The basic ways
that God & Satan operate




In the following videos:
            YouTube: – The secrets of being a twin. , , ,

            14m 24s - 17m 22s    &    47m 7s - 48m 5s

      YouTube: – Twin-Tuition: A Telepathic Connection?. , , ,

            YouTube: – Do twins carry an intuition between them? Part 2. , , ,

            4m 36s - 4m 57s    &    6m 33s - 7m 8s

you can see that the neurological structures of the twins are the same
(think of it like fingerprints, but much more complex).

It’s logical that this similarity of neurological structures
is what’s behind their telepathy/greatly increased telepathy.
See the portions of the videos that I’ve time-stamped.

The above meetings were voluntary.
Enforced meetings might’ve been very different:
New York Post: Woman accused of killing her twin
by driving car off Hawaii cliff
. , , , The 'Explosive' Relationship Of The Duval Sisters
And Other Cases Of Twin Murder
. , , ,




So, I reckon distant neurological meshing explains such telepathy.

What’s interesting is that:
            distant neurological meshing, and its telepathy,
            occur even when the twins are very far apart.

            Perhaps see the time stamps in the third video again.


I reckon that distant neurological meshing
is only possible because:

            a)   In the First Dimension, Heaven,
                 God can travel in time.

,,        ,,        ,,        Perhaps see earlier section:
,,        ,,        ,,        HOW JESUS EXISTED BEFORE HE WAS BORN.

            b)  Your destiny may be the First Dimension, Heaven.

            a) & b) mean that many people are linked
            to the First Dimension, Heaven.
,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section:

Distant neurological meshing is helped greatly by:
o    Our minds being one structure, not fragmented.
o    Our minds being organically structured.
o    The framework of our minds being made of words.
,         ,         Perhaps see earlier webpage:
,         ,         Evidence that animals cannot evolve to become humans.

,         ,         and perhaps see, immediately after it:
,         ,         More evidence that animals cannot evolve to become humans. , , , ,


The previous cell indicates that animals
don’t experience distant neurological meshing.

Nor, therefore, telepathic conversation:

            Animals can be telepathically controlled.
,         ,         See fourth cell of earlier section:

            Hence animals can receive telepathic signals.

            But animals cannot transmit telepathic signals.
,         ,
         Perhaps again see last paragraph of previous cell,
               including its links.




Demons outlive humans.
So one human’s ‘legitimate’ hatred of another human
could include his/her descendants.
Hence such a hatred could authorise a demon
to ‘legitimately’ carry out that hatred: a curse.
Perhaps see later webpage: Demons love laws.

Then, after the person dies,
the demon could act against the victim’s descendants.
Hence, in
Mark c9 v14-27 (Matt c17 v14-18), a child has a demon.

So, in case you think, therefore,
that all telepathy is demonic:

            Western youngsters are particularly expressive.

            So, if one (or both) of the youngsters in the first video
            had a demon/demons, then it would show in their behaviour.

            But it doesn’t.
            So neither of them has a demon.

            Hence that video is an example of
            distant neurological meshing.




As for non-twin instances of telepathy:

            If the two minds are similar
            (a close relative, or a very similar, empathetic, friend)
            then, to a lesser degree,
            distant neurological meshing, and hence mind-reading,
            can still happen.
            Especially regarding an emotionally strong event,
            a neurologically very active event.

            But double check that it is only of living humans,
            i.e. that it is fairly natural, not decidedly supernatural.

,         ,,        See earlier section:




As for stage mind-readers:

            If two minds are the same or very similar
            then neurological meshing,
            and hence mind-reading,
            is possible.

            But, otherwise,
            human to human mind-reading
            is impossible.


            So, how do stage mind-readers do it,
            when it’s with a subject who is
            different from the mind-reader?

            The subject’s demon knows all about the subject,
            having hung around them all their life,
            waiting for opportunities to encourage them
            in their wrongdoing, however rare.

,         ,         Perhaps see section, later on this webpage:
,         ,         and the links within it.
,         ,         (This link does not open a new tab.)

            Hence the subject’s demon
            simply tells the mind-reader
            (or, more probably,
            tells the mind-reader’s demon
            to tell the mind-reader)
            what he’s seen & heard.

            All this leaves the mind-reader to conclude
            that he posesses a mind-reading ability.

            If the mind-reader were to start to think
            that his ability is illogical, impossible, 
            then the demon would appeal to the mind-reader’s vanity:
            displace thinking with emotion.

,         ,         Perhaps see later section: TRICKS & MIRACLES.
,         ,         and the section after it
,         ,         and the links within both sections.
,         ,         (This link does not open a new tab.)




Regarding everyone having a demon following them around.

            Even Jesus had a demon
            following him around, trying to tempt him,
            however futile.
  Matt c4 v1-11   Luke c4 v1-13,Note end of v13

            Demons are more likely
            to target potent believers than unbelievers.
            Like soldiers are more likely
            to target enemy combatants
            before they get shot themselves.
            Target the active fit first
            then the sluggish wounded.

            Target you with inner temptations (so have no weaknesses)
            & encourage your persecution (so be prepared for trouble).

            All to make you less effective
            and more entertaining.

            All this is something for demons to do.

            Indeed, it’s the only sort of thing they can do:
                       always the spanner
                       never the works.


Demons speak to us telepathically, not accoustically:
            Partly because others may hear them.
            Mainly so they can leave you to conclude
            that they’re your own thoughts.
,,        ,,        Perhaps see eighth cell (starting A demon will let you think) 
,,        ,,        of later section: THE BASIC MECHANICS. 

As for how demons telepathically tempt us, speak to us:

            Telepathically speaking to us is easy:
                 We each have a pair of, relatively simple, auditory nerves
                 that run from each ear to the brain.

            It’s mind-reading that’s impossible for a demon:
                 The neurological structures have to be similar
                 for neurological meshing to take place.

,,        ,,        ,,        N.B. God would have made the particles that make up:
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        himself, his Spirit, & his Son,
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        and
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        angels & demons,
,,        ,,        ,,        of similar size etc
,,        ,,        ,,        to the particles we are made of
,,        ,,        ,,        for the sake of interaction & communication.

,,        ,,        ,,        Mind you, demons’ destructiveness has made them mesh-able.

,,        ,,        ,,        Hence many demons can fit into one human.
,,        ,,        Mark c5 v1-13     Luke c8 v26-33:
                      ,,        ,,        A legion of demons fit into one man.   my abbn

,,        ,,        ,,        Whereas an angel, in this dimension & this realm,
,,        ,,        ,,        would bump into a human if he tried that.


            The retina of the eye is not vastly more complex
            than the auditory nerve.

            Hence God (&demons?) can telepathically give visions.
Acts c10: Peter’s and Cornelius’ visions.   my abbn

            Also, likewise, sensations of touch, smell, and taste.

,,        ,,        Perhaps see first two cells
,,        ,,        of later section: NOT ONLY WORDS. , , ,


            In the First Dimension, travelling in time
            means that the Spirit (hence also the Father & the Son)
            can telepathically listen to, & talk to:
                       all at the same time.

            Whereas, in this Second Dimension,
            we humans, aliens, & demons,
            do not travel through time, in any dimension
            and are each much smaller structures than God,
            so we communicate much less than God does.




            Jesus had a telepathic dialogue with Satan.
Matt c4 v1-11    Luke c4 v1-12 

            And that wasn’t a one-off.
Luke c4 v13  

            But Jesus did not have his mind read by Satan.
,         ,
         Perhaps see third cell (starting: Just before Satan spoke) 
,         ,         of later section: WHY DO DEMONS ONLY TEMPT, WHY NOT CONTROL?.


            And we should expect the same privacy.
,         ,         For biblical support of this point,
,         ,         see: YouTube: – Can Demons Read Our Minds?
,         ,         and:
,         ,         Can Satan and Demons Read Our Minds? , , , , ,

,         ,         Mind you, see earlier cell in this section
,         ,         (starting: So, how do stage mind-readers do it)
,         ,,        and the links within it.
,,        ,         (This link does not open a new tab.)




To conclude:

            Mind-reading can only occur
            if the reader can identify every one
            of the very many neurological patterns
            in the person being read.

            Normally this is only possible
            if the two beings have very similar neurological structure
            (e.g.. are identical twins)
            and so can neurologically mesh.

            However, God can identify
            (even if he cannot identify with)
            every one of
            the very many neurological patterns in you.

            Hence God’s Spirit can read anyone’s mind.




            However, if you want to:
                       not only be telepathically heard by God,
                       but also telepathically hear God,

                       and, indeed, have God’s Spirit
                       do miracles through you,

            then you must:
                       neurologically mesh with God’s Spirit,
                       renew your mind,
,         ,         ,         ,                            See later section:
,         ,         ,         ,                            WHAT IS A RENEWED MIND?. , , ,


                       become like the Son
,         ,         ,         ,                            1 Pet c1 v13-16     1 John c2 v15-17 


                       the Son who is:
                                   like the Father’s heart,
                                   like the Father wants to be,
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         ,         IN JESUS, THE FATHER REVEALS HIS HEART TO US. , , ,

,         ,         ,         ,         ,         ,         1 John c4 v17     John c14 v9-11 ,,,,,


                       entirely good,
                       entirely constructive.






You may find that the large, earlier, webpage:
The origin of angels & demons

serves as a foundation for
the rest of this webpage.  


How did Satan achieve, & maintain, top position
seeing that, like all the other bad angels,
he ended up without a body?


            Satan used words
            and other demon’s fears & desires:
            intimidation, trickery, etc.

            Just like he does with us.

            Just like a human dictator does with other humans:
                 power over some, who have power over others, etc,
                 the dictator, without this, being unimpressive.
,         ,         ,         ,         See (second cell) of earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         THE KINGDOM OF THE WORLD & THE KINGDOM OF DEMONS., ,, .


Demons gain from us being here:

            We give them complexity again, self-expression again,
            the nearest they’ll get to living again.
            We give them new identities.

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: SATAN LIKES IT HERE.

            But we can cut their parasitic relationships, with us, short
            by ignoring them, and listening to God instead.
Jam c4 v7:
                       Submit yourselves therefore to God.
                       Resist the devil, and he will flee from you
.   KJV

            Also, believers can cast demons out of others
            (as in: 
Acts c16 v16-18   &   Acts c19 v11-16)
            just like Jesus did.
Mark c5 v1-13    Luke c8 v26-33:   my abbreviation
                       A large group of demons, all in one man,
                        had named themselves ‘Legion’
,         ,         ,         ,         [after the roman legion of approximately 5,000 soldiers].
                        The demons broke any chains & manacles
                       used to bind him.
                        Then Jesus came along and cast them out,
                        into a herd of pigs.
                        The demons then, immediately,
                       made the pigs kill themselves
.   my abbreviation

,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps see later section: DEMON POSSESSION, ,, .




If demons could directly control an animal or thing
they’d break it.
Perhaps see earlier section:

That’s why demons seek humans
rather than animals or things.
Perhaps see earlier sections:
THE FLOOD: Gen c6 – c8.

            We don’t break, are sustainable,
            keep going, are torment-able.

            Demons can speak to us, encourage us to do wrong,
            even trick us into doing wrong.  We give them ‘life’.

            Mind you, for now,
            demons have to tone down the temptations they give us:
                  from . .destroy each other”
                 to . . . .  be selfish”.

            But half a loaf is better than none.


            We hear demons’ carefully chosen,
            perhaps repetitious, words
            and may then like their suggestions
            and act on them.

            Indeed, when we were unbelievers,
            we preferred their words to God’s words
(even if their words were encouraging us
            to ‘merely’ worry, or to needlessly fear, or etc).

            Hence James wrote:
            Jam c4 v7:
            Submit yourselves therefore to God.
            Resist the devil, and he will flee from you
.   KJV


            A demon will keep visiting you
,         ,         Satan even revisited Jesus  Luke c4 v13 

            according to:
                 his calculations
                 and the world’s hearsay
o    How easy a target you are:
                                   how weak, corrupt, etc, you are,
o    How important a target you are:
                                   how high up in the world you are,
                                   how potentially used by God you you’ll be,
o    How likely it is that you’ll act on, or be changed by,
                                   his suggestions.
o    How entertaining a target you’d be:
                                   demons have no bodies
                                   so they can do very little
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         ,         See earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         ,         DESTROYING EACH OTHER.

                                   so you are their entertainment,
                                   their interactive entertainment.
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         ,         See earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         ,         ,         WE ARE PLAYGROUNDS.

            So, just keep listening to, and obeying, God’s Spirit
Rom c8 v14    Gal c5 v16    Gal c5 v25  , 
            and ignore the devil,
            so that the devil will go away, empty handed, each time.
            Then, if/when they do come back,
            it’ll be easy for you to ignore them.

,         ,         ‘Devil’ is shorthand for ‘demons’ or ‘demon’;
,         ,         be they the leading demon (Satan), or his underling demons.

,         ,         See: YouTube: – Dan Mohler - How to Resist the Devil
,         ,         (link repeated from earlier).

,         ,         I don’t also include a link to Andrew Wommack’s material here
,         ,         because it’s so thorough & lengthy.
,         ,         Ideally, go to: A better site than this one
,         ,         and from there to Andrew’s site.




Satan and his underling demons currently hide
o    They can be more destructive,
            express themselves more, ‘live’ more,
            if they are not just invisible
            but undetectable.

      o    They have no bodies anyway.

Whereas God currently hides
for the two reasons given in earlier section:






Demons have learnt to be destructive wordsmiths:
            by observing us
            and by listening to us.

            Demons learn our languages, cultures,
            and general behaviour.

            They then learn an individual’s weaknesses,
            follow them, and tempt, interact.

            When that person dies
            they move on to the next one.

            I reckon that they name themselves,
            or are named by a higher demon,
            after the roles they find in our lives
            (even demons need a name and address).


From their point of view their efforts are needed:
he relationship between you and a demon is symbiotic.
Symbiotic = mutually parasitic. 
(Many natural creatural relationships are symbiotic

            We give them life, purpose, vital distractions,
,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps again see earlier sections: SATAN LIKES IT HERE
,         ,         ,         ,         and: WE ARE PLAYGROUNDS.

            and they tempt us:
                       give us excuses for us to give to ourselves,
                       give us tailor-made tempting ideas.
            That’s the deal, the symbiotic deal.
            We are their life.  This is their home.

            For demons, ‘living’ means:
                       speaking to us
                       and seeing the desired effect.

            Demons like us
            like a cat likes to play with a mouse.

Hence demons think like many of us do:
            in an earthly, carnal, way.
,         ,
         Even though they don’t have earthly, carnal, bodies.
,         ,         Or indeed, any bodies at all.

            Hence, to counteract demons’ plans & intentions,
            God often thinks out of the box & unworldly.
,         ,         Perhaps see third cell (starting: Just before Satan spoke) 
,         ,         of later section: WHY DO DEMONS ONLY TEMPT, WHY NOT CONTROL?.




Demons, when they are all in Hell, will only hate.

And, even now, demons dislike each other:
            prefer to tempt & torment alone,
            are not good at teamwork.
,         ,
         Perhaps see earlier section: GOD: THE CONSIDERATE DELEGATOR.

However, demons really like us.

They like us even more than they dislike each other:
            A number of them would prefer being
            crammed inside one of us
            (controlling rather than merely suggesting)
            even more than they
            dislike being with each other.

            Mark c5 v1-13    Luke c8 v26-33:
Many demons (hence they called themselves ‘Legion’)
            had crammed themselves into one man.
            Then Jesus came along and cast them all out
.   my abbn

,         ,         Perhaps see later section: DEMON POSSESSION, , ,




Demons cannot make notes or write books.
They can only read what we’ve written.

So, in order to learn how to
tempt us and possess us, they:
o    Observe us (passively or interactively).
o    Remember what they’ve observed.

Demons have had lots of time to learn:
            Latching onto one person.
            Perhaps seeing that person’s whole life through
            before latching onto the next person.
            And so on, perhaps through many generations.

Hence, at any given time, demons will have learnt:
o    Many cultures and many languages.
,,        ,,        ,,        Though, being destructive,
,,        ,,        ,,        they forget-by-neglect whatever becomes redundant,
,,        ,,        ,,        even more so than we do.

            o    Human behaviour in general.
o    Their current ‘patient’ in particular.


However, they learn only in order to:
            (mostly) lie,
            (mostly) destroy.
Not in order to:
            build up a true & consistent body of knowledge.

Hence, though demons have a lot of time to learn,
and may have a large memory capacity:
            they learn poorly
            and understand even more poorly.


,,        ,,        Knowledge,,,,,,       =,,     mental models.
,,        ,,        Understanding,,     =,,     the organic linking of those mental models.

,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ‘Organic’, here, meaning:  like a spider’s web
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        with the most important bits in the middle.




For most of us, most of our thoughts are our own:

            Most of our temptations & torments

            are our own flesh ‘speaking’.
            Not demons speaking

            For the world is, for many of us, a tempting & trying place
            even without demons.
,         ,
         Perhaps see earlier webpage: The design of everything. , , , ,


But, of course, in addition to our own flesh ‘speaking’ to us,
demons may also telepathically speak to us:

            Demonic: temptations,
            torments (unnecessary fears & worries),
            scary visions, demons taking on a scary visible form, etc,
            are all verbal &/or visual structures.
,         ,
         Perhaps see later section: NOT ONLY WORDS.

                       Demons, being fundamentally destructive,
                       find constructing the above
                       (or any creativity or originality)
                       painfully hard.
                       Much harder than you or I would find it.

                       So a demon will construct
                       a temptation/torment/vision
                       only if he reckons that constructing it
                       will be outweighed by
                       the destruction it will cause.

                       Once he’s built a temptation/torment/vision
                       he finds repeating it
                       much less painful than designing new ones.

                       Hence demons are repetitious
this repetitiveness can give them away,
                       as can their conspicuous timing.




A demon will let you think
that his words are your thoughts:

            He does this by:
o    Telepathically speaking into your thought stream
o    in sequence with your thought stream
o    at the same volume as your own thoughts
o    with his thoughts getting only a little worse
                       on each occasion.

                       2 Cor c10 v4-5:
                             (for the weapons of our warfare
are not carnal,
                             but mighty through God
                             to the pulling down of strong holds;)
                             casting down imaginations, and every high thing
                             that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God,
                             and bringing into captivity every thought
                             to the obedience of Christ;

But demons give themselves away
            when their implanted thoughts are:
o    Repetitious.
o    Inexplicably hard to shake off.
o    Thoughts you used to have
                       but, though you rejected them,
                       are inexplicably coming back.
                 o    Only discouraging to begin with
                       but soon prove to also be

In contrast, God will not let you think
that his words are your thoughts:

            He does this by:
o    Telepathically speaking to you
out of sequence with your thoughts.
                 o    Or his words arrive
                       when you are not thinking at all.
o    Or they’re louder than your thoughts.

            God’s words also:
                  o    Bring peace to your heart/spirit,
                  though a challenge to
                       the not-yet-renewed parts of your mind.
            o    Are consistent with
                       Jesus’ words in the Bible.
o    Are only edifying to begin with
                       but soon prove to also be right.

,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG, , , ,


The following parable is about believers who have
renewed their minds,
hence they hear two kinds of voices:

            1.   God’s voice.
,         ,         ,
         And/or a God-approved human voice.

            2.   A demon’s voice.
,         ,         ,         And/or a demon-approved human voice.

            John c10 v1-10:
      Verily, verily, I say unto you,
                 He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold,
,         ,         ,         [a collective sheepfold, of several flocks,]
                 but climbeth up some other way,
                 the same is a thief and a robber.
                 But he that entereth in by the door
                 is the shepherd of the sheep.
                 To him the porter openeth;
                 and the sheep hear his voice:
                 and he calleth his own sheep by name,
                 and leadeth them out.
                 And when he putteth forth his own sheep,
                 he goeth before them,
                 and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
                 And a stranger will they not follow,
                 but will flee from him:
                 for they know not the voice of strangers.
            This parable spake Jesus unto them:
            but they understood not
            what things they were which he spake unto them.
            Then said Jesus unto them again,
            Verily, verily, I say unto you,
                 I am the door of the sheep.
,         ,         ,         [the porter would lie down, in the gap, would become the door]
                 All that ever came before me
,         ,         ,         [The ‘religious’ wicked (John c9 & Matt c23) and, logically, demons.] 
                 are thieves and robbers:
                 but the sheep did not hear them.
            I am the door:
                 by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved,
                 and shall go in and out,
                 and find pasture.
                 The thief cometh not, but for to
                 steal, and to kill, and to destroy:
                 I am come that they might have life,
                 and that they might have
it more abundantly.   KJV

            Jesus’ audience did not understand him.
            So, half way through, Jesus changed his parable
                 from:  him being the genuine shepherd  theme
                 to:  him being the porter/door/gate  theme.


,         ,         For something less technical & more practical
,         ,         on hearing the shepherd
,         ,         see: YouTube: – Arthur Meintjes - Hearing the Voice of God,
,         ,         (Arthur is a teacher at Andrew Wommack’s colleges).






Satan sometimes does good, is sometimes constructive.
But only because it’s
wrong, is the most destructive in the long run:

            He may take one step
            But only to take two steps


,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section:
,         ,         GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG, , , ,






Demons sometimes tell the truth.

            For example: they told people
            (through a man they had possessed)
            who Jesus actually was.

            Luke c4 v33-35:
            And in the synagogue there was a man, which had a spirit
            of an unclean devil, and cried out with a loud voice, saying,
us alone;
                  what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth?
                  art thou come to destroy us?
                  I know thee who thou art; the Holy One of God.
            And Jesus rebuked him, saying,
                  Hold thy peace, and come out of him.
            And when the devil had thrown him in the midst,
            he came out of him, and hurt him not.   KJV


            Telling the truth is always good
            and usually right.

            But, in the above scripture, telling that particular truth,
            at that particular place & time, was good but wrong.

            This is shown by:
o    Jesus rebuking the demon.
o    Jesus’, elsewhere, commanding his disciples
                       not to tell anyone who he was. 
Mark c8 v30   Luke c9 v21

,         ,         Perhaps again see earlier section:
,         ,         GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG, , , ,




To prevent a miraculous healing
a demon may repeatedly say to you:
            a)   “You don’t have to do this.”
            b)  “The stuff you’ve done – you’re not good enough
                   to be healed.”
            c)   “Remember the facts: how cancerous this is.”
to stimulate destructive emotions:
            a) pride
            b) guilt, self pity,
            c) fear
which displace constructive thought.

Notice that a) b) & c) are all true statements (well, half the truth).
Hence you are less likely to reject them:

Demons prefer to contain, and come out with,
            some truth
            so that they retain mental integrity
            hence giving themselves self-confidence:
                       when among us,
                       when among each other,
                       even when alone.


Demons’ statements, a) b) & c), are selfish.

But they are also masochistic.
Hence you don’t immediately suspect them of being selfish.


Demons use such tactics for many purposes,
not only to hinder healing.

Perhaps see earlier section:






In the previous section I wrote that:
            sometimes demons do good
            in order to do wrong
by way of telling the truth.

I now add that:
            at other times demons do good
            in order to do wrong
by way of constructing temptations.

            Timing is everything.

,,        ,,        Perhaps again see earlier section:
,,        ,,        GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG.


Some temptations offer something good.

            Satan offered the whole world to Jesus
,         ,         Note: The world.  Not nature, not the planet; that wasn’t his to give.
            which was a good, constructive, thing to do.

                       Luke c4 v5-6    (Matt c4 v8-9a):
                       And the devil,
                       taking him up
into an high mountain,
                        shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world
                  in a moment of time.
                        And the devil said unto him,
                             All this power will I give thee,
                             and the glory of them:
                             for that is delivered unto me;
                             and to whomsoever I will I give it.   KJV

            But it was also the wrong thing to do,
            the  most-destructive-in-the-long-run  thing to do,
            because Jesus, God’s only begotten Son,
            would have agreed to be under Satan’s control.

                 Luke c4 v7    (Matt c4 v9b):
                             [Satan continued] If thou therefore wilt worship me,
                             all shall be thine.




Satan, or an underling demon, will tempt you
when they calculate that you’ll take it up
(or at least let it wind you up).

            For example, they’ll suggest:
o   “Go on, have another drink; you’re a good driver.”
o   “So he’s not your man.  He’s a hunk.  Go for it.”
o   “He’s your best mate.  He won’t figure out you stole it.”
            if they reckon there’s a fair chance
            of you doing these things.

            If they reckon there’s not a fair chance
            then they won’t tempt you in the first place.

            Hence  Jam
c4 v7:
            Submit yourselves therefore to God.
            Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.   KJV


Actually, a demon will phrase it as:
“He’s my best mate.  He won’t figure out I stole it.”
rather than:

            “He’s your best mate.  He won’t figure out you stole it.”
so that his words blend in
with your own thoughts.

Mind you, if you are the sort of person who
likes to bounce your ideas off others,
likes to think with others around
(others similar to you),
then you may be the sort of person who
thinks with two voices (dialogue)
rather than one voice (monologue).

In which case a demon may indeed phrase it as:
            “He’s your best mate.  He won’t figure out you stole it.”





A demon will keep visiting you
(Satan even revisited Jesus 
Luke c4 v13)
according to the world’s hearsay of
and his own reckonings of:
o    How easy a target you are:
                       how weak, corrupt, etc, you are,
o    How important a target you are:
                       how high up in the world you are,
                       how potentially used by God you you’ll be,
o    How likely it is:
                       that you’ll act on, or be changed by,
                       his suggestions.
o    How entertaining a target you’d be:
                       demons have no bodies
                       so they can do very little
,         ,         ,         ,         See earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         DESTROYING EACH OTHER.

                       so you are their entertainment,
                       their interactive entertainment.
,         ,         ,         ,         See earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         WE ARE PLAYGROUNDS.

So, just keep listening to, and obeying, God’s Spirit
Rom c8 v14    Gal c5 v16    Gal c5 v25  , 
and ignore the devil,
so that the devil will go away, empty handed, each time.

‘Devil’ is shorthand for ‘demons’ or ‘demon’;
be they the leading demon (Satan), or his underling demons.



If you are a believer, but have a sinful way:
            one wrong way
            in one room of your mind,
then a demon will speak to it, through the window.
(He’d climb in if you let him – that’s what he’s hoping for.)

Conversely, if you have no wrong ways
then the Holy Spirit can live in
every room of your mind.

So, what effect does a believer who does wrong
have on the Holy Spirit?
            The Spirit cannot leave because:
                       the Cross
                       and the believer’s belief in the Cross
            keep him there.

            So the Spirit suffers:
                       because he is holy
                       and his host is doing wrong, is not being holy,

            yet he cannot act against the wrongdoing:
                       because of the believer’s free will.

            Hence the Spirit is grieved. 
Eph c4 v30,,,,,

He cannot leave you even if you’ve completely backslidden,
pushed him out of every room.
He’d still be in the hallway where God first put him.
Mind you, it would feel as if
he’d left the house altogether.

Whenever you push him out of the room you’re currently in,
where your consciousness/focus/attention now is,
then that would feel, for you, for now,
as if he’d left the house altogether.






Demons don’t know everything about the future.
See earlier section: HOW DO DEMONS SEE THE FUTURE? 

Hence God can get them to calculate wrongly.

            If demons had known that crucifying Jesus
            would have such a good effect
            they would have discouraged it, not encouraged it.
,         ,         See last three cells (starting However, a demon)
,         ,         of later section: WHY DO DEMONS ONLY TEMPT, WHY NOT CONTROL?.

Indeed, God allowed demons to calculate wrongly
so that more people became believers quicker.

Acts c6 – c8 v1:
            The church was preaching, with miracles.
            But it was still at
Jerusalem, its point of origin.
            Then persecution scattered it
            to surrounding regions & countries
            where it continued to preach, with miracles
.   my abbn






If you are a believer:
            demons don’t stop you,
            they merely slow you down.

            All in the hope that you’ll be entertaining:
                       Full of self-pity, selfish anger, (selfish anything),
                       Full of fight instead of faith
                       so that you don’t trigger the miraculous.



Demons are in denial about, evasive about,
that they will eventually lose.

Slowing us down gives them something to do.

Indeed, it’s the only sort of thing they can do:
            always the spanner
            never the works.









If you’re not listening for God’s voice
or are not ready to obey if you do hear him
            (for he won’t ask of you if he knows you’ll disobey), 

,,        ,,        See fifth & sixth cell (starting  2) The second reason the Father )
,,        ,,        of earlier section: WHAT’S WRONG WITH A VISIBLE SOLUTION?.. ,,,,,

but are not so vigilant about avoiding some demon’s voice,
then you are encouraging that demon to speak to you.



Indeed, you may be encouraging the demon
to say something so often
that it becomes a part of your own thinking.

(Exactly as would happen
if you listened sloppily, with your defences down,
to a human who had mischievous intent.)

Especially if the demon (or human) kept saying something
that appealed to a spiritual, or fleshly, weakness in you.

Perhaps see later sections: 1) SPIRITUAL SINS and 2) NATURAL SINS. ,,,,,



For example: even if demons don’t actually cause a sickness
they will, especially if it’s a long term sickness,
encourage you to perversely adopt it: make it part of your identity.

To encourage you to do something so illogical

they aim for the emotions  self
-righteousness, self-pity, etc,
rather than the mind.

Perhaps also see third & fourth cells
To prevent a miraculous healing)
of earlier section:






Demons’ suggestions are increasingly effective at moulding
as the pattern builds.

            A pattern that fits in with:
the destructive aspects of the world & human nature
                       and the destructive aspects of the natural world.

            Or, if they can get away with it, a pattern that’s worse than:
the destructive aspects of the world & human nature
                       and the destructive aspects of the natural world.



            However, your heart/spirit renewing your mind is you:
                       dismantling all that the world, the flesh, & the devil
                       have built in your mind
                       replacing it with God’s ways.

            Rom c12 v2:
            And be not conformed to this world:
            but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
            that ye may prove what
is that good, and acceptable,
            and perfect,
            will of God.

,         ,         Perhaps follow RENEW MIND links
,         ,         in first cell of later section:
,         ,         (this link does not open a new tab).









Demons cannot physically do anything.
Perhaps see earlier section: DESTROYING EACH OTHER.

They can only:
            Speak to you.
            Give you a vision.
            Give you a sensation.
And, even then, only if you like it
or are conned into accepting it.

Hence, if there’s a spiritual or natural sin
that you tend to do
then a demon will encourage you to do it even more.

Perhaps see all sections under later title:






It’s all carefully timed,
often with other temptee(s) in mind:
            Your demon,
            after being spoken to, by someone else’s demon,
            may make a different suggestion from the usual
            because the other demon is working on someone else
            and needs you to do (or not do) a certain something.
            It’s called strategy.

            Demons like to lead you, or family groups,
            or even whole work places, or even whole nations,
            into situations that are ever increasingly
            interactively entertaining.

            It gives them something to do.

Indeed, it’s the only sort of thing they can do:
                       always the spanner
                       never the works.



            They increasingly grow some situations into dead-end traps,
            engineered to provide maximum torment:

                       Dead-end, then also closed off,
                       so that you can’t see a way out.

                       Conspicuously odd.
                       Situations you couldn’t make it up.

,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        For the converse, see: 2 Cor c10 v3-5.,,,,,









You may ask:
            Why do demons only tempt us?
            Why not
make us sin,
            why not control us?

I say:
            At worst, a demon goes into an unbeliever’s soul.

            Though not


                       1)  If one being
                             controlled another being’s


                       2)  then the second being
                             would cease to exist.

a being = an eternal self-teaching structure.

            Hence neither 1) nor 2) can happen.






However, a demon who’s been paying attention to you
your whole life long,
may, at crucial moments, prompt you.

Prompting isn’t controlling.
But it is second best.

            For example: Peter said: “Jesus: don’t be crucified.
            but Jesus replied: Satan, shut up”.  Matt c16 v21-23  Mark c8 v31-33,,

            Only later could Peter see
            that his mindset had been so worldly
            that Satan had been able to speak through him.



            Just before Satan spoke through Peter 
            Jesus had been speaking about
            his coming crucifixion and resurrection.
            Matt c16 v21-23    Mark c8 v31-33,, 

                       That’s what made Satan say, through Peter:
                       “Jesus: don’t be crucified.”

            But later, nearer the time of the crucifixion,
            Satan was swayed
            by the disciples’ lack of expectancy of a resurrection.

                       Hence Satan had a change of mind,
                       helped cause the crucifixion.

John c13 c27-30   &   c18 v1-5:
                        Satan entered Judas
                        to encourage him to betray Jesus.   my abbreviation



,         ,         ,         ,         See item 2)  (starting Demons can overhear people)
,         ,         ,         ,         of earlier section: HOW DO DEMONS SEE THE FUTURE?.









When Peter said, “Jesus: don’t be crucified”,  Matt c16 v22-23   Mark c8 v32-33 
Satan was saying, through Peter,
a good, but wrong, thing.

Also demons sometimes (often?) tell the truth.
See earlier section: FOR EXAMPLE: TELLING THE TRUTH.

So, don’t expect demons’ handiwork:
            to be bad every time
            or for them to lie every time.

            They’re not bad or untrue every time.
            But they’ll be wrong every time.
,,        ,,
        Perhaps see earlier section: GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG. ,,,,,



Indeed, demons prefer to contain, and come out with,
some truth
so that they retain mental integrity
hence giving themselves self-confidence:
            when among us,
            when among each other,
            even when alone.



            So it’s:
                       the whole, apparently variable, path
                       that God tries to lead you down
                       the whole variable detour
                       that demons try to re-route you down
            that’s the issue.

            It’s a path which:
                       We cannot see the twists & turns of
                       or the various possible ends of.
                       But God, and sometimes demons, can.



That’s why Jesus taught us about:
            Hearing: God or Satan.
            Listening to: God or Satan.

            Following (being guided by): God or Satan.
            Ways (paths) of: God or Satan.

For example:
            Matt c23:
                 Blind guides
[humans, but as deceptive as demons].   my abbn
            John c10 v1-16:
                 Hearing, leading, following.   my abbreviation
John c14 v1-6:
                 Ways.   my abbreviation






            God can see the future.

                       So God never needs to:
                                   change his plans,
                                   have a plan B,
                                   have normal, real-time, conversations,
                                   alter his route,

            We cannot see the future.
,,        ,,        Except in conjunction with demons (or, of course, God).
,,        ,,        See earlier section: HOW DO DEMONS SEE THE FUTURE?.

            So, to us, God may seem to:
                                   change his plans,
                                   have a plan B,
                                   have normal, real-time, conversations,
                                   alter his route,

                       But he never does.






Jesus may (gradually) tell you his plan for your life.
John c15 v14-15:
            You are my friends and workmates,
            not my servants
.   my abbreviation 

But Jesus may well not tell you even the next step:
may well tell you your future only on a need-to-know basis:

            Partly so you don’t disobey because, on the face of it,
            it’s a big ask, seems unimportant, etc.
            (Whereas God knows that, as time goes by
            and you get stuck into it, you’ll change your mind.)

            Partly so that demons are as much in the dark
            as you are, find out as little as possible about how to
            thwart your efforts.

,         ,         Perhaps again see item 2)
,         ,         of earlier section: HOW DO DEMONS SEE THE FUTURE?

,         ,         Perhaps also see earlier section: TELEPATHY, , , ,



            Demons will try to fill in such gaps
            in your knowledge of your future
            with worldly & worrying thoughts.

            So, learn the difference between the two voices:
                       Worldly & worrying.
                       Loving & miraculous.

John c10 v1-16:
                       Hearing, leading, following.
                       Also, the difference between the two voices
.   my abbn









Satan had to enter Jesus, in some fashion, technically speaking,
in order to telepathically communicate with him.

So, technically speaking, the difference between Jesus and us
is not that:
            Satan/demons have never entered
            but have entered
            some of us.
It’s that:
            Jesus never yielded to Satan’s temptations, 

,,        ,,        See last five words of: John c14 v30.,,,,,

            whereas we have yielded to Satan’s temptation.

,,        ,,        Indeed, Jesus never yielded to his flesh’s temptations either.
,,        ,,        Hence Jesus is sinless.

,,        ,,        Perhaps see later section:



As for us:

            the more you:
                       fall for a demon’s smooth talk & trickery,
                       agree & approve of his suggestions,
            the more, in effect:
                       he is sneakily rebuilding your mind,

            and, the more he:
                       rebuilds your mind
            the more he:
                       can rebuild your mind.

            So, sinning
            (&/or some curse, or dark magic, from someone else)
            gets a demon into a person.
            But that demon then, relentlessly, makes his new home
            ever more secure.

            Seeing Mark Hemans, Kathryn Krick, etc, in action:
            I notice that demons usually hide:
                       They don’t mind the person being antisocial,
                       with others trying to help but failing.
                       And they don’t mind the person being put in
                       an institution or prison:
                       it’s as entertaining a place as anywhere.

            But they often stop hiding, manifest,
            when a Christian comes along to cast them out.
            (It’s a last ditch effort to scare the Christian off.)



This process of influence/invasion/possession is never complete:

            The process will never include your heart/
, ,       ,,        , ,       ,,        See first cell
, ,       ,,        ,,        ,         of earlier section:
, ,       ,,        ,,        ,         WHY DO DEMONS ONLY TEMPT, WHY NOT CONTROL?.,,,,, 

            And it probably won’t include all of your mind.
Mark c5 v1-10    Luke c8 v26-31. 
                       The legion of demons
                       could stop the man speaking to Jesus.
                       But they could not stop the man 
                       running to Jesus
.   my abbreviation





When you have, perhaps unwittingly:
            been responding positively to demons,
            such that they’ve built reactions & responses,
            to their liking, in you,
            hard wiring, in you,
it means they’ve become:
            speakers who are responded to,
            are alive, have survived.

            (Same old game of survival as it is here;
            this place was designed with such things in mind.)

Therefore a Christian’s job is:
            Not only to command, in Jesus’ name,
            demons out of others.
            But also to find, and show foul,
            every proud, morally wrong, deceiving, thought
            in yourself.
            2 Cor c10 v4-5:
            (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
            but mighty through God
            to the pulling down of strong holds;)
            casting down imaginations, and every high thing
            that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God,
            and bringing into captivity every thought
            to the obedience of Christ;

,,        ,,        Perhaps see Mark Hemans’ sermon
,,        ,,        at the beginning of:
,,        ,,        YouTube: – Texas Highlights STRONGHOLDS BROKEN,
,         ,         deliverance, drug addiction, healing, diabetes

,,        ,,        Perhaps also see Mark Hemans’ sermon:
,         ,         YouTube: – HOW DEMONS OPERATE in a person's life.,,,,,

,,        ,,        Mark Hemans gives the following tip (I forget where).
,,        ,,        I flesh it out here:
,,        ,,        Loving someone who is possessed (as in Love your enemies),
,,        ,,        and not reacting in kind, however offensive the person gets,
,,        ,,        creates a disjoint, between the person and his/her demon.
,,        ,,        You disconnect the person from the demon, to some degree.

,,        ,,        The person eventually thinks:
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        “Why am I being so horrible to this person?  This isn’t me.
,,        ,,        and holds back a bit.

,,        ,,        Then demon, out of frustration, manifests itself.
,,        ,,        Then the person really realises what’s going on
,,        ,,        and becomes on-board with whoever is about to cast it out.






From their point of view their efforts are needed:
the relationship between you and a demon is symbiotic.
Symbiotic = mutually parasitic. 
(Many natural creatural relationships are symbiotic

            We give them life, purpose, vital distractions,
,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps see earlier sections: SATAN LIKES IT HERE
,         ,         ,         ,         and: WE ARE PLAYGROUNDS.

            and they tempt us:
                       give us excuses for us to give to ourselves,
                       give us tailor-made tempting ideas.
            That’s the deal, the symbiotic deal.
            We are their life.  This is their home.

            For demons, ‘living’ means:
                       speaking to us
                       and seeing the desired effect.

            Demons like us
            like a cat likes to play with a mouse.



In Jesus, God reveals his heart to us,
and it is a heart of love.

Perhaps see earlier section:

Hence, if you:
                       live in dead religion,
                        religion that’s like the world,
                       religion that’s earning,
                       religion that’s not unconditional Forgiveness,
,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: GOOD RELIGION & BAD RELIGION.

            and if you also:
                       build a wall, inside your dead religion,
                       and live on both sides of it:
                                   the fake part of you, your ‘face’,
                                   on the outside, facing everyone,
                                   the rest of you, the bit that does the sinning,
                                   on the inside,
            then a demon:
                       though not in your hidden side
                       may have been speaking to your hidden side
                       and be, at times, controlling your soul
                       (though not your heart/

,         ,         ,         ,         See: YouTube: – Dan Mohler - first demonic experience.

,         ,         ,         ,         See first cell of earlier section:
,         ,         ,         ,         WHY DO DEMONS ONLY TEMPT, WHY NOT CONTROL?.  

,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps also see last three cells
,         ,         ,         ,         (starting: So, there are occasions)
,         ,         ,         ,         of earlier section: HOW DEMONS ARE ABLE TO DO THINGS.,,,,,

To prevent such a situation – do as John Mellor says:
“Keep short accounts.”
at 2m 20s into:
YouTube: – John Mellor - ‘Position Yourself To Receive a Miracle’ Part 1. ,,,

            When we put up with lies (e.g. to cover up other wrongs)
            we attract demons
            who hang around
            ready to verbally encourage & co-ordinate.









God can telepathically speak:
            Not just verbally.
            But also: notionally, and in the imagery of the imagination,
            and directionally, and by sensations in the body.

E.G. To tell you where your patient’s pain is.
,         ,         Perhaps see:
,                YouTube: – Todd White – He was in unbelief of healing ..
               Watch as Jesus shows up!
., , .

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: TELEPATHY. , , ,



Likewise, demons can telepathically speak:
            Not just verbally.
            But also: notionally, and in the imagery of the imagination,
            and directionally, and by sensations in the body

            E.G. They put back an illness that God’s healed.
            Or rather, they put back mere symptom(s).
            But you then:
                       believe it’s the whole illness
                       don’t resist,
            such that you’re quickly starting to believe
            that the demon is greater than God.

            This makes the demon able
            to put back the whole illness.
,         ,
         See second cell (starting If you have been miraculously healed)
,         ,         of earlier section: HOW DEMONS ARE ABLE TO DO THINGS.

,         ,         Perhaps again see earlier section: TELEPATHY. , , ,






Demons are more destructive than constructive:

            Hence they tend to not make
            a new complex mental image, or video,
            to tempt you with, or frighten you with.
            They, instead, tend to (repeatedly) prompt
            your own memories or imaginings.

            Hence, the fewer sinful situations you’ve been in,
            the fewer images/videos of those situations
            they can later prompt.

            (Hence one reason God commanded, in the Old Testament,
            the Jews to have such a clean lifestyle.)

            And, even if it’s too late,
            even if your past is full of wrongdoing:
                 Believe the gospel, renew your mind,
                 and you’ll recall your sinful past less & less.
                 (Your past becomes alien to you
                 because your biggest relationship is now with God.)

,         ,         ,         Ministers like Mark Hemans & Kathryn Krick
,         ,         ,         show that God can also miraculously (help to) achieve this.

,         ,         ,         Perhaps see last two cells (starting The following parable)
,         ,         ,         of earlier section: THE BASIC MECHANICS.

,         ,         ,         Perhaps see: YouTube: – Todd White | SONSHIP
,         ,         ,         and:
,         ,         ,         YouTube: – Dan Mohler - I repented, but I beat myself up. What to do?



,         ,         ,         I don’t also include a link to Andrew Wommack’s material here
,         ,         ,         because it’s so thorough & lengthy.
,         ,         ,         Ideally, go to: A better site than this one
,         ,         ,         and from there to Andrew’s site.









Demons are more destructive than constructive.

Hence demons may tell you the truth about the future
though only because:
o    It’s all about you and your future,
            encouraging self-centredness.
o    Or it’s bad news – that you can do nothing about.
o    Or it’s good news (a win) – but it makes you more selfish.
,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: HOW DO DEMONS SEE THE FUTURE?

Or they may say nothing.  Or they may lie.
      They’ll say whichever they reckon is:
                 The most wrong (most destructive in the long run).
                 Yet also the most sustainable.

,         ,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG
,         ,         ,         and
,         ,         ,         second & third cells of earlier section: SATAN LIKES IT HERE, , , ,



Demons speak of only one version of the future:
      1)  The   most destructive in the long run   version.

But God speaks of two versions of the future:
      1)  The   most destructive in the long run   version.
      2)  The   most constructive in the long run   version.

and lets you choose between the two versions;
though always encouraging you to choose
what’s good for you. 
Deut c30 v19-20,,,,,

Jesus did this in his parable of the sheep:
            John c10 v1-10:
            Verily, verily, I say unto you,
                 He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold,
,         ,         ,         [a collective sheepfold, of several flocks,]

                 but climbeth up some other way,
                 the same is a thief and a robber.
                 But he that entereth in by the door
                 is the shepherd of the sheep.
                 To him the porter openeth;
                 and the sheep hear his voice:
                 and he calleth his own sheep by name,
                 and leadeth them out.
                 And when he putteth forth his own sheep,
                 he goeth before them,
                 and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
                 And a stranger will they not follow,
                 but will flee from him:
                 for they know not the voice of strangers.
            This parable spake Jesus unto them:
            but they understood not
            what things they were which he spake unto them.
            Then said Jesus unto them again,
            Verily, verily, I say unto you,
                 I am the door of the sheep.
,         ,         ,         [the porter would lie down, in the gap, would become the door]

                 All that ever came before me
,         ,         ,         [The ‘religious’ wicked (John c9 & Matt c23) and, logically, demons.] 
                 are thieves and robbers:
                 but the sheep did not hear them.
            I am the door:
                 by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved,
                 and shall go in and out,
                 and find pasture.
                 The thief cometh not, but for to
                 steal, and to kill, and to destroy:
                 I am come that they might have life,
                 and that they might have
it more abundantly.   KJV

            Jesus’ audience did not understand him.
            So, half way through, Jesus changed his parable
                 from:  him being the genuine shepherd  theme.
                 to:  him being the porter/door/gate  theme.









If you feel as if you
own a supernatural ability

but you know
that it works
only if you:

            Let it grow vanity in you.

            See (or at least try to see) the ability as your own
            even though, deep down, you know it’s not.

            Use the ability for:
                 amusement, self-glory, even income,
                 something practical, anonymously, or at cost to you.

            Erode the reliability of knowledge, muddy science.
,         ,         Demons hate complete truth, complete knowledge, understanding.

            Prevent/hinder yourself, or others, from looking for God.
            Encourage others who’ve found God to leave him.
            Encourage those who have not yet found him
            to feel as if they have already found him
            and so stop looking for him.

,         ,         Perhaps see first cell of later section:
,         ,         WHY DEMONS ENCOURAGE IDOLATRY.,,,,,

then the ability is not really yours,
it’s yours only conditionally.

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section:

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section:
,         ,         HOW DEMONS ARE ABLE TO DO THINGS. ,,,,,

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section:
,         ,         HOW DO DEMONS SEE THE FUTURE?. ,,,,,

,         ,         Perhaps see the last four cells
,         ,         (starting Within dispensationalism)
,         ,         of earlier section: INTRODUCTION,
,         ,         and the links within it.
,         ,         (This link does not open a new tab.)



Demons do:
worthless supernatural tricks – 
only as a
distraction from the gospel
See earlier webpage: Gospel leaflet , , ,

and 2 Cor c11 v14: Even Satan can appear
as an ‘Angel’ of light
.   my abbreviation
and valuable supernatural tricks
(e.g. healing) – only where
the gospel has not yet been
convincingly presented.
Hence white witches, white magic,
voodoo healings, etc.

For demons love to ‘be’ God, play God.
         For example:  Exo c7 v7 – c8 v17:
,         Some of the things Moses & Aaron did
,         Pharaoh’s magicians then did
,         (even though it was against their own interests).
,         my abbn

,         Also see:  2 Thess c2.  (If v12 bothers you,
,         see earlier section: SEEING HEARTS/SPIRITS.)

,         Perhaps again see earlier section:

In Old Testament
times some of God’s
destructive miracles
may have seemed

Perhaps see earlier
The good & bad
that God does
. , , ,

But in New
Testament times
God does miracles,
(usually through
See five cells
Jesus explains)
in earlier section:
all of which
adverts for
the gospel.
, ,


Demons love to speak as if they are each God.

            Demons are, primarily, destructive.
            Hence they tend to isolate themselves
            from the web of:


            Hence they end up each having:
                       the legalistic conviction they are always right
                       and the mad attitude they are each God.

            They don’t understand God,
            don’t want to understand God.

            So they achieve only God’s surface style.
            Not his depth or substance.
,         ,
         Perhaps see first two cells
,         ,         of earlier section: WHY DEMONS LOVE LAWS: THEIR PSYCHOLOGY.

            Hence demons are, currently, earthly versions of God,
            perversions of God.
,         ,         Perhaps see last cell
,         ,         of earlier section: DESTRUCTIVE LEGALISTS, , , , .




So, you can tell the difference between:
            demonic healings
            & God’s healings
by the message that goes with them:

            God’s Spirit empowers believers who do
            as an advert for
Jesus’ crucifixion having put all of us right with God.

            Demons empower unbelievers who do
            healings with a catch, a condition,
            certainly as a distraction from
Jesus’ crucifixion having put all of us right with God.

1 John c4 v1-3,,,,,


,         ,         Also see fifth cell
,         ,         (starting Most people are not used to seeing,)
,         ,         of later section: ACTS OF FAITH.


,         ,         Perhaps see that whole section.




Hence, when the End Times come,
when Satan & his underling demons get desperate enough:
            They’ll heal, as a distraction from the gospel.
            Anything to keep people from believing in Jesus.
            Anything, so that they can ‘live’ just that little bit longer.

,         ,         See earlier sections: SATAN LIKES IT HERE  and  WE ARE PLAYGROUNDS
,         ,         and first four cells
,         ,         of earlier section: THE BASIC MECHANICES
,         ,         and
,         ,         the earlier section: ANOTHER EXAMPLE: TEMPTATIONS.

            Matt c24 v24    (
Mark c13 v22):
            For there shall arise false Christs,
            and false prophets,
            and shall shew great signs and wonders;
            insomuch that, if
it were possible,
            they shall deceive the very elect
.   KJV

,         ,         Perhaps see later webpage: End Times. ,,,,,






1)  Talking with the dead may seem spiritual.
      But you’d still be locked into this world & its ways.

            Geographically, Sheol, the place of the dead, is here,
            those who sleep in death are still here.

            So the dead do not meet God properly.
            So they do not mature completely,
            do not
change fully.
,         ,
         Perhaps see earlier section:
,         ,         HOWEVER, ON JUDGMENT DAY,

                       seem spiritual,
                       seem of elsewhere,
                       seem deep.
            But conversations with the dead are, ironically:
                       still worldly,
                       still, actually, of the hopes & fears of this life,
                       soulish, not spiritual.


2)  You may be playing some skill-less, random, game.
      But somehow, against all the odds, you keep winning.

            It’s a demon, giving you the right answers,
            doing it for you:
                 Seeing how vain & proud he can get you
                 if it’s a knowledge game.
                 Seeing how vain & greedy he can get you
                 if it’s a gambling game.

                 Seeing if he can get you hooked – on him.

                 Making you often/always win, to begin with.
,         ,         ,
         Perhaps see earlier section: HOW DEMONS ARE ABLE TO DO THINGS. ,


            But, even if you kept on winning,
            you’d still be wasting your time:

            All the qualities & abilities
            that demons want to ‘give’ you
            you will, eventually, want to replace
            with all the qualities & abilities
            that God wants to give you.






Conversely, God sometimes does bad, is sometimes destructive.
But only because it’s
right, is the most constructive in the long run:

            He may take one step
            But only to take two steps

,         ,         The above wording is mirrored from the earlier section:

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section:
,         ,         GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG, , , ,


But, during this Church Age, God does only good.

            Hence a Christian may need to do something natural
            that’s bad but right.

            But all Church Age miracles
            are good and right.

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier webpage: The good & bad that God does
,         ,         and
,         ,         earlier section: THE CHURCH AGE
,         ,         and
,         ,         later section: REGARDING MIRACLES: YOU CAN DO ONLY GOOD. , .




Mind you, we live in a fallen world.
Perhaps see earlier section:

So there are a few exceptions to miracles being good:

You can, in Jesus’ name, curse:
                 people’s wrong actions & wrong words
                 (though not the people themselves).
,         ,         ,
         Acts c13 v6-11: Paul halted  Elymas the sorcerer’s work.   my abbn

      And you can, in Jesus’ name, curse:
                  illnesses, bad conditions, bad thought patterns,
                  bad predicaments, bad soil, bad plants,
                  (relatively) bad bacteria & viruses,
                 pests, parasites, etc.

,         ,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG.

      And, even in this Church Age, these New Testament times,
      God sometimes allows bad things to happen, to certain people:
                 But only very rarely.
                 And only if it results in much & valuable good
                 such that the person, with hindsight,
                 subsequently approves of it.
,         ,         ,         Perhaps see seventh cell
,         ,         ,         (starting All this makes sense)
,         ,         ,         of later section: GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY.

      Note: God allows those bad things to happen.
      He doesn’t cause them to happen:

                 In these New Testament times, this Church Age,
                 other people, nature, & demons,
,                            The world, the flesh, & the devil.

                 do God’s dirty work for him.

                 Or, rather, they do their dirty work anyway.
                 Then God uses that to do good.

                 Rom c8 v28:
                 And we know that all things
                 work together for good
                 to them that love God,
                 to them who are the called
                 according to
his purpose.   KJV

,         ,                   Perhaps see earlier section: WHY THE UNIVERSE IS SECOND CLASS
,         ,                  and
,         ,                  later section: GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY.

      Example 1.
                 You know that God is about to give you a ministry
                 but you are slow at stopping your worldly ways.
                 God may then threaten to give your ministry
                 to someone else
                 to get you to hurry up & decide, ideally positively.

                 It’s a threat that you are later, with hindsight, glad of.
Heb c12 v5-10   

                 (All of this happened to Nathan Morris.)   
,         ,         ,         Perhaps see thirty-first cell (starting Nathan Morris)
,         ,         ,         of earlier section: ABOUT BIBLICAL TEACHER-HEALERS GENERALLY,
,         ,         ,         and the links within it.
,         ,         ,         (This link does not open a new tab.)

      Example 2.
                 1)  God discouraged Smith Wigglesworth
                       from continuing his plumbing work.
,         ,         ,         ,         Because Smith’s ministry needed more time.
                 2)  Later God discouraged Smith
                       from raising his wife from the dead.
,         ,         ,         ,
         Perhaps see: Smith Wigglesworth speaking on the death of his wife. , , , ,

                 1) & especially 2)
                 must’ve given Smith more time, & focus,
                 for his miraculous ministry.  
1 Cor c7 
                 For, soon after 2),
                 Smith’s ministry took off internationally.
,         ,         ,
         Perhaps see: Smith Wigglesworth: FIRST MINISTRY TRIP TO USA IN 1914.

                 As I say, it’s a destructive action on God’s part
                 that later, with hindsight, the person’s glad of.

      Mind you, realise that, in your life:
                  demons might be behind such bad events.
,         ,         ,
         See last paragraph, of second cell,
,         ,         ,         of earlier section: HOW DEMONS ARE ABLE TO DO THINGS.

                  Or those bad events may be merely natural bad events.
                  Or both.
                  Whatever the case, it’s something to pray against.


      As I say: Godly, yet destructive, events in a person’s life
      are not only rare exceptions to the rule.

      They are also never purely of God,
      are always an interaction between:
perhaps see earlier webpage: The design of everything,
                  the world      
unbelievers, and not-yet-believers,
                  the flesh        
see earlier section: FLESH IS PART OF YOUR SOUL,,
                  & the devil    
demons, who speak to you, and who you pay attention to.






You may complain:
            “In this webpage
            you’ve written more about how Satan & demons operate
            than about how God operates!”


I say:
            “The second section of this webpage, KNOW YOUR ENEMY,
            and the importance of that phrase,
            partly answer
your question.

            Besides, much of the rest of this site is about God.




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