The adding of commands.


Apart from imposing a violent beginning in Heaven
It was a necessary violent beginning, God couldn’t do anything otherwise.
Perhaps see earlier section:

the Father has always been, and will always be,
only constructive in Heaven.
Perhaps see later section:
and immediately after it:
In this Second Dimension however,
because we humans & demons do bad:
            the Father has also sometimes done bad
            (by his Spirit or by his angels)
            in order to do more good.
,         ,         E.G. To improve, or to end, or to rectify, a situation.

,         ,         See earlier section:
,         ,         GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG. ,,,,,

,         ,         Perhaps see later webpage:
,         ,         The good & bad that God does. ,,,,,

,         ,         See first cell
,         ,         of later section:



As for what God says: 

            It’s as if, very early on,
            God promised himself something like:

                 “If I merely say something is happening, or will happen,
                 then, as soon as is practicable, I will actually do it.

                 Me saying it – will be as good as – it happening.”

Hence, sometimes the Bible says that God merely spoke
then the thing happened, automatically, with no action on his part:
            Gen c1 v3:
            And God said, Let there be light:
            and there was light.  

Mind you, sometimes the Bible says that God both spoke
and did the thing:
            Gen c1 v6-7:
            And God said,
            Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters,
            and let it divide the waters from the waters.
            And God made the firmament,
            and divided the waters which
were under the firmament
            from the waters which were above the firmament:
            and it was so.

,                  I explained ‘speaking’ and ‘speaking and doing’
,                  in the first two cells
,                  of earlier section: CREATING MATTER BUT MAKING HUMANS.,,,,,

Likewise, if you:
            believe the gospel
            and so have:
                       renewed every room of your mind,
                       every area of your life,

                       so that you:
                                   think like Jesus thinks,
                                   obey God’s Spirit when he speaks,

then, when you command, in Jesus’ name,

            it’s not only you saying it,
            it’s God’s Holy Spirit, in you, saying it as well,
            so it happens.



Jesus explains the command of faith as follows (black text):

Matt c21 v21 

            Mark c11 v23-24    (Matt c21 v21-22):
23 For verily I say unto you,
                       That whosoever shall say unto this mountain,
                             Be thou removed,
                             and be thou cast into the sea;
                        and shall not doubt in his heart,
                        but shall believe that those things which he saith
                        shall come to pass;
                       he shall have
                       whatsoever he saith.
            24 Therefore I say unto you,
                       What things soever ye desire,
                       when ye pray, believe that ye receive
                       and ye shall have
them.   KJV


Jesus explains the prayer of faith as follows (black text):
Also explained in:  Jam c5 v15.    Also:  John c14 v12-18    John c15    John c16 v21-28.

                                              Matt c21 v22 

            Mark c11 v23-24    (Matt c21 v21-22):
            23 For verily I say unto you,
                       That whosoever shall say unto this mountain,
                             Be thou removed,
                             and be thou cast into the sea;
                       and shall not doubt in his heart,
                       but shall believe that those things which he saith
                       shall come to pass;
                       he shall have
                       whatsoever he saith.
            24 Therefore I say unto you,
                        What things soever ye desire,
                        when ye pray, believe that ye receive
                        and ye shall have them.   KJV

,                                      You may say that Jesus did not change the subject,
,                                      i.e. from commanding to praying.

,                                      But the verse immediately after all this, verse 25,
,                                      shows that he did.
,                                               Mark c11 v25:
,                                               And when ye stand praying, forgive,
,                                               if ye have ought against any:
,                                               that your Father also which is in heaven
,                                               may forgive you your trespasses.   KJV


Renewing your mind,
            so that you think like Jesus thinks,
            obey God’s Spirit when he speaks,

means that:
            what sort of things you now pray for
            and what sort of things you now command, in Jesus’ name,

            will not be the same sort of things
            that you would have prayed for, or commanded in Jesus’ name,
            in the past.

            Indeed, what you want has changed
            because you have changed.

Someone who has renewed their mind
is constructive to the max:
            Wants, above all, to do natural & miraculous good.
            Do whatever will have an eternally good effect.
            Is not interested in the world: it’s too temporary.


Hence Jesus futuristically (post-Pentecost) assumed:
            that we would have already changed
            from carnal ‘Christians’
            to spiritually mature believers,

when he:
            told us to pray for
What things soever ye desire.

and when he:
            commanded the fig tree to die
            and told us to do likewise,
            told us to command the mountain to move.


            Jesus did not need to kill the fig tree. 
            He wanted to kill the fig tree.

,                                      I reckon Jesus cursed a fig tree
,                                      Matt c21 v19-20     Mark c11 v12-14   &   v20
,                                      because it was like the ‘religious’ leaders
,                                      that he knew he was about to meet.

,                                      It was all leaves.  They were all show.
,                                      It had no fruit.  They had nothing good to offer.
,                                      Matt c21 v21 – c23 v36     Mark c11 v27 – c12 v40 .

            You would not need to cast a mountain into the sea.
            You might only want to cast a mountain into the sea.
            Jesus exampled such a gigantic frivolous act
            so that it included every smaller frivolous act.

            Certainly God is fine with frivolous aspects
            to, otherwise logical, prayers or commands, in Jesus’ name.

                       E.G. Jesus taught & lived
                       that we are free of the world.

                       Hence he, frivolously:
                             made a coin appear
                             in a wild fish’s mouth
                             (wild, yet trapped here)
                             so that they could pay their way
                             so as to not offend
                             some certain worldly people
                             (of the world, so perhaps trapped here).
Matt c17 v24-27,,,,

            And Jesus intended that we follow him,
            imitate him.

,         ,         Perhaps see later section: GOD’S METHODS and the cell before it.




Whether you should:
            pray to the Father
            or command in Jesus’ name,
is usually obvious:

In Acts (which shows how it should be done):

            Believers usually prayed generally:
                       as preparation for commanding healings
                       and as thanks for everything.
            Believers did not pray:
                       when healing,
                       to cause the healing,
            as Christians do today.

            In Acts, there are many instances where believers:
                       commanded a healing (up close),
                       miraculously changing someone’s condition.

Acts c3 v1-10:
                       Peter healed a man who’d been born lame.   my abbn

            But only one instance where believers:
                       prayed to the Father (from a distance),
                       miraculously changing someone’s situation.

Acts c12:
                       Believers pray for Peter
                       to be freed from prison
.   my abbreviation


When praying:
            look up . . . . . to the solution.

When commanding:
            look down . . . at the problem . . . you are the solution.

When praying:
            Your mind is now like Jesus’ mind
            so you know what to ask God for.
            And God is now your heavenly dad
            so you ask expectantly

When commanding:
            You’re commanding in Jesus’ name
            Hence you speak to the problem boldly.




The Son  (always)
and the Spirit  (in these New Testament times)
each have a tolerance & a patience
that the Father, on his own, lacks.
See earlier section: SON & SPIRIT.

Hence, before this Church Age,
the Father (with his angels & his Spirit doing his bidding)
did bad as well as good:

            His attitude, to our bad ways, used to be:
            ‘Destroy the whole batch & start again’.
  Exo c32 v1-14,,,

            But, during this Church Age:
                       Father &/or Christian, using the Spirit,
                       and angels,
            do only good.

               Perhaps see later section:

                       So, if you want to ask the Father to give you
                       a good thing (e.g. a blessing):
                                   you pray, to the Father, in Jesus’ name. 
                                   Matt c7 v7-12    John c14 v12-14   

                       But, if you want to ask the Father
                       to take away from you
                       a bad thing (e.g. a sickness, or a demon):
                                   you don’t,
                                   you command it out, in Jesus’ name.

,                                      This is an observed rule (like the second law of thermodynamics).
,                                      not an imposed rule (like gravity).
,                                      Hence there can be exceptions.


The Father does many things by his Spirit:
            Designed & created
            the material that formed the universe.   
Gen c1, ,
            Conceived his Son.    Luke c1 v35, ,

But the Father does not do everything by his Spirit:
            An angel killed an enemy army
            in the night.
    2 Kings c19 v35
            Angels will sort us
            on Judgment Day.
    Matt c13 v24-30  &  v36-43  &  v47-50, ,

            You might suppose, from the above,
            that God does the right-&-good tasks
            but dumps the right-but-bad tasks onto angels.

            However, God does do some bad things:

,                  See earlier section: SOME BAD-YET-RIGHT THINGS THAT GOD DOES.

            Though notice (through the above red link)
            that God doesn’t do bad things in this Church Age.

            So, it’s not only: ‘who does what’,
            it’s also: ‘when it’s done’.

               See earlier section: THE CHURCH AGE and its two subsections.

            In these New Testament times, this Church Age,
            other people, nature, & demons,
,                  The world, the flesh, & the devil.

            do God’s dirty work for him.

            Or, rather, they do their dirty work anyway.
            Then God uses that to do good.

Rom c8 v28:
                       And we know that all things
                       work together for good
                       to them that love God,
                       to them who are the called
                       according to
his purpose.   KJV

,                  Perhaps see earlier section: WHY THE UNIVERSE IS SECOND CLASS
,                  and
,                  later section: GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY. , , , , ,



Jesus never prayed for the sick
and never told us to pray for the sick.

            Jesus always healed the sick,
            commanded the healing,
            and always told us to do likewise.
Matt c10 v8:
            Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers,
                       raise the dead, cast out devils:
                       freely ye have received, freely give
.   KJV
                 Luke c9 v2:
                        And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God,
                       and to heal the sick
.   KJV
                 Luke c10 v9:
                        And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them,
                       The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you
.   KJV

            You may say:
                 “Jesus was speaking to his disciples.  Not to us.”
            I say:
                 “What he said to them he said to us:

Matt c28 v19-20:
                   Regarding everything I taught you,
                   teach it to everyone else
.   my abbreviation”


,                  James told us to pray for the sick.  Jam c5 v14-15  , .

,                  But see item 2)
,                  of earlier section: MY ATTITUDE TO THE BIBLE   , .
,                  and
,                  later section: CONTINUING THE SON’S WORK  , .
,                  and
,                  later section: GODLY SELF-CONFIDENCE, , .





In the section before last I wrote:

             A miracle  =  the Holy Spirit,
                                   who is not made of atoms,
                                   manipulating atoms.

But there’s more to a miracle
than this.


Words are important to God
for the same reason they are important to us:
            for specifying
,         ,         Perhaps see earlier section:
,         ,         ANIMALS WITH LARGE BRAINS.,,,,,


o    God, throughout the Old Testament, communicated to us
            using actions and words.

o    One of Jesus’ names is:
                 the Word
[i.e. God’s words] made flesh.    John c1 v1-14   

o    God commanded the material of the universe
            into existence
            using words.
    Heb c11 v3    Gen c1   


God commanded the material of the universe into existence
using words.

Hence, when you command the miraculous, in Jesus’ name:
            You are adding a command
            to commands that are already in place.

            You are commanding something
            that contradicts the laws of nature.


            Logically, there are limits to the miracles that can be done here,
            limits to the combinations of:
                       commands that made the universe
                       commands that can be added to them.

                       You, and God’s Spirit inside you, combined,
                       cannot make a square circle.

                       You, and God’s Spirit inside you, combined,
                       do not want to turn the seas into sand.





Time travel does not occur here, in the Second Dimension.

Hence, here:

            A set of God’s commands
            that involve things, plants, & animals,
            can have commands taken away from them.

            But a set of God’s commands
            that involve us
            cannot have commands taken away from them.


For example:

            After God made grass, and made it green,
            but before he’d made us,
            he could have changed it from green to pink.

            But, as soon as he’d made us,
            he could not have done so
            in case it frightened us.

            Or, to be precise,
            God would not have wanted to do so
            in case it frightened us.


            We want to do more things than we can do.
            Our tightest limit is what we can do.

            God can do more things than he wants to do.
            His tightest limit is what he wants to do.

            (Hence I often use the word want, for God,
            as one would use the word can, for a human.)



,         ,         N.B. God does things only for right reasons.

,                Perhaps see later earlier section: GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG, , , ,
,                  and
,                  later section: SOME BAD-YET-RIGHT THINGS THAT GOD DOES., , , ,





So, a set of God’s commands
that involve us
(us being eternal beings):

            can have more commands added to them,
            but cannot have commands taken away from them.


For example:

            God made the not-yet-alive body of Adam. 
Gen c1 v25-28,,

            Then God breathed into it, making it alive  
Gen c2 v7,,
            (we are this way today: we will each die
            but will then each be an eternal spirit(ghost).)


            (After God had made Adam’s body
            but before he’d breathed life into it, made it eternal,
            he could have made a U-turn,
            could have destroyed the not-yet-alive body of Adam.
            But he didn’t.)




            Then, from one of the, living Adam’s, ribs
            God made Eve.

            Then God, presumably, married them.  
Gen c2 v25 

            Then both Adam and Eve sinned for the first time
            revealing their potential for worse to come.

            Hence God had to get them (i.e. humankind, us)
            away from the tree of life (i.e. out of the garden of Eden)
            in case they ate its fruit as well:

            We were already eternal.
            But the fruit of the tree of life would have made us
            eternal and substantial (i.e. n
ot like a ghost: Gen c3 v22)., , .,


            Even if God had wanted to make Adam & Eve
            temporary again, he could not have done so
            because he had already made them eternal.




            To conclude: God cannot take away an eternal command
            from a set of eternal commands.

            He can only add another, perhaps eternal, command
            to the set.




,         ,         Perhaps also see earlier section:
,         ,         TREAT THE BIBLICAL ADAM & EVE AS REAL, , , ,




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