The emotions




Emotions-structures began as:


            quick-decision engines
            for making complex decisions

            pre-set electrical-impulse multipliers, or
            pre-set by the mind,

            that God built, inside
himself, for himself.


God’s . mental-model-of-everything . . is unimaginably large.
Human . mental-model-of-everything . is tiny.
Large brained animal . mental-etc  . . . . is tiny & fragmented.
Small brained animal . mental-etc  . . . . is very tiny & fragmented.
Perhaps see the earlier webpages of this site, all about evolution.

Hence the need for quick-decision engines
            colossal –
for God
            tinyfor a human
            smaller stillfor a large brained animal
            even smaller – for a small brained animal.


Hence, in animals:
            remain little more than quick-decision engines.

Whereas, in humans, and in God:
            have became much more than
            quick-decision engines.

                       In humans, many emotions-
                       are generated:
                                   For no other reason
                                   than for the sake of it.
                                   For no practical reason.
                                   Are toys, not tools.

                       Indeed, God, and humans:
                                   Create infinitely more structures & processes
                                   than animals do.
                                   Way beyond what’s necessary.





            If your heart/spirit believes the gospel
            then your heart/
spirit renews your mind.

            Your renewed mind then
            pre-sets your emotions:
                       so that you love everyone
                       with a love that is an emotion,
                       an emotion amongst the other emotions.



            You don’t need that emotion,
            the emotion called love:
                       in order to love people
                       with agape love.

            But you do need a renewed mind:
                       in order to love people
                       with agape love.

                       Hence Peter, though psychopathic, incapable of empathy
                       and therefore of the natural emotion called love,
                       nevertheless eventually had agape love for others.
                       Though it was throughout his mind
                       rather than in his emotions.

,         ,         ,         ,         See the two cells (starting The apostle Peter was psychopathic)
,         ,         ,         ,         of earlier section: MORE ON HOMOSEXUALITY.
,         ,         ,         ,         (This link does not open a new tab.)






All the emotions are guaranteed to be good:
            if it’s a renewed mind that has finished pre-setting them
            and is using them.

            Those emotions would not be:
                 not worldly,
                 not self-prioritised,
                 not even family-prioritised.



                  1 John c2 v15-17:
                 Love not the world,
                 neither the things that are in the world.
                  If any man love the world,
                 the love of the Father is not in him.
                  For all that is in the world,
                       the lust of the flesh,
                       and the lust of the eyes,
                        and the pride of life,
                  is not of the Father, but is of the world.
                  And the world passeth away,
                  and the lust thereof:
                  but he that doeth the will of God
                  abideth for ever.  








In unbelievers:

            It’s the world & your flesh that mould your mind.

            And your then mind pre-sets your emotions.

            Hence y
our heart/spirit is in charge of nothing.



In believers, i.e. believers who have renewed their minds:

            It’s your heart/
spirit that has moulded your mind.

            And your mind pre-sets your emotions.

            Hence your heart/spirit is in charge of everything:









Of the three parts of the soul (mind, cultures, & emotions)
only mind & cultures need renewing.
See earlier section: ABOUT CULTURES 
diagram in later section:
WILL. ,,,,,

            Emotions don’t need renewing:
                       they are pre-set by the mind,
                       are mere tools of the mind.



,         ,         ,         ,         Perhaps see first cell
,         ,         ,         ,         of earlier section: WHAT IS A RENEWED MIND: SOME DETAILS,
,         ,         ,         ,         and the links within it.
,         ,         ,         ,         (This link does not open a new tab.)






I write about the emotions
in the first two sections of the next webpage too.






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The will, and the free will.