God’s Spirit sets up home
                 in every believer’s heart/
                 (and soul – if they’ve renewed their mind):
ut blending,
                             without becoming one with him/her,
                             without becoming one structure.




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