Some practical implications


Perhaps see earlier webpage: How God Forgave us all,,,,
for material foundational to this section.

Some people, soon after they became Christians,
have an increase in felt guilt:
They complain:
      “The Bible says my guilt was taken away.   
Heb c10 v1-23

      But, before I became a Christian, I didn’t feel much guilt,
      then, after I became a Christian, I felt more guilty than ever.”

I reckon the answer is:

            Your heart/spirit is entirely good.

            But your soul is a mixture – of good points & bad points.


            Both heart/spirit & soul stay the sizes they are.

            But your heart/
spirit changes your soul,
            eventually making all of it good.

            Hence your total good area grows
            while your total mixed area shrinks.


White = right, good points. Black dots = wrong, bad points.


            As your total good area grows
            it is ever more able
            to hate your ever fewer bad points.

            Hence the internal hate arrows
            increase in number.
            I.E. Felt guilt increases.




            However, when there are too few bad points
            for your, now very able, central area, to hate,
            the number of internal arrows decreases,
            i.e. felt guilt decreases.”



hate hate hate





From here onwards, in this webpage:
       the arrows are looking arrows,
       are not necessarily hate arrows.

When you get to the above state:
            where you commit few/no sins
            because you have few/no bad points causing them,
            there’s no need to look for them.

            Indeed, many believers don’t look for them.


Or rather, they don’t look for them with their heart/spirit.

But they do look with the mind:
            i.e. the mind looks
            inside itself
            for bad points.


mind  emotions

This odd kind of looking
is called sin consciousness:

            Their heart/
            correctly believes
            that their sins are gone.

            But their mind
            wrongly thinks
            that their sins are still there.

,         ,         Sins are God’s view of our wrongs.
,         ,         Wrongs are our view of our wrongs.
,         ,         See earlier section: TECHNICALLY SPEAKING: SINS NO LONGER EXIST., , , ,


Sin consciousness is caused by
the heart/
spirit not having (yet) renewed the mind.

            Hence the mind still thinks in a legalistic way,
            with its focus on:
                       what you do,
            not on:
                       what Jesus has done.

            Rom c3 v20:
            Therefore by the deeds of the law
            there shall no flesh be justified in his
            for by the law
knowledge of sin.   KJV

      Heb c10 v1-3:
            For the law
                  having a shadow of good things to come,
                  and not the very image of the things,
            can never with those sacrifices
                  which they offered year by year
            make the comers thereunto perfect.
            For then
            would they not have ceased to be offered?
                  because that the worshippers
                  once purged
                  should have had no more conscience of sins.
            But in those sacrifices
                  there is a remembrance again made of sins
                  every year.   KJV


Sin consciousness
is a form of unbelief, in your mind.
Perhaps see earlier section: UNBELIEF and its subsections.

            A believer thinks, in their mind:
                       “Belief produces gratitude, and therefore change.
                         So, seeing I just did that wrong,
                         I surely don’t believe.”

            So you doubt in your mind
            what you believe in your heart/

Hence sin consciousness
hinders miracles in your life
by disrupting your mind:
notably from the Spirit’s point of view.

For the Spirit is trying to live & work in your mind
as well as in your heart/
            is trying to speak to you, as he wants,
            speak to others, through you, as he wants,
            advise against all that’s wrong, in you, as he wants,
            and all that’s wrong, in others, through you, as he wants,

            do miracles, in you, and through you, as he wants.

Hence an absence of a sin consciousness
is a vital part of a renewed mind.

You renewing your mind
            means you’re becoming like the Holy Spirit,
            which means you’re increasingly able to:
                       work together
                       without getting in each other’s way,
                       both do
                       what you both want to do.

Gal c5 v16:
            This I say then,
                  Walk in the Spirit,
                  and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.   KJV


A temporary solution to sin consciousness
is faith of God.

,         ,         See first three cells
,         ,         of earlier section:
,         ,         HOW FAITH OF GOD
,         ,         DIFFERS FROM
,         ,         FAITH IN GOD
., , , ,





,         ,         For something less technical & more practical
,         ,         regarding felt guilt and sin consciousness
,         ,         see: YouTube: – Dan Mohler – Free from Guilt, Shame, and Condemnation,

,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section: TECHNICALLY SPEAKING: SINS NO LONGER EXIST  
,         ,         to understand the difference between: Wommack & Mohler, and Hemans.


,         ,         I don’t also include a link to Andrew Wommack’s material here
,         ,         because it’s so thorough & lengthy.
,         ,         Ideally, go to: A better site than this one,,,,,
,         ,         and from there to Andrew’s site.







Technically speaking:

      It’s not:
sinful ways – stops – miracles.

            belief – causes – miracles
            belief – stops –
sinful ways,

      in detail:
            belief – causes – love & power – causes – miracles
            belief – causes – love & power – which stops –
sinful ways.


This assumes the believer has renewed their mind.

Perhaps compare the above cell
with last two cells (starting
Technically speaking:)
of earlier section:



Regarding the cell before last:
      from the Spirit’s point of view
      the cause & effect is the other way round:

sin consciousness
                 hinders miracles in your life
                  by disrupting your mind:
                  notably from the Spirit’s point of view,
      so also:
                 sinning, doing wrong,
                 and not forgiving everyone who’s hurt you,
hinders miracles in your life
                  by disrupting your mind:
                 notably from the Spirit’s point of view.


For the Spirit is trying to live & work in your mind
as well as in your heart/
            is trying to speak to you, as he wants,
            speak to others, through you, as he wants,
            advise against all that’s wrong, in you, as he wants,
            and all that’s wrong, in others, through you, as he wants,

            do miracles, in you, and through you, as he wants.

            Hence purity
is a vital part of a renewed mind.

            You renewing your mind
            means you’re becoming like the Holy Spirit,
            which means you’re increasingly able to:
                       work together
                       without getting in each other’s way,
                       both do
                       what you both want to do.

            Gal c5 v16:
            This I say then,
                  Walk in the Spirit,
                  and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.   KJV




Jesus’ self-sacrifice got the Holy Spirit into believers.

But, for the Holy Spirit to remain in you:

            You have to become holy,
            have to be like the Spirit,
            have to be constructive:
o    live a completely clean life, no part corrupted
o    love everyone, do good to everyone,
o    pray for good things for everyone,
                       even your enemies.






When you need to do the humanly impossible:

o    forgive others for the wrong they’ve done to you
,         ,         This was the challenge that prompted the disciples
,         ,         to ask for more faith!    Luke c17 v1-5 .

      o    command miracles
o    etc


but inwardly feel fearful & inadequate:

            then  you hidden in Christ   
Rom c8 v1    2 Cor c5 v17
                       is a useful way to see yourself,
                       is a useful,
subjective, mental model.


or outwardly need confidence & courage:

            then  Christ hidden in you   
Col c1 v27,,,,,
            or, more accurately, God’s Spirit hidden in you   
2 Cor c1 v22,,,,,
                       is a useful way to see yourself,
                       is a useful,
objective, mental model.






I’m sure that there are some Christians
who thought that:
            to be healed
            their faith was strong enough.

But, while they waited for God to heal them:
            their illness
became inoperable
            and they died.


To avert such disasters do as Andrew Wommack says:
            If you believe God can heal you
              go to God.
              If you believe the doctor can heal you
              go to the doctor.”

Also see second cell (starting Andrew has)
            of earlier section:

Also see a Mark Hemans’ meeting:
YouTube: – Europe Highlights

                   DELIVERANCE, MIRACLES,

                   BUBBLING CONTAGIOUS JOY! ,  

            Notice that, at 1hr 17m 27s,
            God does not heal a lady (yet).
            Compare Mark’s & the lady’s conversation
            with the conversations he has
            with others in the prayer line.

            I suspect that, if she had been healed,
            she would have lost the healing later.
,         ,         See earlier section:
,         ,         UNBELIEF, & KEEPING YOUR HEALING. ,,,,,

Also listen to two of Dan Mohler’s teachings:
            It's Relationship, Not a Method - 4-10-2008 (Part 1 of 2)
            It's Relationship, Not a Method -
4-10-2008 (Part 2 of 2)
New Covenant NEW CREATION New Life

                             Dan Mohler - Older teachings - Mix,,,,,


,         ,         ,         To download the file    click on the black ♪ symbol.
,         ,         ,         To play the file    click anywhere.

,         ,         ,         I explain the above website in fifth cell
,         ,         ,         (starting Here are Dan’s & Todd’s websites)
,         ,         ,         of earlier section: ABOUT BIBLICAL TEACHER-HEALERS GENERALLY.




To all the above, excellent, teaching
I add

            Have you, successfully, prayed for or commanded
            any other miracles recently?
            Were they, medically speaking,
            as impressive as the miracle you now need?

            Are you single?  Do you have dependents?
            Are they OK with you dying?
            Are you OK with you dying?

            Have the doctors given up on you
            or never thought you had a chance anyway?
            (If that’s a “Yes”, – then it makes things simpler.)


Jesus’ miracles
and the disciples’/apostles’ miracles
were relatively quick:
seconds, minutes, same day, a few days at the most.

            So, if you’re finding that:
                       it’s taking weeks
                       the window for medical intervention is closing,
            then just go to the doctor.

            Though keep praying:
                       Medicine & doctors work better with God’s help.
                       Just remember to give credit where credit’s due.




As I wrote in the cell before last:
            if you are a believer,
             it can be good when doctors give up on you.

            Not because it gives you an
extra motive to pray,
            namely the fear of death:
                 No believer should fear death.
                 We should at least believe we’re going to Heaven.

            But because
it takes away fears of:
o    Going against doctors’ instructions.
o    Relying on God instead of on doctors.
o    Being seen to rely on God instead of on doctors
                        and of what
                  unbelieving relatives & friends will say about that.


,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps again see: Healing Testimonies: Hannah Terradez., , .




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Idolatry, guilt projection, & evasiveness.