Some political notes.


I’ve written this webpage on politics
only to help people think through their political issues
so that they can then move on, to eternal ones.
If people tend to remain focussed on this webpage I’ll delete it.

(This is the only webpage I might delete.)


In this section I use the word communism
differently from the way most people use it.

I think I use it in its purest sense.



Democracy = every person rules.
Dictatorship = one person rules.

            Democracy is more socially complex than dictatorship.
            Hence democracy is better than dictatorship.
,,        ,,        See earlier section: GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG.,,,,,

,,        ,,        Proportional Representation is more democratic, by the above definition,
,,        ,,        than First Past The Post.  Perhaps see: Electoral Reform Society. ,,,,,

            A hypothetical, tiny, island nation
            that’s so richly blessed that it doesn’t need money,
            cannot have capitalism or communism.

            But it will still need either democracy or dictatorship.
,,        ,,        To get agreement on: marriage laws, behavioural laws, festivals, etc.

            This shows that:
                       Democracy & dictatorship are about people,
                       the power structure.
                       Capitalism & communism are about money
                       (which does not necessarily mean power).

            This shows that the two pairs of mechanisms:
                       capitalism & communism
                       democracy & dictatorship,
            can be separated.

            This helps to define them.


Capitalism = everyone can keep all they’ve made.      

Communism = everyone must share all they’ve made.

Democracy = every person rules.
Dictatorship = one person rules.

Hence there are four possible extremes:
            democratic communism
            democratic capitalism
            dictatorial communism
            dictatorial capitalism.

All nations fall within these four possible extremes
(like four corners of a table).


Or, more simply:

The data for the above, abbreviated, charts
is from:
,,        ,,        Our World in Data / Democracy index 
,,        ,,        and:
,,        ,,        Heritage / index of economic freedom. ,,,,,

You may disagree with
Norway’s position (I certainly do)
but I just stuck with the data in the above two links.
Perhaps someone else can make a better(?) chart.


Capitalism = everyone can keep all they’ve made.

Communism = everyone must share all they’ve made.

Capitalistic mechanisms produce wealth.
But communistic mechanisms then give that wealth a human face.

That’s why every civilised nation
has both mechanisms, at least to some degree:

            capitalistic mechanisms
,,        ,,        ,,        o,,    Free markets.
,,        ,,        ,,        o,,     Anti-monopoly laws.
,,        ,,        ,,        o,,     Property rights.

            and communistic mechanisms
,,        ,,        ,,        o,,     Unions (though they’re needed less as the economy grows).
,,        ,,        ,,        o,,     Tax-paid-for, needs-tested, & means-tested, free:
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        basic housing,
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        healthcare,
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        education,
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        unemployment money,
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        disability money.
,,        ,,        ,,        o,,     Government imposed limits on private rents.

,,        ,,        ,,        o,,     Consumer protection laws.

,,        ,,        N.B. People’s actual needs are finite.
,,        ,,        So, the richer a nation gets
,,        ,,        the less it will need:
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        the above communistic mechanisms
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        and big government.

Why does capitalism, much more than communism,
produce wealth?

Because, even if you are:
            a completely selfless person
            who lives only to help others,
you would still have:
            structured your life
            around yourself
            (because you control only yourself
            and because you need resources to function).

God designed
the material of the universe, hence of nature:
            & hence the flesh & souls of animals
            & hence the flesh & souls of humans
,         ,         (though not the hearts/spirits of humans)
to have concentric circles of selfishness:
            inner circle        an animal             you
            midway circle   related animals    your family/friends
            outer circle        pack/flock/herd   your group/nation/bloc.

Perhaps see earlier webpage: The design of everything . . .
and earlier section:


Capitalism     =   the production of wealth    good
                             regardless of its uneven distribution    bad.

Communism  =   the even distribution of wealth    good
                             regardless of who produced it    bad

These goods and bads are impossible to measure.

Hence it’s impossible to measure which is best
between capitalism and communism.

Indeed, it’s pointless to speculate about which is best
since both are needed.


We grow up gradually:
      1.   First needing supervision (child).
      2.   Then needing only advice (teen).
      3.   Finally becoming autonomous (adult).

We grow up gradually,
            at home, everything’s paid for
,         ,         So you’re free to be passionate about justice.

            you’ve left home, so you pay your own way.

,         ,         So you’re free to be whatever you can manage to be.

We grow up gradually,
hence the saying:

            “If a person hasn’t voted left-wing
              by the time they’re 25 – they’ve got no heart.

              If a person hasn’t voted right-wing
              by the time they’re 40 – they’ve got no brain.”


Youngsters have always tended to be communistic.

But, these days, in the West,
most teachers, by far, are communistic too.

Hence youngsters’ education today
is particularly politically imbalanced.
See: YouTube: – “They’re Lying About Your History” – Rafe Heydel-Mankoo.,,,,,

            I suggest balancing it by using Wikipedia.
,         ,         Wikipedia: is (or should be) unbiased, and has got to give its sources.

            Also, when you’re on YouTube etc,
            often search for the opposite
            of what you’d normally search for.
            That will stop the algorithms
            from keeping you in a left-wing echo chamber.

            This applies to people who are stuck in
            a right-wing echo chamber as well.

,         ,         Actually, YouTube algorithms struggle with this.
,         ,         So perhaps look on two, unlinked, devices.

,         ,         Or, better still, find a sensible person,
,         ,         but with opposite views to you,
,         ,         to have face to face discussions with.

,         ,         Perhaps also see earlier section:
,         ,         THINKING TOOLS THAT I USED. . . .

,         ,         Perhaps see
,         ,         YouTube: – Jonathan Haidt on the Mental-Health Crisis
,,        ,,        and Smartphones | WSJ News
. ,,,,,


Left-wing and right-wing are, or should be, limited to:
            capitalistic mechanisms
            & communistic mechanisms.

            Unfortunately however:
                       parties wanting to increase their votes
                       and causes lobbying one party or the other,
            result in all sorts of issues
            wrongly becoming party political.

            Some of those issues might even be:
                       national (e.g. immigration)
                       international (e.g. global warming).

            This means that issues that need resources
            may not consistently get them
            as parties go in and out of office.

,,        ,,        N.B. (Industrialised) nations that go green are economically disadvangated
,,        ,,        making global economic co-operation vital if global warming is to be tackled.

,,        ,,        But, perhaps discerning weakness, dictatorships are, instead,
,,        ,,        arming themselves against democracies.



The West, particularly the USA, was founded
mostly on Protestant Christianity.

            I write ‘mostly on Protestant Christianity’
            because slavery was one of the foundations of
America.  And slavery is, obviously, anti-Christian.

Wikipedia: William Wilberforce. ,,,,,

Wikipedia: Slavery. ,,,,,

            Hence Western culture is currently:
                       even balanced (i.e. feminine to a degree), 
            relative to the other world cultures.

You may say:
            “That the West is tolerant & caring
            is nothing to do with its Christian past.”

I reply:
            “It would be improbable for all the nations
            that were morally characterised by Protestant Christianity
            to now be relatively tolerant & caring
            for some other, un-obvious, reason.”



What I call Western communism
is commonly called
diversity, equity, and inclusion. 
Wikipedia: diversity, equity, and inclusion. ,,,

Western communism only ever occurs
in ex-Protestant-Christian democracies:

            Democracies where:
                       Christians had been the majority.
                       Hence that majority loved everyone 
                       because God caused them to.

            But where, now:
                       Unbelievers are now the new majority.

Unbelievers who:
                                   Reject the: 
                                               component of Christianity.
                                   But keep the: 
                                    people love people
of Christianity.

            Hence the mechanisms:
                       diversity, equity, & inclusion,
            were built in:
USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK,
            but not in:
China, India, the Middle East, Africa, etc.

            Hence, also, the mechanisms:
                       diversity, equity, & inclusion,
            are powered by:
            rather than by:
e.g. by people saying: “I’m sorry” and: “I forgive you”.

,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        Perhaps see second row (starting Dead religion) 
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        of earlier section: GOOD RELIGION & BAD RELIGION.)  


We are made of the same material as animals.
Yet we are eternal.
            we added:  justice
            to:  the law of the jungle
            to make it:  the ways of the world.

he ways of the world are everywhere.
And they eventually need,
& so also eventually produce:
            capitalistic mechanisms
            communistic mechanisms.
,,        ,,        See earlier cell, starting Capitalism = everyone.,,,,,

Communistic mechanisms, because they are everywhere,
are in Western nations

The Western nations’ left-wing
then combined:
            communistic mechanisms
            people love people
to make:
            Western communism, 
diversity, equity and inclusion,
            the legislation of love.

            The trouble is, – love cannot be legislated.
,,        ,,        Legislating love produces fake love.
,,        ,,        (See: 1 Cor c13 NIV  for a definition of real love.)

            Hence Western
communism lacks 
            the communistic mechanism equal income.
,,        ,,        Many of its advocates are rich – and intend staying that way.


However, Western communism, or DEI,
still consists of yet three more mechanisms,
a) b) & c).  (See next three cells.)

            DEI is not entirely good:
            a) is good,  b) is good, & c) is only partly good. 
,,        ,,        See earlier section: GOOD & BAD, RIGHT & WRONG.,,,,,

            Unbelievers tend to idolise good things
            hence some Western non-Christians idolise DEI.
,,        ,,        See earlier section: IDOLATRY, and its subsections.

            When idolised, DEI becomes a dead religion.
,         ,,
        Compare left and right cells (starting Dead religion) 
               of earlier section:

a)   Equal social acceptance
      of people of different cultures
      (i.e. different: ethnicities, classes, religions, opinions, etc).
,,        Inner qualities.

                 N.B. Some pairs of cultures
                 have parts
                 that are incompatible with each other.

                 In which case the only practical answer
                 is to value:
                             the West’s overarching acceptance culture
                 even more than you value:
                             the individual cultures it accepts
                             (even if that includes your own culture).

                 Hence the maxim:
                             I disapprove of what you say.
                             But I will defend, to the death,
                             your right to say it.

,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        Voltaire, via Evelyn Beatrice Hall. . . .

                  Notice that Voltaire’s maxim has
                  an implied condition in it:
I disapprove of what you say.
                             But I will defend, to the death,
                             your right to say it
                             as long as your words are not attacking
                             someone else’s right to say
                             what they want to say


b)  Equal social acceptance
      of people of different:
                 body shape,
                 sexual orientation,
,,        Outer qualities.


c)   Equal educational outcomes & work outcomes
      for all people:
,,        Dynamic qualities.

                 This can only be done
                 by restricting the more able’s applications
                 so as to increase the success of
                 the less able’s.

                 This last mechanism is the one that’s only partly good:
                             It’s good.  But it’s also bad.
                             Some gain.  But some lose.


      I reckon people crave to see equality of outcomes because:
                 They don’t see only people.
                 They see also the world & its hierarchy
                 and strive to correct it.

      The world values people according to what they can do.
      God values people.  They don’t have to do anything.
Luke c15 NIV.,,,

      You may say:
            “This place makes me think that God does not value people.”

      I say:
            “This place is a only a bin:

                       a bin from which God will one day rescue us

,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        See earlier cell (starting: This place is merely temporary) 
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        and the links within it.
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        (This link does not open a new tab.)

,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        See earlier webpage: We choose where we go,,,,,
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        and the links within it.
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        (This link does not open a new tab.)

                       and a bin in which God equips
                       those who believe in him.”
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        See: C.S. Lewis: Enemy-occupied territory. ,,,


c) Equal educational etc does not clearly improve
democracy & economy.

a) Equal social etc is, already, a vital part of

b) Equal social etc clearly improves

            This is because, in a democracy:
                       minority groups will always fear the power of,
                       always be at the mercy of, the majority group,
                       (human rights laws partly correct this, but not fully).

            I reckon quality communication is the answer.

            Or, to be precise, quality old-school communication
            is the answer.
            (Algorithms have discovered, for themselves,
            that outrage & echo chambers get the most clicks.)

            Or, to be precise, quality old-school communication
            is only part of the answer

            The rest of the answer is either: love, or laws.

                       However, laws that favour minorities,
                       that super-support minorities,
                       that compensate for their democratic weakness,
                       especially if imposed undemocratically,
                       or even if imposed democratically,
                       cause the same kinds of problems that they solve.

                       So the only answer left is love.

            To conclude:

                       In order to clearly improve democracy,
b) Equal social etc must be added.

                       And that can only be done by:

o    quality old-school communication
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        Interviews, logic & science, documentaries,
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        films & plays, talk shows, comedians, etc.

,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        Perhaps see my own contribution:
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        GOD’S WORDS ON SIN  down to  TRANSGENDERISM.
,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        ,,        (Bear in mind that I wrote that webpage for Christians.)

                             o    and love.

            Admittedly love is not a mechanism
            that politicians (or anyone) can readily control.

            But that’s as good as it gets.



The main task of a democracy
is to make a dictatorship as difficult to form as possible.

            Hence the components of, say, the
United Kingdom
            are as overlapping as possible.

            It’s a nation where:
            anyone can do anything they want
            providing it doesn’t break common law
            which grew over time
            according to individual cases
            often reported in the free press
            which can be sued, if it’s wrong, by ordinary citizens
            who can vote politicians into, or out of, office
            who can make big changes to everyone’s lives
            but who are under the same laws as everyone else,

            So that no one person is in power.
            Or, conversely, everyone is in power.

,,        ,,        N.B. Laura Spinney writes, in her interesting article
,,        ,,        Reimagining Democracy, in New Scientist magazine 5th Oct 2024,
,,        ,,        that the UK’s [& similar nations’] democracy
,,        ,,        could be greatly improved by using digital technology.

However, if a party, left or right,
ever values:
            its policies
more than it values:
then it’s a disaster waiting to happen:

            They’d be thinking:
                       We can see that our policies
                       are the best ones for our nation.

                       So, next time we’re in office,
                       let’s tweak things
                       so that we’re never out of office again.”

Satan loves dictatorships:
            “So few words.
              So much effect.”


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