Belief & faith


Christianity is not about your performance.

            Christianity is about you believing that:
                       God has Forgiven all sins by way of Jesus’ crucifixion.
                       I.E. God has put all of us right with himself.

            And, due to believing the above,
            you change:
                       Become ever more constructive.
                       And, renewing your mind, & having God’s Spirit,
                       ever more potent in that constructiveness.

            Hence it’s true that:
                       Christians do good,
                       but also that many other people also do good.
            Hence we Christians are primarily known by:
                       what we believe,
            only secondarily by:
                       what we do.

            Hence we Christians are best defined as believers.


The earlier section, FATHER & SON,
show that, from the world’s point of view:

            Believers are incomplete.

            We each:
o    do only good,
o    are entirely loving,
o    love everyone, even our enemies,
o    may want justice, but never revenge.

But, from God’s point of view:
            The sections after
,,        ,,        i.e. MORE ABOUT THE THREE PERSONS & its subsections
,,        ,,        and

            show that:
o    by having God’s Spirit
                 & a good relationship with Father & Son,
o    by moving: from the world, to Heaven on Earth,
            believers are complete.




The gospel is the good news
Jesus was Punished in place of all of us:

            His Punishment made all our sins (before God) vanish
            even though all our wrongs (before each other) remain.
,,        ,,
        Perhaps see earlier section: THE TWO ACCOUNTS.,,,,,

You become a Christian:
            not when you only know the gospel, in your mind,
            but when you also believe the gospel, in your

                                                                                                             Rom c10 v10  

            On believing – your
heart/spirit becomes grateful
            and so renews your mind:
                 1)  Duplicates its belief into your mind
                       so that even your mind believes.
                 2)  Establishes the pattern of that belief,
                       the pattern of the gospel, agape love,
                       throughout your mind,

                       & your mind
                       & God’s Spirit inside you
            become alike,

            then all three of you can live & work together
            without getting in each other’s way.

,                  Perhaps see earlier webpage: Gospel leaflet
,                  and
,                  earlier section: IN JESUS, THE FATHER REVEALS HIS HEART TO US., , , ,

            I suspect that the Spirit moves into, & out of,
            the whole of you, as he wants to: 

John c3 v8:
                       The wind bloweth where it listeth,
                       and thou hearest the sound thereof,
                       but canst not tell whence it cometh,
                       and whither it goeth:
                       so is every one that is born of the Spirit
.   KJV

            I reckon he moves in or out according to:

                       What your brain as a whole
                       is currently thinking or enacting
                       (is it right or wrong?).

Which room of your mind
                       is currently thinking or acting
                       (a renewed room or an un-renewed room?).

,,        ,,        ,,        ,,
        The mind is not the brain.
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        The brain is a structure.  The mind is not a structure.
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        The mind is configurations within the brain,
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        configurations of the brain tissue..

This moving in (& out) of you
is the indwelling of
God’s Spirit.

God’s Spirit being in every room of your mind 
(whether all the rooms are renewed or not),
being in all of your brain & body
(whether you’re ready for him or not),
is the anointing of God’s Spirit.

            When anointed:

                       If you had renewed only a few rooms
                       you would: shake, get slain in the Spirit, etc.

                       If you had renewed all the rooms
                       you would not: shake, get slain in the Spirit, etc,
                       but would manifest the gifts of the Spirit.
  1 Cor c12   

,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps read:
,         ,         ,         ,         Andrew Wommack’s Teaching Article:
,         ,         ,         ,         How To: Flow In The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
, , .

The gospel (all of this yellow cell)
is the good news that:

            Jesus is human yet God,
            a cross between human and God,
            the Son of a woman and God.
,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: USES OF THE WORD ‘GOD’.

            Jesus was Punished, in our place,
            as God’s way of Forgiving all of us:
                       i.e. he suffered & died for all our Forgivable sins,
                       past, present, and future.
,         ,         ,         ,
         Perhaps see earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         1a) THE TWO UNFORGIVABLE SINS: BOTH SPIRITUAL.,,,,,

            Then he went to Sheol (not Hell)
            as a spirit(ghost).

,                  See: Did Jesus go to hell between His death and resurrection?.

            Then he rose from death:
                       Not only as eternal.
                       But also as substantial
                       (i.e. not as a mere spirit(ghost)).
            and sits on a throne
            (sits – because his work is complete)
            at his Father’s right hand
            (a position of power)
            in Heaven.
,                  Perhaps see earlier section: RESURRECTION: JESUS’ & OURS.

            That doesn’t mean he’s trapped there.
            He is free to move:
                       in space & time
                       in Heaven, the First Dimension,
                       in space
                        in this Second Dimension.

,                                      Perhaps see earlier webpage:
,                                      There is time in Heaven  

,                                      and earlier section:
,                                      HOW JESUS EXISTED BEFORE HE WAS BORN.

            His death & resurrection gave us:
                       his righteousness, his innocence before his Father,
                       and all that goes with it,
            so that those who:
                       and accept his righteousness:

o    immediately, & permanently,
                       have God’s Spirit in their hearts/
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        John c3 v5     Acts c1 – c2     Col c2 (v9-10)     Eph (c3 v20) ,
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        Rom c8 v9     2 Tim c1 v14    1 John c3 v24     1 John c4 v12-13 ,

                 o    and, if they’ve renewed their minds,
                       in their minds too,
o    and so do miracles
,         ,         ,         ,         See earlier section: CONTINUING THE SON’S WORK.
,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps follow RENEW MIND links
,         ,         ,         ,         in first cell of later section:
,         ,         ,         ,         CHANGES A BELIEVER MAKES IN THEMSELVES 
,         ,         ,         ,         (this link does not open a new tab).


                 o    and want to tell others about all this

                 o    and will, after sleeping in death,
                                   have a new, eternal, body
                                   and a new home,
                       in Heaven
,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: SLEEPING IN DEATH.

Does the above mean that:
            all humans are Christians,
            all humans have God’s Spirit and will go to Heaven?

No.  O
nly those who believe
that Jesus
was Punished in place of all of us humans,
and believe on a personal basis
(i.e. not as demons believe
James c2 v19):

            I.E. Only those who rely on
            the righteousness Jesus gave to all of us
            and never again on their own righteousness.
            Only those who
want only his righteousness:
            who cling to it, lean on it, stand on it.



Jesus suffered & died in place of all of us.

            1 John c2 v2:
            And he is the propitiation for our sins:
            and not for ours only,
            but also for
the sins of the whole world.   KJV

            2 Cor c5 v15:
that he died for all, ctd   KJV

            2 Pet c3 v9:
            The Lord is not slack concerning his promise,
            as some men count slackness;
            but is longsuffering to us-ward,
            not willing that any should perish,
            but that all should come to repentance.

            John c3 v14-18:
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
            even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
that whosoever believeth in him
            should not perish, but have eternal life.

            For God so loved the world,
            that he gave his only begotten Son,
            that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
            but have everlasting life.
            For God sent not his Son into the world
            to condemn the world;
            but that the world through him might be saved.
            He that believeth on him is not condemned:
            but he that believeth not is condemned already,
            because he hath not believed in
            the name of the only begotten Son of God
.   KJV

            If you reckon Jesus did not suffer & die for all of us
            but for only some of us, the worst of us,
            then where are the definitions,
            where is the documentation?

            If it wasn’t for this bad criminal
            but it was for that not-quite-as-bad criminal,
            then where are all the millions of dividing lines?

            How can they even exist?



To us, and to demons:
            Jesus’ resurrection seems a difficult thing for God to do.
            Perhaps even as difficult as Jesus’ crucifixion.

But, to God:
            It was the crucifixion that was difficult.
            The resurrection was clever, not hard.

            (God the Son – did the crucifixion.
            God the Spirit – did the resurrection.)

Don’t get me wrong:
            Crucifixion and resurrection are both vital for us.

            But, for God, it was the crucifixion that was difficult, hard.
            So it was the crucifixion we should be the most grateful for.



In all of the Old Testament
and in the New Testament, up until Pentecost:
            God gave his Spirit, temporarily, to some.

But, after Pentecost:
            God gives his Spirit, permanently, to everyone.
            Everyone, that is, who heard, or read, the gospel,
            convincingly presented.

            For Jesus took everyone’s Punishment.

Mind you, even though God gave his Spirit to everyone:

            Only those who’ve accepted Jesus’ sayings:
                       “forgive all who’ve hurt you”,
                       “love your (personal) enemies”,
            will accept help to do those things,
            namely from God’s Spirit.

            Only those who’ve accepted the Son
            also accept the Spirit.

            The Spirit makes no sense to unbelievers.

      John c14 v16-17:
            And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you
            another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
      even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive,
      because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him:
      but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you,
            and shall be in you.

            Perhaps read the whole of John c14, , , , .



For something less technical & more practical
on believing the gospel
see: YouTube: – Best description of the Gospel - Dan Mohler
YouTube: – The Gospel, straight up, no additives. - Dan Mohler, , , ,
YouTube: – Dan Mohler - Free from Guilt, Shame, and Condemnation, , , ,
YouTube: – What believing the gospel really means - Dan Mohler.

cell (starting YouTube: – Spiritual sight)
of earlier webpage
More Mark Hemans’ teaching,  
in order
understand the difference between:
               Mark Hemans
               and Andrew Wommack & Dan Mohler.

I don’t also include a link to Andrew Wommack’s material here
because it’s so thorough & lengthy.
Ideally, go to:
A better site than this one
and from there to Andrew’s site.





A Christian is someone who believes
that all human sins now mean nothing to God.

All sins, that is, except for the two un-Forgivable sins.
Perhaps see earlier section:


            Andrew Wommack rightly says that
            it’s only when you’ve preached the true gospel
            that unbelievers will be perplexed and complain:
            “If that’s true – then there’s nothing to stop us sinning.”

            But it is true. 
            The gospel provides no physical restraint to sinning.
            Indeed, it takes the spiritual restraint away,
            certainly takes the threat of Hell away.

                       Consider exasperated Paul, in:
                       Rom c6 v1-2    Rom c6 v15    1 Cor c6 v12-20    Gal c2 v16-21:
                       Did God Forgive us
                       so that we can sin (more) freely?
                       Absolutely not
.   my abbreviation.

            However, believing the gospel produces gratitude,
            and gratitude causes change.

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section:
,         ,         UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
,         ,         and earlier section:
,         ,         WHY CHRISTIANS AVOID SINNING: 
,         ,         and the section after it:
,         ,         HOW CHRISTIANS AVOID SINNING., , , ,



Most of us have, to some degree,
done wrong to others.

Most of us have also got angry
at wrongs done to us & to others.

God rarely gets involved in human affairs.
But he has opinions on all of them.
And his standards are high, indeed perfect.
Perhaps see Bible texts in earlier section:

Hence all our wrongs against each other
also offend our designer & maker.
All our wrongs against each other
are also sins.

Hence, technically speaking, we each have two accounts:

      1.   Our horizontal account, with the world:
            a debt of – social/cultural/civil/civil/legal wrongs.

      2.   Our vertical account, with God:
            a debt of – sins.

Our  social/cultural/civil/legal wrongs  are
against people.

Our  sins  are against God.

But, two-thousand years ago,
God settled all our with-him accounts
using his Son’s willing self-sacrifice in our place.

So, now, our sins do not exist.
So, now, God cannot see them.

      So   our  social/cultural/civil/civil/legal wrongs   still exist,
      but   our  sins   do not exist.

But do you believe it
      and do you believe it applies to you?
      Or do you insist on keeping your own righteousness?


,         Hence, technically speaking, the sinner’s prayer is wrong:
,         ,         It should not be:
,         ,         ,         God, please Forgive me for my sins.
,         ,         It should be:
,         ,         ,         God, thank you for having already Forgiven
,         ,         ,         all of us, all of our sins, via the Cross.
,         ,         ,         I am one of those who believes it.

You might say:
      “Sins no longer exist in God’s eyes
      but surely they still exist in our eyes.”

I say:
Sin is a word for God’s purposes only.

      What we call   sins
      are usually   our  social/cultural/civil/legal wrongs.
      But I’ll still often use the word   sin
      as indeed the New Testament often does.”

Sins are:
            always wrong, never right,
            usually bad, rarely good.

Wrongs are, likewise:
            always wrong, never right,
            usually bad, rarely good.

Perhaps see earlier section:
GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG. , , , , ,



If you feel that you should:
            obey Old Testament laws
            because, if you didn’t,
            you would have sinned,
            (and, here, by sinned, I mean:
                       undone, reversed, nullified, cancelled
                       the Cross having put you right with God,
                       even if just partly),
then you:
            never believed in the first place,
            are still not yet a Christian,
            are still under law, not grace,
            and still have a sin consciousness.

            Rom c3 v21-25:
            But now the righteousness of God
            without the law
            is manifested,
            being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
            even the righteousness of God
which is by faith of Jesus Christ
            unto all and upon all them that believe:
            for there is no difference:
            for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
            being justified freely by his grace
            through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
            whom God hath set forth
to be a propitiation
            through faith in his blood,
            to declare his righteousness
            for the remission of sins that are past,
            through the forbearance of God;

            Rom c3 v28:
            Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith
            without the deeds of the law
.   KJV
            Gal c2 v16:
            Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law,
            but by the faith of Jesus Christ,
            even we have believed in Jesus Christ,
            that we might be justified by the faith of Christ,
            and not by the works of the law:
            for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.  

            Eph c2 v8-9:
            For by grace are ye saved
            through faith;
            and that not of yourselves:
it is the gift of God:
            not of works,
            lest any man should boast.   KJV

            Philippians c3 v8-9:
            Yea doubtless, and I count all things
but loss
            for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord:
            for whom I have suffered the loss of all things,
            and do count them
but dung,
            that I may win Christ, and be found in him,
            not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law,
            but that which is through the faith of Christ,
            the righteousness which is of God by faith:   KJV

            Titus c3 v5:
            Not by works of righteousness which we have done,
            but according to his mercy he saved us,
            by the washing of regeneration,
            and renewing of the Holy Ghost;   KJV

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: SO, BEWARE OF THE OLD COVENANT and its subsections
,         ,         and
,         ,         earlier section: WHY BIBLICAL TEACHER-HEALERS DO IT and subsequent sections
,         ,         and
,         ,         later section: SIN CONSCIOUSNESS. , .

Christians should keep all right laws
whether they are, still-right, old, Jewish laws or not.
            I.E. Christians should keep right laws
            because they are right laws.
            Never because they are Jewish laws.
            (If a Jewish law is not right for your nation/culture
            then you shouldn’t have it as a law.)
,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section:
,         ,         GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG and following subsection,
,         ,         and earlier section:
,         ,         and first cell
,         ,         of: earlier section: YOU’VE PROBABLY ALREADY FAILED ANYWAY.

Indeed, Christians should keep all right laws
as an effect, not as a cause.
I.E. Christians should not actually keep any laws.:

            If you believe the gospel
            and so have gratitude and the Spirit
            if you’ve also renewed your mind accordingly
            you will have agape love for others
            and so
            will obey all right laws
            without even knowing they exist.

            Rom c13 v8-10    Gal c5 v14: 
            Loving everyone
            means that you are also keeping
            all Jewish laws
.   my abbreviation

,         ,         Perhaps see last three cells (starting Jesus’ audiences were usually Jews)
,         ,         of earlier section: SO, BE CAREFUL NOT TO ENTER INTO THE OLD COVENANT,
,         ,         and the links within them.
,         ,         (This link does not open a new tab.)

,         ,         Perhaps also see second cell
,         ,         of earlier section: CONCLUSION: HOW IT ALL WORKS. , , , ,



To conclude:

            God loves us, so he wants us to not do wrong:
                       for our sakes
                       & for the sakes of others.

            But, to God, personally,
            our sins
now mean nothing,
            or rather, they don’t exist,
            whether past, present, or future.


,         ,         Perhaps again see: YouTube: – Best description of the Gospel - Dan Mohler.

,         ,         I don’t also include a link to Andrew Wommack’s material here
,         ,         because it’s so thorough & lengthy.
,         ,         Ideally, go to: A better site than this one
,         ,         and from there to Andrew’s site.







Conceptually speaking:


Belief is,



Faith is,

a structure



a process

in the heart/spirit
(and, ideally, in the mind too).


is that structure acting.


The gospel
is simple.

Hence belief
            a neurological-model of the
                       put into the
                       that the heart/
spirit then copies into the mind
is also


Hence (adding the above two cells together):

            i.e. belief acting:
                       in the heart/
                       and ideally in the mind too,
            is also

            Matt c18 v1-3    (Mark c10 v13-16) 

            (Luke c9 v46-48    Mark c9 v36-37    Matt c18 v4-5 

            Luke c10 v21    Luke c18 v15-16    Matt c19 v13-14):
      At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying,
                  Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
            And Jesus called a little child unto him,
            and set him in the midst of them,
            and said,
                  Verily I say unto you,
                  Except ye be converted,
                  and become as little children,
                  ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.   KJV

            Rom c12 v3:
            For I say, through the grace given unto me,
            to every man that is among you,
                  not to think of himself
                 more highly than he ought to think;
                  but to think soberly,
                  according as God hath dealt to every man
the measure [i.e. one standard unit] of faith.   KJV

            Matt c17 v20    (Luke c17 v6):
            ctd for verily I say unto you,
                  If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed [i.e. tiny],
                  ye shall say unto this mountain,
                       Remove hence to yonder place;
                  and it shall remove;
                  and nothing shall be impossible unto you.   KJV





Some people use the word faith
when they should use the word belief.

This is sloppy, but it still works.

Hence, when James wrote:

            Jam c2 v14-17:

            What doth it profit, my brethren,
            though a man say
                 he hath faith,
                 and have not works?
            can faith save him?
            If a brother or sister be naked,
            and destitute of daily food,
            and one of you say unto them,
                 Depart in peace,
ye warmed and filled;
            notwithstanding ye give them not those things
            which are needful to the body;
doth it profit?
            Even so faith, if it hath not works,
            is dead, being alone.

I reckon he meant:

            belief is . . . a
neurological structure,

            faith is . . .  that neurological structure acting,
                                that belief acting,

            so, if nothing is now happening,
            there is no

            and, up until now,
            there was no belief.





I wrote, in the section before last, that belief is simple.

However, if belief is to work, then it also needs to be big
as well as simple.

I.E. Your heart/
spirit needs to renew your whole mind.

Matt c6 v25-33    Matt c8 v23-27    Matt c14 v24-31 

            Matt c16 v1-12    Luke c12 v22-31:


            Until Jesus’ teachings had become
            established in the disciples
[i.e. Pentecost]
                 their mental models of this life
                 were big
                 but their mental models of God & his power & love
                 were small.
            Jesus called this: ‘having little faith’
.   my abbreviation




So, belief needs to be both simple and big.


However, belief also needs to be digital, not analogue.

                       your heart/
spirit & whole mind
                       both believe
                       that Jesus has put all of us right with God
                       they don’t.

                       your heart/
spirit & whole mind
                       both believe
                       that God will act on your prayer or command
                       they don’t.


                 Matt c18 v1-3    (Mark c10 v13-16) 

                  (Luke c9 v46-48    Mark c9 v36-37    Matt c18 v4-5 

                  Luke c10 v21    Luke c18 v15-16    Matt c19 v13-14):
                 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying,
                  Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
            And Jesus called a little child unto him,
            and set him in the midst of them,
            and said,
                  Verily I say unto you,
                  Except ye be converted,
                  and become as little children,
                  ye shall not enter into the kingdom of
heaven.   KJV

      (There are more  become as little children  statements
Matt c19 v13-14   &   Luke c18 v15-16.) , , .


                 Notice that all these become as little children
                 statements of Jesus
                 are not to do with
                 us gaining:
                             some sort of special or extra belief
                             that only children have.

                 They are to do with
                 us losing:
                             the unbelief (doubts)
                             that we gained as we grew up.


,         ,         ,         There’s more on unbelief, in UNBELIEF,
,         ,         ,         further down this webpage.






Belief is digital.

So, for a miracle to happen,
a miracle that is hindered by unbelief, doubts, in your mind,
a trigger is needed:

            A trigger in the form of you seeing:
                       in this carnal realm
                       with your carnal eyes & mind
,         ,       ,       ,       (the un-renewed parts of your mind),
            your own carnal act of faith.


            This act of faith must be:
                       carnally illogical enough
                       carnally counterintuitive enough
            such that you see that:
                       as you cannot be:
                                   carnally acting
                                   for a carnal, earthly, reason
                       then you must be:
                                   carnally acting
                                   for a miraculous reason.

            Hence, in the carnal, un-renewed, parts of your mind:
                       your act of faith
                       counteracts your unbelief, doubts.

,         ,         ‘Carnal’ meaning ‘of the five senses’ (so perhaps replace ‘carnal’ with ‘natural’).
,         ,         Perhaps see later section: THE CARNAL (NATURAL) REALM.

,         ,         Perhaps see later section: UNBELIEF, , , ,


Perhaps, for you,
merely coming to church is an act of faith.

Or perhaps declaring your faith in Jesus
is an act of faith:
John c11 v26-27 & v39-40 combined:
            Jesus prompting belief from Martha,
            belief on which Lazarus’ life depended
.   my abbreviation
,         ,         Perhaps see later section: GOD’S SPIRIT GROANING.

            While he was alive on earth, during his ministry,
            many of the powers that be, in Jesus’ society,
            made him an outcast.
            So anyone associated with him
            risked becoming an outcast too. 
John c9 
            So merely going to Jesus
            was an act of faith.

Or perhaps doing some odd thing,
            that God tells the healer
            to tell the patient
            to do,
is an act of faith.

            Jesus often told people to do odd things
            that, with hindsight, were acts of faith.
John c9 v6-7     Luke c17 v11-14. 

            You can be proud, & think: “This is illogical.” & wander off.
            Or you can be humble, & think: “God’s in charge here.”

Or perhaps God’s Spirit tells the healer
to tell the patient
to do something
that they couldn’t do before:

            This is not to check that the healing is complete.

            It is part of the healing.

            It’s useful if that act is, or certainly was, painful:

                       They know it used to hurt.
                       So, if they believe they are healed,
                       they’ll believe it won’t hurt anymore.

                       Conversely, if they are fearful of it hurting:
                                   It shows that they have belief and unbelief.
                                   Or that they don’t even believe (yet).

,,        ,,        Perhaps see later section:
,,        ,,        BELIEF & KNOWLEDGE.
. ,,,,,,


God does not need your acts of faith.
You do.




Most people are not used to seeing
something change, or move,
of its own accord, without any visible cause.

Hence many Old Testament miracles
would, in this New Testament Age,
look weird, disturbing, even creepy.

And, if the miracle were also flippant, not vital, not useful,
it would also look flashy.

And flashy-yet-creepy is a hallmark of demons.
See earlier section: TRICKS & MIRACLES, , .

Hence, a visible miraculous healing
is helped by the patient moving during the healing. 
Luke c17 v12-19:

            It’s not an act of faith, it’s not needed for the healing.
            It just makes the healing appear less flashy-&-creepy.


Hence also,
when Jesus turned 160 gallons of water into wine,  
John c2 v1-10 
he did it inside the stone water jars, out of sight.

Hence, even though it was very much a miracle
for the servants who had filled the jars with water
but now see that it’s wine,
it did not also look flashy-yet-creepy to them.


Hence also:
            regarding the two accounts
            of Jesus miraculously increasing a small amount of food,
Matt c14 v13-21       Mark c6 v31-44  ,
Luke c9 v10-17       John c6 v5-15  , 

Matt c15 v32 – c16 v10       Mark c8 v1-9, 
Andrew Wommack calculated (I’m sure rightly)
that, in order not to take an inordinately long time doing it:
            Jesus must have handed
            a few pieces of food, to each of his disciples,
            who then distributed them to the people.

I reckon that, each time:
o    A disciple passed the food to another disciple.
o    A disciple was looking where he was walking.
o    A disciple made eye contact
                 with the person he was giving the food to.
o    Etc.
that it was then, when eyes were off the food,
that God increased the number of pieces of food.

Hence each disciple set out to feed the multitude:
            seeing that it couldn’t be done
            yet setting out to feed them nevertheless.




This site is called ‘How Christianity Works’.

So the principles in it aren’t necessarily ones you apply.
They are principles God’s Spirit applies:

            It usually takes too long, and is unnecessary,
            for you to compute a situation
            so as to know what to do.
            It’s quicker, simpler, and more reliable,
            to listen to, and to obey, God’s Spirit.

            Just believe, and renew your mind accordingly.
,         ,
         See first cell of earlier section:
,         ,         WHAT IS A BELIEVER? WHAT IS THE GOSPEL? , , , , , ,






For background to
the following four subsections,
see earlier section:





After we’ve hurt someone
we may say:
“Sorry for hurting you in the recent past.
            Please forgive me now.”

Hence, after we’ve sinned against God,
we tend to pray:
“Sorry for sinning against you in the recent past.
            Please Forgive me now.”

Indeed even the New Testament of the Bible
sometimes phrases it that way:
1 John c1 v9:
If we confess our sins,
            he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, ctd   KJV

But, technically speaking:

            It was two-thousand years ago that
            God Forgave all of us,
            for all sins, past present & future,
            in the form of
            Jesus being punished in our place.

So, technically speaking:

            The correct way to pray is:
            “Thank you for having
Forgiven all of us
            for all our sins, past present & future.
            I am one of those who believes it.”

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section:

,         ,         Perhaps see scriptures in earlier section:




Belief of the gospel is:
            a neurological-model of the gospel, in
the heart/spirit,
that the heart/spirit then copies
            to the mind.
,                  Perhaps see earlier section: WHAT IS A RENEWED MIND.,,,,,,,

Knowledge of the gospel is:
            a neurological-model of the gospel, in the mind,
is entirely from the outside.

For now:

            belief . . . . . .  occurs . . . . inside
            knowledge . . comes in . . from outside.

But from Judgment Day onwards:
            everything will be apparent
            so believing and knowing will mean the same thing.




From now until Judgment Day
(where it is a thing or an event):

Regarding knowledge:

      It existing    causes you to see it    causes you to know it.

      You see it outside yourself    so you know it inside yourself.

Regarding belief:

      You believing it    causes it to happen    causes you to see it.

      You believe it inside yourself    so you see it outside yourself.



,         Are you someone who gets carsick when being driven
,         but not when you are driving?
,         ,         It’s because, when you are being driven,
,         ,         you don’t know how the car will lurch.
,         ,         Whereas, when you drive, you do know how the car will lurch
,         ,         because you’re making it lurch.

,         Likewise:
,         ,         You’re not surprised when you see the miracle occur
,         ,         because it’s your faith, you acting on your belief,
,         ,         that made the miracle occur.






Some healings need, not only:
            lack of unbelief,
            and an act of faith.

But also:
      a vision:
                 a deliberate, repeated, hope filled, ‘daydream’
                 in your mind (which is in your soul)
                 of the healing yet to happen

                 initiated by:
o    your heart/spirit,
o    &/or God’s Spirit,
o    &/or the renewed parts of your mind,

                 not initiated by:
o    the un-renewed parts of your mind,
o    &/or the world.

,         ,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps again follow RENEW MIND links
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         in first cell of later section:
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         CHANGES A BELIEVER MAKES IN THEMSELVES 
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         (this link does not open a new tab), , .


If you hope for, and expect, something miraculous
then you probably, automatically, visualise it, often:
            see it spiritually (with the eyes of faith)
            before you see it carnally (with your normal eyes).

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier webpage: The two realms.


            (You have only one screen, and it’s in your mind.
            Your heart/
spirit and mind share it.)
,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: NOT ONLY WORDS. ,,,,,


A vision may be vital for causing a miracle because:

            The brain is more an organ of vision than of sound.

            So, if the sickness/condition is visually substantial,
            then the sight of the patient’s sickness/condition
            may produce much unbelief (doubt) against the healing.

,         ,         Perhaps see later section: UNBELIEF.

            In which case God may tell the healer
            to tell (all) participants
            to close their eyes.
            Hence their unbelief is not activated.

            Hence they don’t resist the healing.

,         ,         See: YouTube: – Jesus makes an arm grow!!!! ,,,,,




If you have a dream/trance/vision/message/etc from God

bear in mind that:
there is much more to hearing from God
            than only random print, only hearing a voice,
            only having a dream/trance/vision, etc:
                       It could be a mistake.
                       It could be madness.
                       It could be God.
                       It could be a demon.

,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps see third cell
,         ,         ,         ,         of earlier section: WHAT TO PRAY FOR, , , ,








Some may say:
            “I’m a Christian, I read the Bible, I go to church.
            But I don’t want the Holy Spirit.”

But I say:
            “All genuine believers
            already have the Holy Spirit.”

,         ,         Perhaps see fourth cell
,         ,         (starting The gospel (all of this yellow cell) )
,         ,         of earlier section: WHAT IS A BELIEVER?  WHAT IS THE GOSPEL?.

            John c3 v5:5
            Jesus answered,
                  Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
                  Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit,
                  he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.   KJV


            Luke c17 v20-21:
            And when he was demanded of the Pharisees,
      when the
kingdom of God should come,
      he answered them and said,
kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
            neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there!
            for, behold, the
kingdom of God is within you.   KJV


            John c14 v16-17:
            And I will pray the Father,
            and he shall give you another Comforter,
he may abide with you for ever;
even the Spirit of truth;
            whom the world cannot receive,
      because it seeth him not,
            neither knoweth him:
      but ye know him;
            for he dwelleth with you,
            and shall be in you.


            Rom c8 v9:
            But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit,
      if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.
      Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ,
      he is none of his.    KJV


            1 John c4 v13:
            Hereby know we that we dwell in him,
            and he in us,
      because he hath given us of his Spirit.   KJV


            Matt c25 v1-13:   my abbreviation
,         ,         [After the gospel’s been convincingly presented
,         ,         throughout the entire world]
            the end of the world will be like
            ten virgins  [bridesmaids]
            who went to meet the bridegroom.
            Five were wise.
            Five were foolish.
            The foolish ones did not take
            extra oil [God’s Spirit] for their lamps.
            So they ran out of oil
,         ,       [could not humbly do any extra good, including miraculous good].
            So they were late
            and missed the marriage [didn’t go to Heaven].   my abbreviation






      Your belief in God’s existence 
      is a model of God’s existence:
                 that comes in from the outside
                 and becomes part of your mind.
,         ,         ,         Your mind is a part of your soul.


   your-heart/spirit-&-God’s-Spirit-combined   belief in God’s existence   soul

      Belief in God’s existence
is in your mind, not your heart/spirit.
      So, actually, it’s knowledge, not belief.
      Hence even demons have it.   
Jam c2 v19.

      When your
belief in God’s existence acts
      it’s you having faith in God’s existence.

,         Conceptually speaking:
,         ,         ,
         Belief is . . a structure . . in the heart/spirit  (and, ideally, in the mind too).
,         ,         ,         Faith is . . . a process . . is that structure acting.




      Your belief in God  
      is a model of God’s love & power:
                 that’s come in from the outside
                 and becomes part of your heart/

,         ,         ,         Perhaps again see earlier section:
,         ,         ,         THE THREE PERSONS OF GOD and its subsections.


  belief in God  belief in God’s existence

      When your heart/spirit has renewed your mind:
,         ,         ,
         1),    Duplicated its belief in God into your mind
,         ,         ,         ,         so that even your mind believes.
,         ,         ,         2),    Established the pattern of that belief in God,
,         ,         ,         ,         the pattern of the gospel, agape love,
,         ,         ,         ,         throughout your mind.

      then belief in God can act.

      When your
belief in God acts
      it’s you having faith in God.   
Mark c11 v22-24.

,         Conceptually speaking:
,         ,         ,
         Belief is . . a structure . . in the heart/spirit  (and, ideally, in the mind too).
,         ,         ,         Faith is . . . a process . . is that structure acting.




      Your belief of God
      is God’s model, in himself, of himself.
,         Perhaps see earlier section: THE THREE PERSONS OF GOD and its subsections.

      As a believer, you automatically have
      God’s Spirit in your heart/
,         (And in your mind too, if your hart/spirit has renewed it.)


      Hence belief of God
      is automatically in your heart/
spirit too.


   belief in God   belief of God   belief in God’s existence

      If your heart/spirit has not yet completely
      renewed your mind:
                 then switching your mind off – by fasting
                 but leaving your heart/
spirit on – by praying
belief of God act.

      When belief of God acts
                 it’s you having the faith of God.

,         ,         ,         Conceptually speaking:
,         , ,       ,                  ,         Belief is . . a structure . . in the heart/spirit  (and, ideally, in the mind too).
,         , ,       ,                  ,         Faith is . . . a process . . is that structure acting.



,         ,         ,         When praying:
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         look up . . . . . to the solution.

,         ,         ,         When commanding:
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         look down . . . at the problem . . . you are the solution.




Luke c17 v3-10:
      Take heed to yourselves:
            If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him;
            and if he repent, forgive him.
            And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day,
            and seven times in a day turn again to thee,
            saying, I repent;
            thou shalt forgive him.
      And the apostles said unto the Lord,
            Increase our faith.
      And the Lord said,
            If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed,
            ye might say unto this sycamine tree,
                 Be thou plucked up by the root,
                 and be thou planted in the sea;
            and it should obey you.
            But which of you, having a servant
            plowing or feeding cattle,
            will say unto him by and by,
            when he is come from the field,
                 Go and sit down to meat?
            And will not rather say unto him,
                 Make ready wherewith I may sup, and gird thyself,
                 and serve me, till I have eaten and drunken;
                 and afterward thou shalt eat and drink?
            Doth he thank that servant
            because he did the things that were commanded him?
            I trow not.
            So likewise ye,
            when ye shall have done all those things
            which are commanded you,
                 We are unprofitable servants:
                 we have done that which was our duty to do
.   KJV

            When the disciples said they needed more faith
            merely to forgive friends who’d hurt them,
            I reckon that Jesus saw, regarding healing:
            that they’d see faith as a heavy tool
                       that might slip out of their hands
                       under the weight of such a responsibility.

            So he told them that:
                       rather than them being centre stage,
                       with the tool of faith being in their hands,
                       people watching to see if they drop it,
                       that they are the tools, in God’s hands,
                       with their faith not entering into the equation.

            Hence I reckon that the above scripture
            perfectly describes having the faith of God.

God commands us to do the otherwise impossible:
            commands us to agape love fellow believers   
John c13 v34 
            commands us to agape love our enemies   
Matt c5 v38-48 
            commands us to do miracles   
Matt c10 v8 
so that we:
            do it as a duty
            have no independence while we’re doing it
            take no credit afterwards.

            We have the faith of God when we:

            a)   Don’t produce our own plans & act on them.

      b)  Pray/command/act/speak according to:
                              1)  The Bible; principally Jesus’ words.
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         ,
         Perhaps see earlier section: GOD’S WORDS ON SIN
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         ,         and the links within it.
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         ,         (This link does not open a new tab.)

                             2)  Godly deduction from 1).
                             3)  Telepathic words from God.

,         ,         ,         ,         ,         ,         Knowledge, wisdom, prophesy, etc.  1 Cor c12 v1-11.

                             These three, if genuine, will agree with each other.

            c)   Don’t take responsibility or credit.
                             Eph c1 v19-23   &   1 Cor c12 – c14   combined:
                             Jesus is now the head.
                             And you, the church, are now the body.
                             Hence you, like Jesus,
                             have been given the Spirit
                             so that you too can have the gifts of the Spirit
                             including doing miracles
.   my abbn

,         ,         ,         ,         ,         See earlier section: CONTINUING THE SON’S WORK, , , ,

Perhaps read:
Andrew Wommack’s Teaching Article:
Faith Of God

Perhaps see:
YouTube: – Joseph Prince -
Rest In Jesus' Faith For Miracles - 11 Dec 11

Perhaps see later section:
, , , ,






Faith of God is in God:

But God’s Spirit is in you.
So the faith of God is in you too.


Likewise, the love of God is in God:
Luke c15 v11-32     Rom c8 v39     Rom c8 v31-39    
Titus c3 v4     1 John c3 v16 * adjacent verses     1 John c4 v7-10  

But God’s Spirit is in you.
So the love of God is in you too.
Rom c5 v5     Eph c3 v17-19     1 John c2 v5-6    
1 John c2 v15-17     1 John c3 v17 * adjacent verses




If someone needs healing, needs you to heal them,
but they don’t inspire love in you,
then s
witch off.

Rely, instead, on God’s love for them.
Let God love them, through you, unhindered by you.


As Andrew Wommack (& C.S. Lewis) says:
      God loves us, not because we are lovely,
        but because he is loving.”




If your heart/spirit has not yet renewed all of your mind,
such that your mind still has some unbelief:
            then that unbelief, in your mind,
            works against
            belief, in your heart/
spirit & mind.

,         ,         Perhaps see later section: UNBELIEF.

,         ,         Perhaps again follow RENEW MIND links
,         ,         in first cell of later section:
,         ,         (this link does not open a new tab).

Sin consciousness
is a form of unbelief, in your mind.

            A believer thinks, in their mind:
                       “Belief produces gratitude, and therefore change.
                         So, seeing I just did that wrong,
                         I surely don’t believe.”

            So you doubt in your mind
            what you believe in your heart/

Whereas faith of God is the opposite:
                       God knows in his mind
                       what he believes in his heart/

            And, because God’s Spirit is in you:
                       faith of God
                       displaces sin consciousness.

            Mind you, if you’ve renewed your mind completely,
            so that you have, in your mind:
                       and no unbelief,
            then you’d have no sin consciousness
            for faith of God to need to displace.

,         ,         More about sin consciousness later
,         ,         in: SIN CONSCIOUSNESS, , , ,


Faith of God
is for when your mind is not completely renewed:

            Hence your heart/
spirit switches your mind off
            so that God’s Spirit can take over completely.
,         ,
         Perhaps see:
,         ,         YouTube: – The day I learned NOTHING from Pete Cabrera Jr !, , , ,

Whereas faith in God
is for when your mind is completely renewed
so that you think & feel as God thinks & feels:

            Hence your heart/
spirit leaves your mind switched on.
            So that, though you still obey God whenever he speaks:
                       you are his friend,
                       not his (un-knowing) servant. 
John c15 v15,,,,

To conclude:

            Faith of God is 100% effective.

            Faith in God is 100% effective
            if your mind is completely renewed.

Hence, when praying or commanding, in Jesus’ name:
            if you feel passionately about your patient’s healing
            but are a tiny bit uncertain:
                       Don’t engage your feelings.
                       Hold your feelings back.
                       Let God love & work through you.




As we read through the New Testament
we see the meaning of the word faith change:

            During the four gospels:
                       faith was described as a tool, for us to obtain things,
                       from a, thus implied, unwilling God.

            But from Acts onwards:
                       God gave his Holy Spirit to all of us.

            This changed the meaning of the word faith:

                             from: a tool to obtain things,
                             to: a warm, intimate, relationship,
  John c15   

                             from: faith in God
                             to: faith of God, or the faith,

                             from: selfish tool
                             to: us being like-minded to God.
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         Hence our prayers & commands
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         are what we want and what he wants.

,         ,         ,         ,         ,         See third cell (starting Here are three of Dan’s)
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         of earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         ABOUT BIBLICAL TEACHER-HEALERS GENERALLY.





,         ,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         GOD DOES NOT CHANGE
                                                BUT HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH US CHANGES
, , , ,








      Rom c3 v3:
      For what if some did not believe?
      shall their unbelief make the faith of God
      without effect?

      Rom c3 v21-22:
      But now the righteousness of God without the law
      is manifested,
      being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
      even the righteousness of God
which is by
      faith of Jesus Christ
      unto all and upon all them that believe:
      for there is no difference:
      Gal c2 v16:
      Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law,
      but by the faith of Jesus Christ,
      even we have believed in Jesus Christ,
      that we might be justified by the faith of Christ,
      and not by the works of the law:
      for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.  

      Gal c2 v20:
      I am crucified with Christ:
      nevertheless I live;
      yet not I, but Christ liveth in me
      and the life which I now live in the flesh
      I live by the faith of the Son of God,
      who loved me, and gave himself for me.  

      Eph c2 v8-9:
      For by grace are ye saved
      through faith;
            and that not of yourselves:
it is the gift of God:
            not of works,
            lest any man should boast.  

      Eph c3 v12:
      in whom we have boldness
      and access with confidence
      by the faith of him.

      Philippians c3 v8-9:
      Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss
      for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord:
      for whom I have suffered the loss of all things,
      and do count them
but dung,
      that I may win Christ, and be found in him,
      not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law,
      but that which is through the faith of Christ,
      the righteousness which is of God by faith:

      Jam c2 v1-2:
      My brethren,
      have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Lord of glory,
      with respect of persons.
            For if there come unto your assembly
            a man with a gold ring,
            in goodly apparel,
            and there come in also a poor man
            in vile raiment;
[etc]   KJV

      Rev c14 v12:
      Here is the patience of the saints:
are they that keep the commandments of God,
      and the faith of Jesus.

Mark c11 v22 can also be an example of faith of God.
      See: Mark c11 v22, , , , .








In the four gospels of the KJV Bible
the word unbelief is used, in total, four times:

Perhaps see part 2) of earlier section: MY ATTITUDE TO THE BIBLE.

I reckon
Mark c16 v14 is forged, so ignore it.
Perhaps see earlier section:

            Jesus used the word unbelief three times.
Matt c13 v58   &   Matt c17 v20   &   Mark c6 v6.

            The word unbelief is used, by someone, to Jesus, once
Mark c9 v24
            but in a way that Jesus did not disagree with
Mark c9 v24-30, , , , .



Of these four uses of the word unbelief:

            Two instances:
Matt c13 v58  &  Mark c6 v6,
                        could mean:  absence of belief 
doubt that accompanies belief
,         ,         ,         ,         And, in Mark c6 v6, I see it isn’t actually the Greek word for unbelief.

            Two instances:
Matt c17 v20  &  Mark c9 v24,
                       do mean: 
doubt that accompanies belief.

So, there are two possible meanings for the word unbelief:
Absence of belief. 
Doubt that accompanies belief.
,         ,         ,         This meaning of the word ‘doubt’ is also in:  Matt c21 v21  &  Mark c11 v23.

Of 1) and 2):
            2) is the most instructional, has actual meaning.
            So 2) is the definition I use.






If your heart/spirit has not yet started to renew your mind,
has not yet started to duplicate its belief into your mind,
then belief is only ever in your heart/

Whereas unbelief is only ever in your mind.

            Unbelief, being only ever in the mind, is knowledge.

            So you might suppose it should be called unknowledge.

            However, unbelief, in the mind,
            belief, in the heart/

            Hence it’s called unbelief.



Christians often use the word doubt.
But unbelief is the technically correct word:
            You can have doubts about all sorts of matters
            but unbelief is specific to you doubting about God:

            Only believers can have unbelief.
                       (Only believers can doubt in their mind
                       what they believe in their heart

            Unbelievers cannot have unbelief.
                       (Unbelievers cannot doubt in their mind
                       what they believe in their heart
                       because they don’t believe in their heart
                       in the first place.)





Regarding   Matt c13 v58   &   Matt c17 v20   &   Mark c6 v4-6, ,,,
how did the Biblewriter know
that Jesus couldn’t heal certain people because of their unbelief
rather than wouldn’t heal them because of their unbelief?

            It wouldn’t be because they saw him try, then fail.
            Jesus wouldn’t have done that.

            So it must be because they heard him say
            that he couldn’t do it because of their unbelief.

Unbelief could be described as passive resistance.
Just because you’re not actively resisting healing, don’t be fooled.
You believing that your illness is bad can still prevent you’re healing.

,,        ,,        Don’t believe what Jesus went through
,,        ,,        more than you believe your illness.

,,        ,,        Think of Jesus’ love for you
,,        ,,        (and God’s star-forming power)
,,        ,,        instead of your illness.



Unbelief is best fixed by you renewing your mind.

But, until a believer has renewed their mind,
they will have both:
            belief –
in the heart/spirit
            and unbelief – in the mind.

            For example: a man brought his possessed son
            to Jesus’ disciples
            for them to cast a demon out. 

            The disciples failed. 
            Then Jesus arrived.

            Mark c9 v21-24:
                       And he [Jesus] asked his father,
                             How long is it ago
                             since this came unto him?
                       And he said,
                             Of a child.
                             And ofttimes it hath cast him into the fire,
                             and into the waters, to destroy him:
                             but if thou canst do any thing,
                             have compassion on us, and help us.
Jesus said unto him,
                             If thou canst believe,
                             all things are possible to him that believeth.
                       And straightway the father of the child cried out,
                       and said with tears,
                             Lord, I believe;
                             help thou mine unbelief.   KJV

                       Jesus did not then correct the man’s request.
                       This means that Jesus agreed with the man’s logic:
                       that the man had both belief and unbelief.



            Likewise (same story, different gospel)
            Jesus told his disciples:
                       that their tiny faith (belief acting) was sufficient
                       yet it would be nullified by their unbelief.

            Matt c17 v18-20:
                        And Jesus rebuked the devil;
                       and he departed out of him:
                        and the child was cured from that very hour.
                        Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said,
                              Why could not we cast him out?
                        And Jesus said unto them,
                              Because of your unbelief:
                              for verily I say unto you,
                             If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed,
                             ye shall say unto this mountain,
                                   Remove hence to yonder place;
                             and it shall remove;
                             and nothing shall be impossible unto you.   KJV





Unbelief is a structure, a configuration, a knowledge.

But you can, at least, temporarily stop unbelief being thought,
temporarily stop it being activated:

      o    By telling the patient to think of nothing
            so as to make their mind go blank.
,         ,         ,         ,
         Perhaps see:
,         ,         ,         ,         YouTube: – Disabled woman in wheelchair with
                                       cerebellum brain injury healed & walks - John Mellor Healing
. ,,

o    Or, if they are a child, by telling them to
            focus on, say, their favourite food.

,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps see:
,         ,         ,         ,         YouTube: – Child in wheelchair suffering from
                                       painful Köhler disease healed & runs - John Mellor Miracles
. ,,

      o    Or, if the illness/condition is (very) visual,
            by telling the patient (or indeed everyone)
            to close their eyes.
,         ,         ,         ,         See third cell
,         ,         ,         ,         of earlier section: BELIEF, VISION, & THE TWO REALMS, ,,
,         ,         ,         ,         and the YouTube link within it.
,         ,         ,         ,         (This link does not open a new tab.)

      o    Or by telling the patient to do an unbelief-distracting
            act of faith.  (Jesus sometimes did this.)

,         ,         ,         ,         See third cell
,         ,         ,         ,         of earlier section: ACTS OF FAITH. ,,

      o    Or by slaying the patient in the Spirit.

      o    Or by you (i.e. the healer, not the patient)
            praying, & perhaps fasting,
,         ,         Perhaps see later section: PRAYING & FASTING. ,,

            to shift the focus,
            from the problem to the solution:

                       Twice, in ch3, of his book Ever Increasing Faith,
                       Smith Wigglesworth tells of successful healings
                       where those praying turned their focus 
                       from the problem to the answer
                       by simply whispering (ever louder) the name ‘Jesus’.

,         ,         ,         ,         Also see Mark Hemans’ sermon
,         ,         ,         ,         at the beginning of:
,         ,         ,         ,         YouTube – Gold Coast Highlights
,         ,         ,         ,         OUTPOURING of the Holy Spirit,
,         ,         ,         ,         joy, deliverance, miracles, healing, power
: ,,

,         ,         ,         ,         from 5m 50s onwards.

      o    Or, if the patient has some big, distracting, secret sin,
            getting them to confess it
            to a believer they trust. 
James c5 v16,,
,         ,
         Perhaps see:
,,        ,,        YouTube: – Dan Mohler - Free from Guilt, Shame, and Condemnation. ,,

o    Or, if you are a believer, and are ill, but unbelieving
            friends & family are doing your doubting for you,
            telling you to see the doctor rather than God,
            you saying: “No”.
            (So, ironically, it helps if the doctor gets to a point
            where he says he can’t help you anymore.)

      o    Or, etc.



            This site is called ‘How Christianity Works’.

            So the principles in it aren’t necessarily ones you apply.
            They are principles God’s Spirit applies:

                       It usually takes too long, and is unnecessary,
                       for you to compute a situation
                       so as to know what to do.
                       It’s quicker, simpler, and more reliable,
                       to listen to, and to obey, God’s Spirit.

                       Just believe, and renew your mind accordingly.
,         ,         ,         ,
         See first cell of earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         WHAT IS A BELIEVER? WHAT IS THE GOSPEL? , , , , , ,





However, unbelief is best gotten rid of, permanently:

            By your heart/
spirit renewing your whole mind.
,         ,         Perhaps again follow RENEW MIND links
,         ,         in first cell of later section:
,         ,         (this link does not open a new tab), , , ,

,         ,         See Andrew Wommack’s:
,         ,         Hardness of Heart: The Cure,
,         ,         from:  16m 20s   to:  44m 15s.
,         ,         and:
,         ,         YouTube: – It's Not a Faith Problem, It’s Your Unbelief
,         ,         | Andrew Wommack | Living Word Christian Center:
,         ,         Note:  28m 11s   to:  36m 36s.








            lack belief, are not yet believers, not yet Christians.

Believers, who have renewed some of their minds:
            have belief in their hearts/
but their hearts/spirits have not yet renewed
            all of their minds,

            hence they have unbelief
            which is/includes a

            kind of unbelief.

Believers, who have renewed all of their minds:
            have no unbelief.



So, ironically, unbelievers:

            who don’t believing there is a God to impress
            and so don’t have a
            kind of unbelief

heal more readily than not-quite-there-yet believers:

            who have belief

            but who also have a
            kind of unbelief.








However, though unbelievers, non-Christians:
            may well heal more easily
            because they lack unbelief

they also:
            lose that healing more easily
            because they lack belief.



            If you have been miraculously healed
            then, whether you are:
                       a believer,
                       an unbeliever,
or a ‘believer’,
,               ,               I write people who don’t (yet) believe all Jesus said,
,               ,                  who are not (yet) believers, but think they are,
,               ,                  as ‘believers’.

            I’ve found that a demon can, probably with great effort,
            put back the symptoms you used to have.
            Though only the symptoms.

            But if you then:
                 believe in your spirit(core), that the Almighty succeeded
                 but doubt in your mind, think that the Almighty failed,
            then the demon, with little effort,
            will put back the whole illness.

            Or, if you believe that the demon is greater than God, 
or even that God doesn’t exist, that only the demon exists,
            then the demon will, with ease,
            put back the whole illness.

            (This rolling over & giving in
            is the opposite of:

            Jam c4 v7:
            ctd Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.   KJV)

,         ,         How can demons do physical things?
,         ,         I explain in last twelve cells
,         ,         (starting But how can demons act in non-verbal ways)
,         ,         of earlier section: HOW DEMONS ARE ABLE TO DO THINGS.

            Or, a demon may suggest some natural explanation
            for your miraculous healing:
                       that’s agreeable, particularly to you,
                       that you would believe instead of believing that
                       God healed you,
            so that you don’t go to God again.

Or, if you believe wrong religious teaching:
o    that God is unloving or weak,
o    or that God has not Forgiven all sins
                       past present & future,
o    or that God is doing you bad
                       in order to do you good,
            then the demon will:
                       deliver your expectations,
                       work on God’s behalf anonymously,
                       ensure that your faith is rewarded
                       and that God gets all the credit.

,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps again see earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         HOW DEMONS ARE ABLE TO DO THINGS,, ,

,         ,         ,         ,         See last three cells (starting Our account with the Father)
,         ,         ,         ,         of earlier section: THE TWO ACCOUNTS.



            Hence, immediately a believer commands, in Jesus’ name,
            a healing into an unbeliever,
            it’s vital to convey the gospel to the unbeliever
            so that they are equipped to keep their healing.

,         ,         See: YouTube: – Tom Fischer: Street healing with Tom Fischer-
                               Atheist healed & saved

            Then they will be able to rebuke/curse/command out
            the symptoms or illness, in Jesus’ name,
            as soon as the demon puts them back in.

,         ,         See second half of: The Believer’s Authority: Episode 6, Jan 7th 2013.

,         ,         Perhaps see: YouTube: – Aggressive Faith! Instant Healing Testimonies
        Jesus' Name! Injuries, Disease, Flu, Burn Wow
!, , .



            Also, if someone:
                 is miraculously healed,
                 and used to do some sin/wrong
                 that, somehow, demonically caused
                  their illness/condition,
                 even though they’re now healed,
                 if they go back to doing that sin/wrong,
                 their illness/condition will return.  
John c5 v1-14 ,,,,





This site is called ‘How Christianity Works’.

So the principles in it aren’t necessarily ones you apply.
They are principles God’s Spirit applies:

            It usually takes too long, and is unnecessary,
            for you to compute a situation
            so as to know what to do.
            It’s quicker, simpler, and more reliable,
            to listen to, and to obey, God’s Spirit.

            Just believe, and renew your mind accordingly.
,         ,         See first cell of earlier section:
,         ,         WHAT IS A BELIEVER? WHAT IS THE GOSPEL? , , , , , ,








As I wrote earlier, on this webpage:

            The gospel
is simple.

            Hence belief
                       a neurological-model of the
                                   put into the
                                   that the heart/
spirit then copies into the mind
            is also simple.

            So, as belief (in the heart/spirit) is simple,
            only a small amount of unbelief (in the mind) is needed
            to stop belief (in the heart/



Unbelief is a neurological electrical break,
in the mind, which is in the soul.

Unbelief is a:




in a circuit of

in a circuit of

in a circuit of

my soul does not want this
my heart/spirit wants this

I think God cannot do this
I believe God can do this

I think God does not want this
I believe God wants this








Normally I’d say:
            unbelief in the patient . .  stops miracles
            unbelief in spectators . . . has no effect.

However, if the patient can see or hear spectators
and if those spectators:
            have unbelief
            and can be timely prompted to speak, by demons,
            the patient can ‘catch’ unbelief from the spectators.



Hence, if there was unbelief in onlookers, Jesus would:

            Lead the patient away from onlookers who had unbelief.
Mark c8 v22-26:
                       Jesus healed the blind man of
Bethsaida.   my abbn

            Lead onlookers who had unbelief away from the patient.
Mark c5 v22-24 & v35-43    &   Luke c8 v41-42 & v49-56:
                       Jesus resurrected
                       a synagogue ruler’s daughter
.   my abbreviation

            Do the miracle quickly, before crowds could run
            to him & the patient.
Mark c9 v17-27  (Luke c9 v37-42):
                       Jesus healed a man’s possessed son.   my abbreviation

Hence, if there was unbelief in onlookers,
and if Jesus could do none of the above,
he could do no miracles:

Mark c6 v5-6:
            And he could there do no mighty work,
            save that he laid his hands upon
            a few sick folk, and healed them.
            And he marvelled because of their unbelief. ctd   KJV

            Matt c13 v58:
            And he did not many mighty works there
            because of their unbelief
.   KJV

,         ,         See other hindrances to healing
,         ,         in last cell (starting: If your mind needs renewing)
,         ,         of earlier section: THE LORD’S PRAYER.



Conversely, a miracle did happen if Jesus was:

            Unexpectedly prompted:
So that there was no time for unbelief
                 to be manifested in the crowd
                 and then caught by patient & helpers.

                       Luke c7 v11-15:
                       Jesus raised the widow’s son.   my abbreviation
                       That the widow’s son might rise from the dead
                       was not at all in the minds:
                             of the widow,
                             nor of any of the large crowd.

            Angry, forceful:
So that there was no way for unbelief
                 to be manifested in the crowd
                 and then caught by patient & helpers.

            Mark c3 v1-6:
                       It was a sabbath, and the Pharisees
                       threatened Jesus with death
                       if he healed a certain man that day.
                       But Jesus cared more about the man
                       and was angry at the Pharisees’
                       obviously wrong attitude.
                       So Jesus healed the man
.   my abbreviation

,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: ANGER & HATRED, , , ,





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